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Chapters of Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 5:
Wanting What Yeshua Wants
Explains why it is so important to want what Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) wants.
How to Walk in the Spirit
Explains in practical terms what it means to walk in the Spirit. References the Hebrew.
Case Study: Incest
This is a case study analysis of what happens in cases of incest in the dispersion, according to the Bible.
Divorce, Remarriage, and Leadership
Explains how divorce and remarriage affect possibilities for leadership, according to the Bible.
Why a Hebrew or Aramaic Inspiration?
This explains from history and the Bible why the Renewed Covenant (New Testament) was written in Hebrew or Aramaic, and then was soon translated to Greek.
Love Means Committed Affection
This article explains what love is, from a Hebraic biblical perspective.
Breathing in the Fear
This article explains why Yeshua the Messiah’s (Jesus Christ’s) favorite practice was to breathe in the fear of Elohim, and the advantages of it.
Differentiating from Babylon
This article shows how to identify Babylonian versions of Christianity, so we can come out of Babylon, as commanded in Revelation 18:4.
Differentiating from Babylon Part 2
In part one of this article, we saw that Babylon (or Bavel) is a demonic spirit which subjugates the people for the benefit of the elites. We also saw that Babylon is an economic, political, and…
What is “The Way” of Acts 24?
This article explains why “the way” of Acts 24 refers to the halacha, or “the way you should walk.”
The Ahab and Jezebel Spirits
Explains what the Ahab and Jezebel Spirits are, and how to identify them. Also explains how they relate to narcissism.
Building Yeshua’s House
Explains Nazarene Israel’s long term strategic plan for re-establishing the original first century faith worldwide.
What Does Matthew 16:19 Really Say?
Greek scholars tell us that Matthew 16:19 is typically mistranslated because it is translated in the (simple) future tense, instead of the future perfect tense. Here is how Matthew 16:19 (incorrectly) reads in the New King…
The Torah and Garments Part One
This chapter explains why the Melchizedekian order does not need to wear a uniform, and yet why we still need to wear certain garments that are commanded by the Torah.
The Torah and Garments Part Two: Tzitzit (Tassels)
This chapter explains what Scripture actually says about the tzitzit (tassels). It shows why rabbinical teachings on this subject are in error. It also shows why the Murex Trunculus sea snail dye theory is in error.
Answering Questions About Garments
This chapter answers many questions about the ancient Israelite garments, and also suggests how to restore the original styles of four cornered garments that Yeshua wore in the first century.
You Are What You Eat
If you have a car, do you put good quality oil and gas into it? Or bad quality oil and gas? It is kind of a silly question, because most of us realize that if we…
The Torah Diet
Explains from the Bible why it is important to eat healthy, the way our Creator intended.
Head Coverings for Men and Women
This chapter explains what the Renewed Covenant truly says (and does not say) about head coverings for men and women.
Why We Do Not Bind Tefillin
This chapter shows why tefillin (phylacteries) are probably an adopted pagan Greek practice, and why Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) probably did not wear them, and would not approve of them.
Why We Do Not Use the Mezuzah
This chapter explains why the rabbinic mezuzah is most likely an adaptation of the ancient house amulet, and why it is an incorrect application of the metaphorical command to write all of Yahweh’s words and commands…
Chapter of:
Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 5
Nazarene Israel