Chapters of Feasts of the Seventh Month:
Yom Teruah – The Day of Shouting
This video explains how the Yom Teruah (the Day of Shouting or the Day of Trumpets) is celebrated, as well as its significance in the Ancient Hebrew Wedding model and how it corresponds to HaMashiach Yeshua,…
Chag Sukkot – the Feast of Tabernacles
Chag Sukkot: the Feast of Tabernacles explains how the Pilgrimage Feast of Tabernacles symbolized the consummation and the week-long wedding feast in the ancient Hebrew wedding. And it also shows many prophetic fulfillments of this feast,…
Shemini Atzeret – The 8th Day Assembly
In this study on the 8th Day Assembly (or Shemini Atzeret), we talk about the last day of Sukkot (Tabernacles), and explain its prophetic significance on the Revelation Timeline. We also talk about how we as…
Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonements
In the Ancient Hebrew Wedding model, Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) represents the day when HaMashiach Yeshua returns for His bride–and how we should behave as His Proverbs 31 bride while we await His coming,…
The Feasts of the 8th Month?
“The Feasts of the 8th Month” reveals the sins King Jeraboam made in the northern house of Israel by adding things to Yahweh’s word, altering Yahweh’s calendar, and moving Yahweh’s feasts of the seventh month into…
Yom Kippur 5784 (2024): What Does Yahweh Want? Happy feast!
Yom Kippur 5784 (2024) explains how the Day of Atonement represents the wedding cermony and how to be Yeshua’s set-apart, blemish-free, Proverb’s 31 bride. It also explains the errors with Jewish Kol Nidre, and what Yahweh…
Welcome to Sukkot Aleph 5784 (2024): “The Time of Our Joy” Happy feast time!
Sukkot Aleph 5784 (2024): explains how Sukkot represents the Millenium when Yeshua and His set-apart bride live together forever! It explains the significance of “tabernacle”, how some Scripture translations cause the error of thinking the feasts…
Shemini Atzeret 5784 (2024). Happy 8th Day Assembly!
Shemini Atzeret 5784 (2024) gives an overview of how The Eighth Day foreshadows prophecy and end-time events, how these prophecies correspond with a 7-day week, the Shabbat, and the eighth day, and the parallels to Yeshua’s…
Chapter of:
Feasts of the Seventh Month
Nazarene Israel