a. Prayer request
Please continue praying for the unification of all Ephraim as the Stick of Joseph, upon the written Torah of Moshe and the Faith delivered once and for all to the saints. That we may come together as an ordered nation in obedience to Yahweh Elohim, and be ...
Parashat Nitzavim 5785 (2024) explains how Yahweh called all twelve tribes into covenant with Him as an ordered nation, and our role in building Yeshua HaMashiach a literal kingdom (His…
"The Beit Din Structure" shows us how ancient Israel was organized both before and after Yeshua's coming--and it asks if we are organized the same way today.
Yahweh’s nature is perennially debated. This debate may stem partly from the fact that it is difficult for human intellect to imagine how Yeshua (J-sus) could be both human and divine, and perhaps it stems from a healthy desire to…
The New Moon was seen from Israel on 30 January 2025 (evening). Following the Torah Calendar, this moon begins the 12th Hebrew month. Please keep Israel and the new moon witnesses in prayer as they continue to go out to…
Nazarene Israel News (7 February 5785 / 2025) lists current praise reports, prayer requests, and projects. This week's edition shares the link for Parashat Nitzavim which continues Genesis 35 Alliance dialogue toward reunification of the Two Houses upon the written Torah.
Nazarene Israel News (31 January 5785 / 2025) lists current praise reports, prayer requests, and projects. This week's edition shares the link for Parashat Ki Tavo…
Nazarene Israel News (24 January 5785 / 2025) lists current praise reports, prayer requests, and projects. This week's edition shares the link for Parashat Ki Tetze…
Nazarene Israel News (17 January 5785 / 2025) lists current praise reports, prayer requests, and projects. This week's edition shares the link for Parashat Shoftim which…