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The Two Types of Prophecy

Welcome to Nazarene Israel. My name is Norman Willis.

In the last chapter, we talked about the central, vital importance of learning to Hear Yahweh’s Voice for every renewed-covenant believer in their walk. And one of the reasons it is so important to hear Yahweh’s voice is because ‘learning to obey His voice’ was one of the very first things Yahweh commanded Israel to do upon leaving Egypt. We certainly cannot obey Yahweh’s voice if we cannot even hear it.

Shemote (Exodus) 19:5
5 “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.”

Now, in The Two Types of Prophecy, we are going to talk about the importance of hearing Yahweh’s voice in relation to the two different types of prophecy. We are also going to see how, while one of these two types of prophecy is rare, the other type should be a daily part of every renewed-covenant believer’s walk.

To begin, prophecy is a gift that not everyone has. Yet, we are all told by Scripture to pursue it. For example, the Apostle Shaul (Paul) talks about the gift of prophecy in First Corinthians chapter 14.

Qoritim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 14:1
1 Pursue love, and desire the spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.

But how do we do that? Well, prophecy is something that we could perhaps all do, if it were not for the world getting in the way of our connection with Yahweh Elohim.

Yochanan Aleph (1 John) 2:16
16 For all that is in the world- the lust of our flesh, the lust of our eyes, and our pride [egotism] of life- is not of the Father but is of the world.

For example, we see in Genesis chapter 3, that, because of Chavah’s (Eve’s) desires (or lusts), she stopped listening to Elohim’s voice.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 3:66 So when the woman [Chavah, (Eve), symbolic of Israel] saw that the tree was good for food [lust of the flesh] and that it was pleasant to the eyes [lust of the eyes, obviously], and that it was a tree desirable to make one [worldly] wise [appealing to her egotism, pride], she took of its fruit and she ate.

And because she stopped listening to Elohim’s voice, obviously, she stopped obeying Elohim’s voice. This breaks the connection between us and Elohim. And when that happens, prophesying then becomes impossible. Because prophecy is to hear Yahweh’s voice and to speak according to it.

So, if we are supposed to desire to prophesy, let us find out more about what it is.

Strong’s Hebrew Concordance
OT:5012 naba’ (נָבָא); a primitive root; to prophesy, i.e. speak (or sing) by inspiration [NBW: breathing] (in prediction or simple discourse):

So, obviously, it means to prophesy. But what does that mean? Well, it means to speak or to sing by inspiration. And this is one of those mysteries that is hidden in plain sight, inspiration. What it is talking about is our breathing. If we will focus on Yeshua, and on how Yeshua is in us and us in Him, and Him in the Father and the Father is in Him, then we have a restoration of that connection with Yahweh the Father. The connection that was lost, and broken, and severed in the Garden of Eden. If we will maintain that connection, focusing on Him and listening to Him, and through discipline, block out the lust of our eyes and the lusts of our flesh and our pride or our egotism. If we do not let those things interfere, then our connection with Yahweh is restored. Then we can hear His voice and we can speak according to it.

Now there are two different ways that prophecy can take place. One is in prediction and that is a very special gift that comes from Yahweh. It can also take place in simple discourse. Most people do not know that, but that is a common gift that any one of us can have and can develop, if we will take the discipline to do it.

What do we mean by that? Okay, let us take a look at this again. There are two different types of prophecy. The first type of prophecy is a special gift that Yahweh only gives when He has got a message to give to His people Israel, and that is called foretelling. That is what Strong’s means when defining prediction. We will look at that in just a second. The second type of prophecy is the more common one. And it is something that all of us could or should be practicing, if we will ask for the gift and if we will take the discipline to do it, and that is called forthtelling. Strong’s calls it simple discourse. We will take a look at that also. But, again, simple discourse is when we focus on Yeshua and Yeshua’s in us, we are in Him (that deep abiding relationship), and He is in the Father and the Father is in Him (restoring that lost and severed connection to Yahweh). So that we listen for His voice and then we simply speak according to it. This particular type does not require predicting anything, we will take a look at some examples in just a moment. But if we will do that, if we will stay connected with Yeshua and listen for Elohim’s voice, we are going to find ourselves speaking forth the words of Yahweh’s truth. We are going to find ourselves speaking of the things of His kingdom. We are going to look at that in just a second.

