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Nazarene Scripture Studies vol. 3 is a collection of important detailed studies that show how we are to walk and to worship today. Read these after the Nazarene Israel study, to understand specific topics.

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Chapters of Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 3:

Why Three Tithes for Today

Explains from the Bible why we should still give three tithes in the Renewed Covenant (New Testament) times.

Norman Willis – 01/01/2020

Errors in the 49 Year Jubilee Cycle

In The Torah Calendar, we show how Yahweh wants us to keep a 50 year Jubilee cycle (rather than a 49 year cycle), as He says in Leviticus 25:10. Vayiqra (Leviticus) 25:8-108 ‘And you shall count…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

The Case of the Missing “The”

Here is how the King James Version renders Luke 18:8. Luke 18:8 KJV 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Independence Day, Babylon, 1776, US constitution, Democracy, Masonry, Illuminati, red horse, black horse, white horse, Nazarene Israel

About American Independence Day

Independence Day, Babylon, and replacement theology In Nazarene Israel we saw that Satan is a deceiver, and that his main tactic is to create substitutes (decoys) for the truth. We also saw how the anti-Messiah is…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Thoughts on the Coming Persecution

In Revelation and the End Times we show how torahless Christianity, rabbinic Judaism, and Islam are Babylonian faiths. The reason they are Babylonian is that instead of being true to the entire Torah (and the original…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

When Yom Kippur Abuts the Sabbath

What happens when Yom Kippur abuts the Sabbath? One year in seven, Yom Kippur falls on the day before the weekly Sabbath (preparation day). There are some special things to watch for in such years, so…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

cup of water, In Yeshua's Name, tithes, offerings, collection for the Saints, soldier of Messiah

A Cup of Water in Yeshua’s Name

A cup of water for King David You are a soldier deployed with King David. Due to Yahweh’s favor, our people have prevailed. Divre HaYamim Aleph (1 Chronicles) 11:10-14 10 Now these were the heads of…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Men: Priests, Providers, Protectors

First Yahweh created man. Then He took one of the man’s ribs (actually a side, in Hebrew), and made the woman as a helper corresponding to her man. (You can read more about this in Covenant…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Covering and Accountability

Here is a standard Protestant concept of our relationship with the Messiah. In this picture, the Messiah covers the husband, and the husband covers his wife and children. There is no priesthood, no (lay) congregational elders,…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Counting the Cost

Yeshua says to count the cost before we decide to serve Him, lest we are unable to keep going when the going gets rough. Luqa (Luke) 14:26-3326 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Ask Your Questions Where You Give

One of the Time-honored principles within the body of Messiah is to ask questions where we pay our tithes. This forces the body to edify itself in love (verse 16). Ephesim (Ephesians) 4:11-1611 And He Himself…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Apostle Shaul, mistranslations

Beware the Messi-Gnostic Spirit

In the first century, the Apostle Shaul warned Timothy to guard against a spirit of false knowledge (KJV: science). TimaTheus Aleph (1 Timothy) 6:20-21 20 O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Evidence for Yeshua in the Zohar

The Zohar (Radiance) is an esoteric Jewish mystical book. It is not part of Nazarene Israel’s canon. We do not encourage you to read this book, and we have many reservations about it. However, it is…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Restricted content

Brother Judah correctly identifies Roman Christianity as replacement theology, in that Roman Christianity says that the Torah was replaced by Lawless Love at the time of Yeshua’s sacrifice. This is a violation of Matthew 5:17-19. Mattityahu…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Why a Jewish-Christian Faith?

Welcome to Nazarene Israel, the original first century Jewish-Christian faith in the Messiah Yeshua (often called Jesus). Scripture calls this original faith the sect of the Nazarenes, at Acts 24:5. Ma’asei (Acts) 24:5 5 “For we…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

In A Beginning: Genesis 1:1

The King James Version (KJV) tells us the earth was created in “the” beginning. B’reisheet (Genesis) 1:1 (KJV) 1 In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. However, this isn’t what Genesis 1:1 says.…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Restricted content

Jacob von Coudenhove-Kalergi was a Bohemian Mason who was half European, and half Japanese. In 1922 he founded a Pan-European Movement with the eventual goal of establishing a one world government. He hoped this government would…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

Jewish Etiquette is Fold Your Napkin

If our good heavenly Father should bless you with the opportunity to dine in a Jewish home, a knowledge of Jewish custom may be helpful. Here is how Yeshua handled matters of table etiquette. In Jewish…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

