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The Last Supper

This video on the Last Supper is part of the video series Feasts of the First Month. In this series, we have been talking all about the Melchizedekian Pesach, the Passover that we keep when we are under Yeshua’s renewed Melchizedekian Order. In “Colossians 2:16-17“, we took a look at what the apostle Shaul was telling us not to let any man except the body of Messiah tell us what to do in regards to the ritual meat offerings (food offerings) that we eat, the ritual drink offerings that we drink, or in respect to a feast day, a new moon day, or of the Sabbath. Because these are all prophetic shadow pictures of things and events still to come.

If you have not read that chapter, I encourage you to do so before listening to this video on the Last Supper. Because we are going to be talking about it all through this chapter as well as the next one.

In this part, we explain the difference between the Passover Seder and the Last Supper, and how the Melchizekian Pesach is different from either of those two events. We will see that, while it is particularly important that we keep the rituals Yahweh gives to us the way we are supposed to keep them, we will also show how the rituals can change a little bit depending upon whether we are in the land, outside the land, or which priesthood we are under.

Original Pesach

We will see how our Israelite ancestors (of both houses) kept the original Pesach, and that when Israel was first leaving Egypt in Exodus chapter twelve, there was no priesthood in Israel. We will explain that this is why ‘the heads of the houses’ (the men) were responsible for offering the Pesach lambs within their own gates and for placing the blood upon their own doorposts. We will see that this would change after Israel left Egypt and received a priesthood.

We also saw that for the original Pesach ritual in Exodus chapter twelve Israel was supposed to eat the Pesach with the belt on their waist, their shoes on their feet, and their staves in their hand, basically ready for action and ready to leave the land of Egypt.

Shemote (Exodus) 12:11
11  “And thus you shall eat it: with a belt on your waist, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in haste. It is Yahweh’s Passover.”

In the land of Israel vs Dispersion

We also saw in “The Levitical Pesach” that there are certain commandments that apply when we live in the land. In Deuteronomy chapter twelve, verse one, Yahweh begins telling Israel what things they are supposed to do when they live in the land of Israel. And these things were to apply to them all the days that they were to live on the soil, meaning in the land of Israel. Four chapters later, Yahweh is still giving Israel these special rules.

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 16:2
2  “You shall therefore sacrifice the Pesach unto Yahweh your Elohim, of the flock and the herd, in the place which Yahweh shall choose to place His name there.”

But what happens when the northern house of Israel (and some of Judah) goes into the Assyrian dispersion, or we no longer have a cleansed Levitical temple for sacrifices to Yahweh? How do we keep the Pesach while outside the land and in a time with no cleansed temple? We will discuss these things.

Jewish Passover Seder

We will discuss what happened in the first century, how Jewish men with Jewish culture wrote the Renewed Covenant, and how the second temple period culture impacted the way Yeshua and His disciples practiced things. We will show that Yeshua and His disciples still kept many of the general second temple Jewish customs and traditions, those which did not contradict His Father’s Torah.

We will explain how our orthodox brothers and sisters keep the Passover today with what is called a traditional Jewish Passover Seder service. And how it is commonly believed that the Jewish Passover Seder may have originated in the second century, from customs and traditions that were practiced in the first century, (in Yeshua’s time), during the second temple period.

The Last Supper

We will talk about whether Yeshua ate the Last Supper as a Passover Seder, and whether that means we should do the same thing today. Or whether there are other factors to consider which mean that we should not eat the Pesach as a Passover Seder meal today? We are going to talk about all these questions and more.

And we will see how the Passover Seder is a scripted, stylized meal that involves taking four cups of wine and eating from various bowls of dip or sop, while, typically, sitting or reclining back. We will see how this looks vastly different from the Exodus chapter twelve service. We will also discuss why, while ‘eating in haste’ may not have been the tradition in the first century, it is still symbolically relevent for Yahweh’s people today.

The symbolism of eating the Pesach in haste

In this video on the last supper, we will answer the questions:

If Yeshua likely ate the Last Supper in a manner similar to today’s Passover Seder service, does that mean that we also should do the same thing today?

Is the last supper that Yeshua ate with His disciples the same as the Pesach?

What was Yeshua’s purpose for eating the last supper with His disciples?

Did Yeshua create a new tradition for us to keep today, thus adding to His Father’s Torah?

Should we keep the Pesach today in the manner of Exodus twelve, feasting in haste with our shoes on our feet, our belt on our waist, and our staff in our hand, as if we are ready to leave Egypt at a moment’s notice? Is that how we are supposed to eat the Pesach today?

How does the manner in which we eat the Pesach relate to the Great Commission that Yeshua gave to His disciples?

What are the spiritual meanings behind how we are commanded in Torah to keep Yahweh’s Pesach? Should we eat in haste, with our shoes on, and be ready to go? How is the manner in which we eat the Pesach significant for end-time prophecies still to come? (For more on biblical end-time prophecy, please read Revelation and the End Times, or watch the simplified video version Revelation Simplified .)

Mattityahu (Matthew) 24:15-16
15 “Therefore when you see the ‘Abomination of Desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the set-apart place” (whoever reads, let him understand),
16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains…”

And what does this mean for those in the land of Israel and for those outside the land of Israel? We will answer all these questions and more in this part on the Last Supper.

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