About Us

Ma’asei (Acts) 24:5
5 “For we have found this man a plague, a creator of dissension among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.”
Judah and Ephraim
Separated, taken into captivity or exile, and living under a priesthood not chosen by Yahweh. Under Messiah Yeshua, the door to reconciliation was opened.
Today the prodigal son (Ephraim) returns home and the Original Faith, Nazarene Israel, is restored.

Nazarene Israel
United to fulfill “The Great Commission,” we work to execute a plan for the unity of the two houses to prepare for the Kingdom to be established after Armageddon.
Ordained under the Fivefold Order and the Apostolic Foundation Nazarene Israel achieves the objective given by our Messiah Yeshua.

Nazarene Israel Ordination Requirements
To have an orderly “Unified Global Household” working under The Fivefold Ministry on a global level, Nazarene Israel has organized some basic requirements to maintain the unity of the body based on Scripture under the guidance of the Spirit.
Here you can read some basic requirements to be part of Nazarene Israel.
Nazarene Israel