Chapters of Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 1:
About Predestination
In our about predestination study, we explore and explain the paradox between free will and predestination. Everything that has happened or will happen is not by chance. Yahweh is completely sovereign over His creation.
Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Life
In our study titled, “Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Life” we explore the symbolic representations of both trees within the Garden of Eden and how they relate to our relationship with Yahweh and His Son, Yeshua.
The Set-apart Names
Using the set-apart names In Psalms 7:17, David told us that he sang praises to the name of Yahweh Most High. Tehillim (Psalms) 7:17 17 I will praise Yahweh according to His righteousness, and will sing…
Forbidden Images
When Yahweh created man, He created him in His own image; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:26-27 26 Then Elohim said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them…
About Sacrifices
“About Sacrifices”, explains the symbolic representation of the animal sacrificial system, and how it pertains to our walk of faith today, and how the future.
About Ritual Cleanness
In this chapter we are going to talk about three different things: spiritual health, physical health, and ritual cleanness. These are three totally different things, but sometimes there are relationships between them. However, we have to…
About Speaking in Tongues
Tongues and prophecy Satan is the prince of this world, and Satan’s legal and justice systems prevail here on earth. The reason Satan’s systems prevail in the nations is that men insist upon attempting to govern…
Judges and Judicial Authority
Both Jewish and Christian organizations claim to hold judicial authority. The Papacy seeks to re-conquer all of Christendom via the Ecumenical Movement, and the Orthodox Jewish Sanhedrin also lays claim to judicial authority over Israel. However,…
Obedience to Government v2.0
In an earlier version of this article we argued that it was always right to submit to the governments which are placed over us, based on Romans 13 and other verses. However, further study revealed that…
The Separation of Assembly and State
On a cold wintry night, November 10, 1619, a French soldier named Rene Descartes shut himself in a medieval sweat lodge, and had three visions in which a “spirit” revealed a new philosophy to him, which…
No Other Foundation
In, “The Separation of Assembly and State” we showed how Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, and Protestantism are like four clusters of arrows that have each missed the bullseye a little. Judaism misses the mark in that it…
Cut Your Taxes in Half
On the back of the U.S. dollar bill is an unfinished pyramid with Satan’s “All-seeing eye,” and a verse announcing the birth of a secular ‘New World Order’ (“Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum”). But if the…
Re-establishing Righteous Money
Yahweh tells us to have honest scales, and to do no injustice in measurement of length, weight, or volume. Leviticus 19:35-36 35 “You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.…
The Four Different Types of Money
From a scriptural point of view there are four basic types of money, in descending order of desirability. Commodity money (lawful); Commodity-backed money (lawful); Fiat money (unlawful), and Debt money (unlawful).
Yeshua the Manifestation of Yahweh
Yahweh’s nature is perennially debated. This debate may stem partly from the fact that it is difficult for human intellect to imagine how Yeshua (J-sus) could be both human and divine, and perhaps it stems from…
Chapter of:
Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 1
Nazarene Israel