Joining Nazarene Israel

About Joining Nazarene Israel

Sometimes people ask about the process for joining Nazarene Israel. This is a very good question, and the answer is that when we accept Yeshua as our Messiah, we become Nazarenes at that time. When He…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

Torah, Beards, and Hair Length

In Leviticus 19:27, Yahweh says not to shave the sides of our heads, nor to disfigure the edges of our beards. Vayiqra (Leviticus) 19:27 (NKJV)27 “You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

The Death of the Apostle Yaakov

In our other studies we saw that after Yeshua’s death, the leadership of the Nazarene sect went to Yeshua’s half-brother Yaakov HaTzaddik (James the Righteous, aka the Apostle James). Because the Pharisees wanted to end the…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

Political Zionism Reconsidered

Political Zionism is the idea that the Jewish people have not only the authority, but also the responsibility to act as their own Messiah, and bring themselves back to the land of Israel by their own…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

Persecution: The Birkhat HaMinim

We don’t know the exact year of Yeshua’s birth, but many historians believe that Yeshua was born around +/- 4 BCE. However, we do know that His ministry began some 30 years later. Luqa (Luke) 3:2323…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

Moshiach ben Yosef (Joseph)

About Moshiach ben Yosef

Our Orthodox Jewish brethren have a rabbinic prophecy about a man they call Moshiach ben Yosef (Messiah the son of Joseph). It is tempting to think that this is the same person as Yeshua the Messiah,…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

Junia: Woman Apostle or Courier?

Summary: Near the end of Romans, the Apostle Shaul greets some of his fellow workers by name. Among these are Andronicus and Junia (or Junias), who it says were “of note among the apostles.” The New…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

What Would Yeshua Wear?

This article overturns earlier studies which concluded that the priesthood is supposed to wear a uniform, based on new information. While we will have to give a more complete article later, this article will show why…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

From Zechariah to Revelation Order

In Revelation and the End Times we saw how the four horses of Revelation first appear in Zechariah. However, when they appear in Zechariah they appear in a different order. In Zechariah, first the red horses…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

Blessed is He Who Enlarges Gad

This article will detail some of my reasons for wanting to move the Nazarene Israel ministry headquarters to Latin America. Noach (Noah) had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Yaphet (Japheth/Jepheth). B’reisheet (Genesis) 6:1010 And Noach begot…

Norman Willis – 30/01/2020

Take Every Thought into Captivity

In 2 Corinthians 10, the Apostle Shaul says to take every thought into captivity to the obedience of the Messiah. What does this mean? And what does he mean in verse 6, that Elohim is ready…

Norman Willis – 31/01/2020

Immersion in Yeshua's name, Trinity, Holy Ghost, Immersion, Original Faith

Immersion in Yeshua’s Name Only

In the Great Commission, Yeshua tells us to go into all nations, immersing disciples, and teaching them to obey all things that He has commanded us. Most mainstream versions of the Great Commission tell us that…

Norman Willis – 31/01/2020

Nazarene Israel’s Vision

Explains our vision for restoring the original first century faith in the modern day.

Norman Willis – 06/02/2020

the barley, redemption, incorruptible seed, eternal life, Yeshua's kingdom, tithes and offerings, Great Commission

A Picture of Redemption in the Barley

Explains from Scripture the picture of redemption in Messiah Yeshua inherent in the aviv barley.

Norman Willis – 06/02/2020

Making Sense of Circumcision

Explains why we should still physically circumcise our children, even in Renewed Covenant (New Testament) times.

Norman Willis – 06/02/2020

Racial Israelite Theories

About Racial Israelite Theories

“About Racial Israelite Theories” explains from Scripture what is wrong with racially-oriented groups within Christendom and the Hebraic community, including two popular racially based theories: The British Israel theory, and The Black Hebrew Israelite theory.

Norman Willis – 06/02/2020

Earnestly Seek What is Good

Explains why Yahweh (Jehovah) rewards those who earnestly seek what is good, and positive, rather than allowing a focus on the bad.

Norman Willis – 06/02/2020

Historical Proofs for Yeshua

There are many proofs Yeshua is Messiah, but some of them require revelation to see. However, there are some proofs which are more historical and mathematical than revelation-based. For perspective, however, let us start in the…

Norman Willis – 10/03/2021

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