This video on the Melchizedekian Pesach is part of the video series The Feasts of the First Month. In “When the Priesthoods Change”, we explained how, while the precepts and ordinances of Pesach remain the same for all generations, some changes do occur in the way the Pesach is kept. And this is dependent upon which which priesthood Yahweh’s people are living under at the time, and the circumstances that exist during that priesthood.
In “The Levitical Pesach“, we explained how the Pesach kept during the Levitical order looked slightly different from the first Pesach of Exodus Exodus 12, when Israel first left Egypt. Then, in The Last Supper, we showed how brother Judah began to keep the Jewish Seder Service sometime around the second century, which is commonly believed to have come from first-century, second temple period practices. We explained the difference between how the Pesach was kept in the first-century (during Yeshua’s ministry), as well as how the Last Supper and the Pesach were two separate events.
Now, in this video, we want to show how we are to observe the Melchizedekian Pesach (Passover) today, under Yeshua’s renewed Melchizedekian Order.
Pesach ordinances that do not change
We will talk about the ordinances of the Pesach that never change, no matter which priesthood has the active anointing. We will review the reasons why some of the specifics of the rituals can change from one priesthood to the next. And then, finally, armed with this detailed information, we are going to be able to see which of the specifics apply to Yeshua’s Melchizedekian Pesach and which do not.
Shemote (Exodus) 12:8-9, 14
8 “Then they shall eat the flesh on that night [14th/15th]; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.
9 Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted in fire….”
14 “So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to Yahweh throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.”
Melchizedekian Pesach
After we understand which details of Pesach can change and which details are everlasting ordinances, we will then talk about the difference and the similarities between how the Melchizedekian Pesach is kept and how the Pesach is kept under a cleansed Levitical order. We will see that there are some significant differences from when we have a cleansed temple inside the land of Israel, and when under the Melchizedekian order (either dispersed among the nations or living in the land of Israel without a cleansed temple).
Colossians 2:16-17
We will also talk about how many Messianic and Christians today listen to the rabbis and to the Karaites (people who are not the body of Yeshua) to tell us not only when to keep the Pesach, but also how to keep the Pesach. And how both Yeshya and the Apostle Shaul specifically warned against this mistake. We will explain how many make this mistake today by drinking of different fountains, and doctrines from different sects, and why that is so spiritually dangerous.
Qolossim (Colossians) 2:16-17 KJV
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come;
but [except] the body of [Messiah].[Supplied words (days, is) taken back out.]
Mat 16:6
6 Then Yeshua said to them, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees [modern-day rabbis] and the Sadducees [modern-day Karaites].”
Priesthoods, Pesach and the Covenant
We will also show the special connection each priesthood has with the wedding covenant between Yahweh and the nation of Israel (both houses). We will show how the Pesach is a confirmation of the wedding covenant and a confirmation of Shiddukhin.
Melchizedekian Pesach and Yeshua’s kingdom
We will see how one of the main things we need to do in the Melchizedekian Pesach is to remember our wedding vows, the great sacrifice that He made, and to confirm that, yes, we are going to be disciples for Him. And that, yes, we want to be His Proverbs 31 brides doing all things that He said to do, which is to help establish His global Melchizedekian ministry.
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