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Nazarene Israel Books
What Was the Original Faith?, Why Nazarene Israel?, The Torah Calendar, Revelatión & the End Times, and much more you will find in this section with complete books, studies in progress relevant to our times.

The Original Faith

The Original Faith is a short introduction to Nazarene Israel. It parallels the first three chapters of the Nazarene Israel study. It is perfect for newcomers who want a short read.

Nazarene Israel

Nazarene Israel provides a comprehensive all-in-one primer of the Jude 3, first-century original faith of the apostles, and how we are to serve our King. Provides a framework for understanding the original faith.

Revelation & the End Times

Revelation & the End Times explains Revelation in a very simple, easy-to-understand way. It breaks Revelation down, and makes it simple, and shows where we are on the prophetic timeline.

The Torah Calendar

Read this to understand the original calendar that Israel kept in the wilderness, and that Yeshua our Example also kept in the first century. This is the calendar we all need to keep today.

Establishing the Head of the Year

Establishing the Head of the Year explains how Scripture says to establish the Rosh HaShanah, common calendar errors, and the Scriptural requirement to offer the very first available firstfruits of aviv (medium dough) barley on the day of the Wave Sheaf Offering.

Feasts of the First Month

Feasts of the First Month details the barley inspection report of 2022 which determines the head of the year (Rosh HaShanah) and all of Yahweh's feasts for the year. We all explain why which priesthood we are living under is important for determining how we observe Pesach (Passover) according to Yahweh's commandments.

Nazarene Israel Passover Study

Nazarene Israel Passover Study explains the first Passover in Exodus, and also Yeshua's Passover (aka the Last Supper), and how we are to perform the Passover ritual in the dispersion, after Yeshua has risen.

Feasts of the Seventh Month

Feasts of the Seventh Month explains why it is important to keep the Sabbath and the original feasts of Yahweh and the significance they have for the covenant between the bride (Israel) and the lamb (Yeshua the Messiah).

Covenant Relationships

Read Covenant Relationships to understand how Scripture says we are to relate to Yeshua, to our spouses and family members, and also with each other at the assembly level. Also covers divorce and remarriage.

Ancient Hebrew Marriage

This book explains the ancient Hebrew marriage, and how it serves as a prophetic blueprint for the marriage between Israel and the Lamb (Yeshua). Presently a work in progress.

Spirituality and Heart Matters

In Spirituality and Heart Matters, we discuss spiritual issues and matters of the heart related to marital and personal relationships from the point of view of Yeshua and the Torah. Covers topics central to our spiritual walk.

Torah Government

This is an advanced, high-level book of applied theory. Read this book to understand why Melchizedekian priesthood is structured the way it is, and how it relates to the Levitical order.

Acts 15 Order

Read this if you want to know how to please Yeshua and fulfill the Great Commission at the assembly level. It explains each person's role in the global kingdom we are building for Yeshua.

Beit Mikra Servant-Leader's Handbook

This is a resource for beit mikra (synagogue) and home fellowship leaders, who want to lead a beit mikra or home fellowship. Contains history, theory, and practical advice.

Set-Apart Communities

Set-apart communities talks about the Scriptural reasons Yahweh's people to live in set-apart communities and how the communities must operate in order to be a success.

Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 1

Nazarene Scripture Studies vol. 1 is a collection of important detailed studies that show how we are to walk and to worship today. Read these after the Nazarene Israel study, to understand specific topics.

Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 2

Nazarene Scripture Studies vol. 2 is a collection of important detailed studies that show how we are to walk and to worship today. Read these after the Nazarene Israel study, to understand specific topics.

Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 3

Nazarene Scripture Studies vol. 3 is a collection of important detailed studies that show how we are to walk and to worship today. Read these after the Nazarene Israel study, to understand specific topics.

Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 4

Nazarene Scripture Studies vol. 4 is a collection of important detailed studies that show how we are to walk and to worship today. Read these after the Nazarene Israel study, to understand specific topics.

Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 5

Nazarene Scripture Studies vol. 5 is a collection of important detailed studies that show how we are to walk and to worship today. Read these after the Nazarene Israel study, to understand specific topics.

Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 6

Nazarene Scripture Studies vol. 6 is a collection of important detailed studies that show how we are to walk and to worship today. Read these after the Nazarene Israel study, to understand specific topics.

Ephraim's Story (In progress)

Ephraim's Story explains who the Bible-believing Christians are in Scripture, and why they are destined to return to the land of Israel. Starts in Genesis and proceeds forward through Revelation. In progress.

The Two Houses of Israel

These book explain the Mystery of the Two Houses of Israel (Ephraim and Judah). It explains how Christians and Jews are estranged brothers in the covenant, and how they are to unite in Messiah Yeshua.

The Genesis 35 Alliance v2

This book is notes for Revelation and the End Times Part 2. It explains the role of the 4 patriarchal houses (Judah, Ephraim, Ishmael and Esau) play in the development of the end times (Apocalyptic). In progress.

Interreligious Dialogue Talmud Berakhot 28b-29a

Interreligious Dialogue Talmud Berakhot 28b-29a focuses on the Talmudic Birkhat HaMinim death curse against all Notzrim, non-Orthodox Jews, and other peoples, and is a dialogue addressed to the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Knesset, and all Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters.
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