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The Levitical Pesach

The Levitical Pesach is part of the video series Feasts of the First Month. It shows us how we are to hold the Pesach under a cleansed Levitical Order (and especially in the land of Israel). It also lays some important groundwork for when we talk about how to keep Pesach under the Melchizedekian order.

In Feasts of the First Month, we have been talking all about the Melchizedekian Pesach, the Passover that we keep when we are under Yeshua’s Renewed Melchizedekian Order.

No-Priesthood Pesach

In the last video, we talked about the “No-Priesthood Pesach”. We saw that Israel had been down in Egypt, in captivity, for 430 years and there was no standing priesthood. And we saw that in the very first Pesach, in Exodus chapter twelve, Yahweh had Israel keep the Pesach as preparation for leaving Egypt suddenly and moving to the land of Israel.

Driven from Egypt

Now, some things are going to be specific to the situation in Exodus chapters eleven and twelve. For example, in Exodus chapter eleven, verse one, we see that the specific situation in Exodus chapter 12 was going to be different than in other times of Israel’s history, in that Israel was driven out from physical Egypt.

Shemote (Exodus) 11:1
1 And Yahweh said to Moshe,
“I am bringing yet one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After that he is going to let you go from here. When he lets you go, he shall drive you out from here altogether.”

Literal blood on doorposts

Another example of something specific to the situation is in Exodus chapter twelve, verse thirteen. The blood that the heads of the households were to apply and paint on the doorposts was to be a sign for them on the houses where they were. That is not repeated in other scenarios. Verse thirteen is specific to the situation in Exodus chapter twelve.

Shemote (Exodus) 12:13
13 “Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
[Specific situation in Exodus 12.]

Pesach: an ordinance for all generations

But Yahweh also gives other things that carry over for all time.

Shemote (Exodus) 12:14
14 ‘So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to Yahweh throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.”
[Precepts, principles, ordinances.]

Pesach under different priesthoods

So we have seen that sometimes there are specific situations that affect how we keep the feast at that specific time. And then there are other things that count as principles, precepts, and ordinances that never change. Those are for all time.

Levitical Pesach

But what do you do if you have already left the land of Egypt? You are already in the land of Israel, and you are no longer under the No-Priesthood times? Now you are under a Levitical Order. How does that change Israel’s observance of the Pesach?

In this chapter, we are going to see that there are two main things that affect how we keep the feast:
1. Which priesthood are we under
2. What the specifics of the situation are with which we are living.

We are going to see that the specifics can change, but there are other things (principles or precepts) that are always going to remain the same. In this video, we will explain about the term ordinances and why, while the specifics can change, the ordinances are always going to remain the same. Some of the changes we see in how the Levitical Pesach is kept in comparision with the original Pesach in Exodus 12 include:

1. Yahweh adding a second Pesach for those who are legitimately unclean by way of a dead body, or for those who are legitimately traveling and could not keep the Pesach in the first month.
2. The Pesach can be taken from the herd (cattle) in addition to taking them from the flock (lambs or goats).
3. We no longer offer the Pesach in our homes when we are under a cleansed Levitical Order situation. ”
4. We no longer apply the blood to our doorposts.
5. We are going to roast and eat the Pesach in the place where Yahweh chooses to place His name, Jerusalem.

We will explain the Levitical Pesach had these changes under the Levitical order, and how, once in the land of Israel, the Levitical order was necessary for unifying the nation of Israel around the place that Yahweh placed His name.

We talk about all this and more in this video on the Levitical Pesach. Then in the next chapter, “The Last Supper”, we will ask the question: What if we are already living in the land of Israel? Say it is the first century and we already have a Levitical Order, or at least a modification in the Levitical Order. (You might call it the Rabbinical Order). If we are already in the land of Israel and we do not need to flee the land of Egypt, then do we really need to rehearse fleeing Egypt during the Levitical Pesach? And then, later in this series, we will explain the difference between the Levitical Pesach and the “Melchizedekian Pesach”.

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