First, let us look at some examples of foretelling, or what Strong’s calls prediction. Here is an example everyone knows.

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 9:6-7a
6 For unto us a child is born, Unto us a son is given [speaking of Yeshua]; and the government will be upon His shoulder. [And for those of you who doubt Yeshua’s deity]; His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Elohim, [you cannot apply that title to a human], Everlasting Father [you cannot apply that title to a human], Prince of Peace [field marshal of peace].
7a Of the increase of His government and His shalom there will be no end…

We are going to see more on verse seven coming up.

Now, Daniel chapter 7 is another example of foretelling (prediction), which again, is a special gift that comes only from Yahweh when He wants to give it. Daniel is speaking here about a character called ‘the little horn’. We explain in the Nazarene Israel study and also in the study of Revelation and the End Times how that is speaking about the Papacy. And here we are talking about the time around trumpet seven.

Daniel 7:26-27
26 “But the [heavenly] court will be seated, and they shall take away the little horn’s dominion, to consume and destroy it forever.
27 And then the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.”

Now, notice the paradox, notice the riddle. We explain this in many other places, we explained it in the Revelation study and in other places as well. What is happening here is, this is when the power will be taken from the Papacy, and it will be given to Nazarene Israel. And we will rule and reign as Yeshua’s body, with Yeshua’s rod of iron, while Yeshua is our head in the heavenly realms.

Okay, so those are examples of prediction (foretelling) prophecies. Now let us take a look at some examples of the second type of prophecy which is more common, which each and every renewed-covenant believer should be practicing and earnestly desiring to do, forthtelling. Where we are speaking forth the things of Elohim, and we are speaking forth Yahweh’s message. For one example, let us look at Exodus 5.

Shemote (Exodus) 5:1
1 Afterward Moshe [Moses] and Aharon went in and told Pharoah, “Thus says Yahweh Elohim of Israel: ‘Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.’”

Now Moshe is not predicting anything, he is not saying this will happen or that will happen. He is just speaking the message that Elohim told him to give. He is hearing Yahweh’s voice and then he is speaking according to Yahweh’s voice. That is simple discourse.

For another example, in John chapter 4, Yeshua is speaking to the woman at the well.

Johanan (John) 4:17-19
17 “The woman answered Yeshua and said, “I have no husband.” Yeshua said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband’,
18 for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.”
19 The woman said to Him, “Adoni (Master), I perceive that you are a prophet.

Notice that He has not predicted anything, He has not said this is going to happen or that is going to happen. He has just simply spoken forth the truth which He heard from His Father Yahweh, that is all He did.

Another example of forthtelling is from the writings of the physician Luke, in Acts chapter 1.

Ma’asei (Acts) 1:3
3 To whom He [Yeshua] also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of Elohim.

We know that Yeshua was in connection with His Father, and so He is simply speaking forth Yahweh’s message, He is speaking of the things of the Kingdom of Elohim. This is what we are also commanded to do. We are going to see this is a special passage, commonly called the Five-Fold Ministry, which we are going to focus on later. Our commandment is to speak the truth, which comes from Elohim, in love, and also, Yahweh is love. We are going to come back to this passage but let us take go ahead and take a look at Ephesians, chapter 4.

Ephesim (Ephesians) 4:14-15
14 That we should no longer be [spiritual] children, who are tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
15 But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Messiah…

In other words, by listening to men and not listening to Elohim, we are fooled by ‘the trickery of men and in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting’. This is talking about the Messianic leaders and teachers, and it is also talking about the Messianic rabbis. The solution is, to speak the truth in love. We are to disseminate the truth, and we are to share the truth which we hear from Yahweh. We may then, as a body, grow up in all things into Him, our Head, Messiah Yeshua.

Now, let us back up a little bit and get a little bit deeper context to this. What we are going to see is, the gifts of apostles and prophets by definition, have the gift of prophecy. The other gifting’s do not necessarily have it, and we are going to talk about that in just a bit.
So, let us look again at Ephesians chapter 4, starting this time in verse 11. Again, this is the Five-Fold Ministry, it is a very important passage everyone needs to understand.

