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Nazarene Scripture Studies vol. 2 is a collection of important detailed studies that show how we are to walk and to worship today. Read these after the Nazarene Israel study, to understand specific topics.

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Chapters of Nazarene Scripture Studies Vol. 2:

Listening Halt

This study talks about the vital importance of listening for Yahweh’s Still Small Voice, and not moving faster than we hear the Still Small Voice.

Norman Willis – 07/01/2020

Once Saved Always Saved?

The popular Christian doctrine of “once saved, always saved” says that once we accept Yeshua’s sacrifice for our sins, it no longer matters what we do. It says that because we are now under grace, that…

Norman Willis – 22/01/2020

righteous judgment

About Righteous Judgment

In John 7:24, Yeshua tells us not to judge according to appearances, but to judge with righteous judgment. Yochanan (John) 7:24 24 “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” There is both…

Norman Willis – 22/01/2020

Yeshua the Celibate Nazirite

When Yahweh made mankind, He gave us a powerful urge to reproduce. B’reisheet (Genesis) 1:28 28 Then Elohim [God] blessed them, and Elohim said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it….”…

Norman Willis – 22/01/2020

Inspiration and Scripture, written Torah, Torah of Moshe, Yahweh's Torah, Talmudic replacement theology, rabbinical traditions

About Inspiration and Scripture

What constitutes Scripture? And what is it that makes Scripture inspired? The answer may be different than we think. We explain in this study on “Inspiration and Scripture”. The Apostle Kepha (Peter) implies that Shaul’s (Paul’s)…

Norman Willis – 24/01/2020

tassels, tzitzit, tallit, set-apart garments, Torah, commandments

About Tassels (Tzitzit)

Scripture tells us to make tassels on the four corners of the clothing with which we cover ourselves, so that we might look upon them, and remember to do all of His commandments. Bemidbar (Numbers) 15:37-40…

Norman Willis – 24/01/2020

Loving Judah

It is important that we love our brothers in Judah. While we do have some differences with them, and while we are presently denied an ability to live in the land of Israel, we need always…

Norman Willis – 24/01/2020

The Lunar Sabbath Error

In The Torah Calendar study we explain the calendar Yahweh tells us to keep in Scripture. One thing we see is that the days begin at evening. This can be seen by the simple fact that…

Norman Willis – 24/01/2020

The Equinox Error

This study explains why it is not necessary to set the head of the year according to the vernal equinox (and indeed, why it is wrong to do so). When we live in the land of…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

How Long is a Hebrew Day?

Genesis 1 tells us that a day is made up of both an evening (nighttime) portion, and a morning (“daylight”) portion. For example: B’reisheet (Genesis) 1:31b 31b So the evening and the morning were the sixth…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Passover Seder, Pesach, written Torah, foreshadow picture, Yeshua HaMashiach, biblical feasts, Torah Calendar, Ancient Hebrew Wedding

About the Passover Seder

Original Pesach When Israel was in Egypt, Yahweh told Israel to keep the Passover by taking a lamb on the tenth of the month, and then offering it up on the afternoon of the fourteenth. Our…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Apostle Shaul, mistranslations

About Shaul’s Ministry

Some believe the Apostle Shaul (Paul) taught heresy, and they want to remove his works from Scripture. This is a mistake. Yahweh hand-picked Shaul, and said he was a “chosen vessel” to bear His name before…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Laodicea: “The People Rule”

In Torah Government, we explain that originally there was no need for government because all men were literally brothers, and their fathers (the patriarchs) ruled over their families. However, even then there was murder and the…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Are We Believers or Disciples?

Dare we ask? What’s the difference between a believer and a disciple, anyway? And why would it matter? Mark tells us that Yeshua had compassion on the four thousand believers who came to Him. Yeshua healed…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Hearing Yeshua’s Voice

As we show in the Nazarene Israel study, the original faith was called Nazarene Israel. In Fulfilling the Great Commission we show that Nazarene Israel was unified, and that it had a clergy of servant-leadership that…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Messianism: The Church in Transition

In Fulfilling the Great Commission, we show that the Messianic movement is essentially an extension of Protestant and independent Christianity; and because it is an extension of Protestant/Independent Christianity, the Messianics make doctrinal mistakes similar to…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Acts 15 in the Context of Unity

In Fulfilling the Great Commission we show that both the Torah and the Renewed Covenant tell us to: Yet, if the Torah and the Renewed Covenant tell us to organize and appoint leadership, but the Messianics…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

What is the Church?

As we show in Nazarene Israel, the original faith of the apostles was called the “Nazarene sect” (i.e., Nazarene Israel). However, there were several other variants of the faith in the first century. One of these…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Come All the Way Out

Revelation 12:13-17 says that when the dragon saw he had been cast to earth, he persecuted the woman (true Israel) who gave birth to the male child (Yeshua). The woman was given two wings of a…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

Definition: Elder

In Fulfilling the Great Commission, we saw that Yeshua hand-picked His disciples. His disciples responded by laying down their lives in the world, and serving Him with all of their mind, heart, and strength. Luqa (Luke)…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

The Titus 1:5 Test

Are we keeping the same faith the apostles kept in the first century? One simple test is to see if we are obeying Titus 1:5. But before we get to Titus 1:5, let’s back up a…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

The Role of Congregational Elders

As we explained in Fulfilling the Great Commission and in Nazarene Israel v4, the congregations are not to be led by rabbis, or pastors, but by congregational elders. These elders are appointed by the apostles. The…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

The Bride’s Journey Home

In Nazarene Israel we show how Avraham and Israel’s children were scattered out into the world in order to fulfill the promises given to the patriarchs. Every family, every nation, and every clan had to receive…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

About the Peshitta V2.0

Head coverings in Scripture

Many Christians believe men should not cover their heads while praying. This doctrine is usually based on First Corinthians Eleven and Verse Four. In the New King James Version this passage reads: 1st Corinthians 11:4 (NKJV)…

Norman Willis – 28/01/2020

About the Peshitta V2.0

About the Peshitta V3

This article can be read in conjunction with our article on “Inspiration and Scripture”, which is contained in Nazarene Scripture Studies, Volume 2. Sometimes we get asked if the Aramaic Peshitta is the inspired text. While…

Norman Willis – 29/01/2020

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