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Chapters of Acts 15 Order:

Yeshua’s Millennial Reign & You

There is an old children’s tale about a little red hen who found some wheat. She decided to plant it, so she could harvest enough to bake bread. First she asked the other animals to help…

Norman Willis – 24/12/2019

change in priesthood, torat, Levitical priesthood, Melchizedeckian priesthood, Torah of Moshe, biblical marriage, what is biblical divorce, ketubah

Keeping Elohim’s Torah (Not Ours)

In Nazarene Israel we saw that there are two houses in Israel, Ephraim and Judah. In overly-simple terms, the house of Ephraim generally refers to the Christians, while the house of Judah generally refers to the…

Norman Willis – 25/12/2019

Yeshua’s Criteria for Priests

When Yahweh called me to the Two-House movement (or Hebraic Roots) in 1999, I was led to understand that the reason we did not have a separated priesthood or a clergy is that we are all…

Norman Willis – 26/12/2019

From Disciples to Global Priesthood

As we saw in Torah Government, Yeshua’s disciples are first called apostles after Yeshua sent them out on a mission in Matthew 10. Mattityahu (Matthew) 10:1-21 And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him,…

Norman Willis – 27/12/2019

Yeshua’s Healing Walk

In Nazarene Israel we saw that after King Solomon’s reign the nation of Israel split into two parts. The northern ten tribes were called the house of Israel (or Ephraim), while the southern two tribes were…

Norman Willis – 29/12/2019

The Global Melchizedekian Order

In earlier chapters we saw how Yeshua came to replace the corrupted rabbinical order with a renewed order of Melchizedek. We also saw how the Spirit sent Shaul and Bar Naba out to preach Yeshua to…

Norman Willis – 30/12/2019

Congregational Elders and Servants

Long before the rabbinical order was created in Babylon, Israel was ruled not by rabbis, but by the most respected elders in each town. These were often the more successful and wealthy men, who also had…

Norman Willis – 31/12/2019

change in priesthood, torat, Levitical priesthood, Melchizedeckian priesthood, Torah of Moshe, biblical marriage, what is biblical divorce, ketubah

Men, Husbands, and Brothers

It is often said that the family is the basic building block of society. While this is true, let us remember what kind of society Yeshua wants us to build for Him. Scripture tells us that…

Norman Willis – 01/01/2020

Women, Wives, and Sisters

What is a woman’s role as a wife, and as a sister in the assembly and community? This is a subject that could fill volumes, but we will stay focused on the basics. Yahweh created the…

Norman Willis – 02/01/2020

Train Up a Child in the Way

So far, we have seen how the priesthood, the elders, the congregational servants, and husband-wife teams must all work together to grow Yeshua’s kingdom. But what is the role for the children? A child’s role in…

Norman Willis – 03/01/2020

Dispute Resolution: Matthew 18

Because human nature is evil, the strong conquer and oppress the weak. Yeshua tells us that it is not to be like that among us. Rather, the strong are to serve the weak, while the weak…

Norman Willis – 05/01/2020

Ephraim’s Progress

In Nazarene Israel we saw how the nation of Israel can be divided into two main prophetic groups, called the two houses of Israel. The southern house is called the house of Judah, while the northern…

Norman Willis – 06/01/2020

Leading Through Service

Shaul tells us that Yeshua will not return until first comes a great falling away, and a man of sin is revealed. Thessaloniquim Bet (2 Thessalonians) 2:3-43 Let no one deceive you by any means; for…

Norman Willis – 07/01/2020

speaking in tongues, prophecy, prophesying, spiritual gifts

Assembling in the End Times

I get many good questions about how people can join Nazarene Israel, and how they can become Nazarenes. I also get good questions about how to find fellowship in the end times, when we know persecution…

Norman Willis – 08/01/2020

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