Ephesim (Ephesians) 4:11-13
11 And He [Yeshua] Himself gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets,
[Why do these two take the lead? Because they are able to hear and speak according to Yahweh’s voice],
some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.
[Why? Because we cannot equip the saints for the work without this, we cannot truly edify the body of Messiah without this].
12 For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Messiah,
13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of Elohim, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah.

So, how long is this order supposed to last for? It is supposed to last until we all come to the unity of the Faith. That has not happened yet and until we all come to the knowledge of the son of Elohim, we are not there yet. It is supposed to last until we become to be perfect men (meaning a perfect body of Yeshua Messiah). That has not happened yet. So, these gifts are still for today. Because it is supposed to last until we come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah. Again, that has not happened yet. And, by the way, we explain both in, the book Torah Government and in the book Acts 15 Order, why there are many more apostles in the renewed covenant than just 12. There are at least 22 that you can count, if you read that study you will know why.

Now, as we come back and continue reading in verse 14, we see why we should do this and why we bother with the Five-Fold Ministry. Because the purpose for the Five-Fold Ministry is so that we “no longer be spiritual children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men and in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.”

Ephesim (Ephesians) 4:14-15
14 That we should no longer be [spiritual] children, who are tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
15 But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Messiah…

And again, this is speaking about the Messianic leaders and teachers who are speaking messages through the understanding of their intellect but are not teaching of the things of Elohim. Because they are not in connection with Yeshua, nor are they hearing these messages and speaking them forth in true prophecy. Strong language, but it is true.

So then, what is the solution? What is the antidote? It tells us that we should speak the truth in love, and that way we will grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Messiah. And the image here is that, if Yeshua’s Head is in the heavenly, and we sort of have to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps (so to speak), we must educate ourselves to grow up into our Head. So that we become worthy of our Head, Yeshua Messiah.

Now, here is the problem, this why it is so very difficult. As we see in First Corinthians, chapter 12, not everyone has the gift of hearing Yahweh’s voice. The solution is that more of us need to obtain this gift, just like the apostle counsels us to do (in First Corinthians chapter 14 and verse 1).

Qorintim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 12:28
28 And Elohim has appointed these in the assembly: first apostles [who have the gift of hearing Yahweh’s voice and the gift of prophecy, (they can hear Yahweh’s voice and speak according to it). They also have a gift for understanding the doctrine],
second prophets [they do not necessarily have a gift for understanding the doctrine, but still, they can hear Yahweh’s voice and speak according to it],
third teachers [they might have a gift for the doctrine, but they do not necessarily hear Yahweh’s voice. Hearing Yahweh’s voice is the more important thing, because that is how we get to know what the doctrine is],
then [other] gifts of miracles, gifts of healings, helps, administrations, and varieties of tongues.

As we explain in another place, there are a variety of tongues, but at least one of the different types of speaking in tongues is when we hear Yahweh’s voice, but we are not able to articulate it clearly. We talk about that in the study about Speaking in Tongues in Nazarene Scripture Studies Volume One. You can read it for free on the website, you can download a copy of the study for free, or you can purchase a paperback copy from amazon.com at our cost.

Now, here is where it gets difficult. In verse 29, the apostle Shaul asks the rhetorical question “Are all apostles, are all prophets?”, etcetera.

Qorintim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 12:29
29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles?

Clearly not. Not all are apostles, not all are prophets. This is part of the problem, because the only ones who understand the importance of hearing and speaking according to Yahweh’s voice are the ones who actually do it. And this is where the rest of the people get lost. This is a gift that we are supposed to ask for. We are supposed to ask for the gifts of discernment, we are supposed to ask for the gift of prophecy. And we are also supposed to ask for wisdom, which is a manifestation of the Spirit. We ask for the gift of the Spirit, we ask for Yahweh to help us manifest the Spirit, that is how we give a true testimony of Yeshua Messiah, by manifesting His Spirit. This is something we can, should, and need to ask for.

Ya’akov (James) 1:5
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of Elohim, that gives to all men liberally, and without reproach; and it shall be given him.

We simply ask, seek, and knock and it will be given to us.

