“Colossians 2:16-17 and Prophecy” is segment 2 of the video series Feasts of the First Month. In this video we explain the mistranslation error of Colossians 2:16-17. And we will see how this misunderstanding of the original texts leads many believers to think that it is no longer important to keep the original feasts of Yahweh.
“Calendrical Drift”
As we saw in our study on The Torah Calendar, the calendar has suffered from what might be called calendrical drift (See “About Calendrical Drift”).
In His Torah (His laws and instructions) of Moshe, our creator Yahweh gave us a certain calendar. Over time, men have changed that calendar in several ways by adding and subtracting various commandments, statutes, and judgments. And these changes do not serve us well because they put us outside of His will. If you want to make Yahweh angry, just go ahead and change His word. (Not something we recommend.) Calendrical drift:
- Happens when people add or subtract from Yahweh’s commandments, statutes, and judgments.
- Cause us to be outside Yahweh’s will.
- Gives us the wrong perspective of who Yahweh is and what He wants.
Incorrect Christian beliefs about the calendar
Many Christians have hold the following beliefs. This attitude has carried over in large part to the Messianic, Ephraimite, and Hebrew Roots movements as well. While we can understand where people get some of these ideas, they are nevertheless wrong ideas.
- We can keep the original seventh-day Sabbath, or we can keep the feast days if we want to.
- We can keep the Sunday as the Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, or other random celebrations like Chinese New Year or the Japanese Plum Blossom Festival. (Whatever you like to keep.)
- It does not really matter how we keep Yahweh’s feasts, Sabbath, or other occasions, just so long as you know that He knows our hearts.
Misinterpreted Scripture passages
Where do these wrong ideas come from? In this segment we will take a look at what causes so many Christians, and brothers and sisters in the Messianic, Ephraimite, and Hebrew Roots movements to misinterpret Scripture. We will see that one reason is due to a lack of understanding when it comes to Jewish writings. And we will see another reason being that some Scripture passages that are commonly misquoted or mistranslated. We will see how these misunderstandings have a significant impact on the doctrine we hold.
The Renewed Covenant: a Jewish book
One thing that is important to understand is that the Renewed Covenant is not disconnected from the Original Covenant (the Tanakh, Old Testament). The two things form one big book. The Renewed Covenant was written by devout first-century Jews. And they wrote the Renewed Covenant primarily, first and foremost, for other devout first-century Jews. And because of this, they use colloquial terms. You might call it a type of slang, but these terms have special meanings inside Judaism that are not reflected in the other gentile languages of the world.
For this reason, it is said that when a Jew reads the Renewed Covenant, it is as if he is reading a completely different book than when a gentile reads the Renewed Covenant. Because the Jew understands the meanings and terms that are being used. This is vital to understand.
The Renewed Covenant was also written secondarily for what are called Hellenized Jews, or Greek Jews. Today, this might be what we know as a conservative Jew or a reformed Jew, but someone who does not necessarily believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of the Creator. The Renewed Covenant was also written for gentile converts into Judaism. But primarily, it was written as a book by devout first-century Jews for other devout first-century Jews and this is reflected in the language.
That is why we need to read the Renewed Covenant as if we had devout first-century Jewish eyes. So that we can understand what the intended and implied meanings of the first-century Jewish authors are and know what it is we are being instructed, so that we can please our Husband and King.
Colossians 2:16-17
In this study we will explore Colossians chapter 2, verses 16 and 17. And after correcting the mistranslation errors, we will see how this commonly misunderstood passage talks about the prophetic shadow pictures contained in the feasts and how they speak of prophetic events that are still to come. And then further in this series, we are going to talk about the Passover and how it speaks of our selection as Yeshua’s bride.
Qolossim (Colossians) 2:16-17 KJV
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an set-apart day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come;
but [except] the body of [Messiah].[Supplied words (days, is) taken back out.]
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