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Nazarene Israel provides a comprehensive all-in-one primer of the Jude 3, first-century original faith of the apostles, and how we are to serve our King. Provides a framework for understanding the original faith.

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Chapters of Nazarene Israel:

What Was the Original Faith?

When I was a child, I was taught in church that the words Christian and Nazarene were synonyms, and that they referred to the same group of people. Years later, I realized that this was not…

Norman Willis – 03/01/2020

Yeshua the Nazarene Israelite

In the last chapter we saw that by the fourth century the Christians and the Nazarenes were two completely separate faiths—and that the Christians persecuted the Nazarenes. History indicates that the Messiah Yeshua was a Nazarene.…

Norman Willis – 20/01/2020

The Torah: A Marital Covenant

This chapter explains why the Torah (the Law of Moses) serves as an enduring marital contract for all Israelites.

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

Ritual cleanness, wages of sin, consequences, disobedience, commandments, written Torah, Torah of Moshe, the Covenant

About Animal Sacrifices for Sin

About Animal Sacrifices for Sin explains why the written Torah was not ‘done away with’ (as the Church system teaches), how the disicples kept the Torah in the first century Original Faith, and the purpose of…

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

The Calendar the Apostles Kept

The Roman Church uses the Roman calendar, in which the day begins at midnight. In contrast, the Hebrew day begins at evening. For example, Genesis 1:31 tells us: B’reisheet (Genesis) 1:31 31 And the evening and…

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

The Church: Stepping Stones

The relationship between the church and Nazarene Israel is complex. Later in this book we will show that the church fulfills the prophecies over Mystery Babylon, who is also described as the harlot (Revelation 17). She…

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

The Papacy as Anti-Messiah

This chapter shows the Scriptural reasons why the papacy is the anti-messiah

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

The Two Houses of Israel

Have you ever wondered why the United States has a special relationship with Great Britain, and also with Israel? This is explained by the Two House Theory. This theory is so important that we will come…

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

The Nation Becomes Divided

After Joseph died, new kings arose who did not know of all the good things that Joseph had done for Egypt. These new kings feared Israel’s children, and chose to put them to hard bondage. After…

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

Ephraim’s Final Warnings

Yahweh loves us, and wants us to become a bride fit for His Son. He wants us to become our very best. That is why He applies high standards of discipline, like a caring drill sergeant.…

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

Israel is Swallowed Up

In the last chapter we saw how the Ephraimites fell into idolatry and called Yahweh Bel/Ba’al (Lord). We also saw how Yahweh said He would sow them into the earth like seed for their disobedience. This…

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

Fulfilling the Prophecies

In the last chapter we saw how the lost ten tribes of Israel were sent into the dispersion for disobedience. But how long were they to be gone? When were they to return? Several of the…

Norman Willis – 21/01/2020

Yeshua Rebukes the Rabbis

When the Prophet Eliyahu (Elijah) fled from Ahab and Jezebel, he went to dwell at Mount Sinai (which is Horeb). While he was there, “a voice came to him” from Yahweh. Melachim Aleph (1 Kings) 19:11-13…

Norman Willis – 22/01/2020

The Two Houses in the New Covenant

We spoke earlier about of the Assyrian Dispersion, and how Yahweh sent the Assyrians to take Ephraim away, but the Assyrians were not particular. They also took away some of the people from the southern tribes…

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

The Renewed Melchizedekian Order

In the last chapter we saw how the Levitical order had no funding when the Jews went into Babylon—and therefore the Levitical order collapsed. Then we saw how the rabbinical order arose to take its place.…

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

The Spectrum of Discipleship

As we will see, Yeshua established a high standard for His original twelve disciples—and yet there were other disciples in the first century who did not meet the same high standard Yeshua established. But how was…

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

Inspiration and Scripture, written Torah, Torah of Moshe, Yahweh's Torah, Talmudic replacement theology, rabbinical traditions

What is Torah Really?

Yahweh is following a methodical plan to restore fallen mankind. The first step was to find a man who would obey His voice and save his family from a flood. The next step was to find…

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

Yeshua’s United Bride

Earlier we saw how Yeshua gave His disciples a great commission to go into all nations, and raise up even more disciples. As we will see, these disciples were to serve as the officer corps of…

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

Keep Seeking Yeshua’s Face

Revelation 12:13-17 says that when the dragon (Satan) saw that he had been cast to earth, he persecuted the woman (true Israel) who gave birth to the male child (Yeshua). The woman was given two wings…

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

Restricted content

This explains Ishmael’s role as one of the three measures of meal Yeshua mentions in Matthew 13:33.

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

The End Time Sequence

Prophecy is not given to us so we can know the future. Rather, we are given prophecy so that when the events take place, they confirm our faith. Nonetheless, if we study the prophecies we can…

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

Becoming Yeshua’s Helpmeet

We have covered a lot of ground in this book, but in this closing chapter, let us put things in perspective—because without this perspective, we will not be able to please our Husband. Yahweh created the…

Norman Willis – 23/01/2020

Acts 15 and Rabbinic Authority

In earlier chapters we saw how Israel had a centralized government and an organized Levitical priesthood while it was still in the wilderness. This shows we can have an organized priesthood when we are outside of…

Norman Willis – 19/11/2024

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