Mattityahu (Matthew) 7
7 “Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you:”

Now, with Kings chapter 3, we see an example of this, when King Solomon asked for spiritual gifts. And this is so important if you want to take your faith to the next level. There are so many people who ask things for themselves. And then they want to ask for understanding for themselves, or they want to ask for a new car or a new house, or for more money or a better job. But they ask these things for themselves. And yes, Yahweh might give us those things, but we see that Solomon asked for things so that he could serve Yahweh and his people. And we see Yahweh’s answer to Solomon’s prayer.

Melahim Aleph (1 Kings) 3:11-12
11 Then Elohim said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but because you have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice [things for doing your job serving my people better],
12 behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you…”

Yahweh blessed Solomon like nobody before him, or after him, because he asked for understanding, to discern justice in order to do the job of a king. What is the job of a king? The job of a king is to establish justice among the people. So, he is asking for discernment, so that he can establish justice and so he can do his job better. This is the thing that we all need to do when we want to serve Him. We do not ask gifts for ourselves.

But now, imagine if you are a parent, and imagine when your children come to you and they say,

Dad, can I have something for me? Dad, can I have something else for me? Mom, can I have something for me? Mom, can I have money for this? Dad, can I have money for that? Can I have the car keys, please?’

And then, how does it feel when your child comes to you and says,

‘Mom, Dad, how can I help you? You do everything for me. You provide for me, you give for me, you do all these things for me. What can I do for you? How can I make your life better?’

Do you not know, then, that the child really loves you? Does it not change your attitude toward that child, and give you a new, fresh perspective on your child, when they approach and ask, what can they do for you?

Now, let us come back to the Five-Fold Ministry and let us take it to a deeper level. Here in Ephesians, chapter 2 we are going to learn about what is called The Foundation of Apostles and Prophets. Here we have the apostle Shaul (Paul) writing to who are called the Ephraimites, which (as we explain in other places) are basically the lost 10 or 12 tribes of Israel. You can read all about that in the Nazarene Israel study and we have other materials on that topic on the website.

Ephesim (Ephesians) 2:19-20
19 Now therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners [no longer strangers and foreigners to the nation of Israel. You are no longer strangers and foreigners to the family], but you are now fellow citizens with the saints and with the members of the household of Elohim,
20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Yeshua Messiah Himself being the chief cornerstone

There are various analogies we can use when we are talking about Israel. We can talk about a family, we can talk about a body, we can talk about an olive tree. We can also talk about a living temple. And so, here, Shaul switches the analogy. He says that this living temple, built with living stones, is built upon (what he calls) the Foundation of Apostles and Prophets, with Yeshua Messiah Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. And this is such an important concept. It is missing from the Messianic movement today and it is so important. Because it is what provides for unity. Let us talk about that just a little bit.

Now Yeshua Messiah Himself is our Chief Cornerstone. What that means is that He is our example. And with a stone building, the weight is immense. If you are going to have a foundation for a stone building, you effectively have to have an extremely strong foundation. What better foundation, and what better connection between the stones can there be, than when Yeshua is dwelling in the apostles and prophets, and the apostles and prophets are dwelling in Yeshua Messiah? Because they have that connection. So, it is all about Yeshua abiding in us, and us in Him. Him in the Father, and the Father in us. And in this way, it is effectively Yeshua’s Spirit manifesting and speaking through us.

So, with the apostles who also have the gift of understanding the doctrine (providing the direction for the organization), and the prophets who also hear and speak according to Yahweh’s voice, then you have the leadership and direction of the organization effectively given by Yeshua’s spirit. You have the leadership and direction of the organization being given by the Spirit of Elohim. And that is the only way to unite the movement. Because when you build a stone temple, you need to take the stones, and you need to arrange them so that you can effectively form a space inside that people can enter into worship. There needs to be a place for the Spirit of Elohim to dwell inside. And that cannot happen unless the stones are properly arranged, that cannot happen unless the foundation is capable of bearing the weight of those stones. So, those who have the greater gifting’s do not tend toward the top, as in the Messianic and the Christian ministries. They tend toward the bottom, so that they can bear the weight of the rest of the organization.

Now, what this requires is that all of the ministers then seek out those who are speaking according to Yahweh’s voice. And that is what is not happening today in the Messianic movement. This is the big problem because most people do not hear Yahweh’s voice, most people do not know to seek out the truth. They do not know to seek out those who are speaking according to Yahweh’s voice. And that is why the solution is (as the Five-Fold Ministry says) that we should hear Yahweh’s voice and that we should then speak the truth in love. So that those of His sheep who hear His voice will then attract, and a true temple can be built. And in this way, these living stones can be arranged to form a space to worship inside. Without that you effectively end up with just a heap of stones and there is no space inside for worship. Or you end up with (similar to the Messianic movement today) a stone over here and a stone over there and no connection between them, (unless they want to get together to sell something).

Take a look at another example. If we compare this to an olive tree, we see that Yeshua is the Root. The root does not exalt itself; the root is not overall; the root is actually under all. And you cannot see the root, the root is basically not visible. Because it is down in the dirt performing a critical, essential function. Without the root there is no life to the tree. So, what is the root doing? The root is seeking out minerals and nutrients in the soil, the root is seeking out moisture, and it is sending those things up to the rest of the tree. What you need then is some part of the tree that is able to bear the weight of the rest of the tree that is on the upper side of the soil. That is where you get your Foundation of Apostles and Prophets, also called the Foundation of Apostles and Elders. It is inverted from the Babylonian method, in the Babylonian method those who are strongest rise to the top. In Yeshua’s method those who are strongest sink down, to support the weight and to bear the burdens of the others. That is the difference.

But the only ones who know to join themselves to Yeshua’s temple (to Yeshua’s olive tree) are the ones that are able to hear and obey His voice. And that is why they will always be in the minority, because it takes discipline, it is hard to do, and we have to seek out the truth.
In John chapter 4, still speaking to the woman at the well, Yeshua says the following.

Johanan (John) 4:24
24 “Elohim is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit [Yeshua’s Spirit] and truth.”
[They must have the Spirit and the truth, both components. They must have the Torah, and they must have the Testimony (manifest Yeshua’s Spirit). We need both of these things].

So, this is what happens all the time. People say, “Well, I have the Spirit and you have the Spirit, so we cannot possibly have any doctrinal disagreements.

But that is the problem. Because even though we and they both have the Spirit, and those people over there have the Spirit, even though everyone has the Spirit, we all need to submit to the Truth. That is why the Five-Fold Ministry says we need to speak the truth in love. And through that, when we (the minority of us) discipline ourselves to obey the truth, that is when Yeshua’s true living temple will be built.

Now, this is a difficult word, but we want to say it because it is important to speak the truth in love. We do not want to offend anybody; our goal is not to upset anyone. But we need to speak the truth in love. So that people can begin to understand what the problems are with today’s Messianic movement and how to solve them moving forward.

In Revelation chapter 16, John says the following.

Hitgalut (Revelation) 16:13
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

A prophet is someone who hears Yahweh’s voice and speaks according to the things of Elohim. So, what is the false prophet? A false prophet then is someone who speaks falsely pertaining to the things of Elohim. And what we know about this is that Yahweh’s standards are perfectly, 100 percent pure. So, if a prophet speaks anything falsely, Yahweh is going to require it of him, because He requires that true purity. This is hard for a lot of people to accept, but it is going to be exceedingly critical as we move forward into these end-times and into the tribulation.
Consider in Acts chapter 20 how the apostle warns us all of this.

Ma’asei (Acts) 20:30
30 “Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.”

From among who? He says from among yourselves men will rise up, he is talking about men rising up among us. Speaking perverse things. What is a perverse thing? A perverse thing is something twisted, it is just a little bit off. And we know that Satan is a counterfeiter. What does a counterfeiter like to do but to make a counterfeit? He wants to make something that looks as close to the original as possible without actually being the original. Because that way it is all the more convincing as a counterfeit. Who are we talking about here, and what is their purpose? It specifically and clearly says the purpose is to draw away the disciples after themselves. So, what are we really saying here? What we are really saying is that, in the end-times, Satan is going to have workers who are going to speak perverse things. Things that are just a little bit off. It is not going to be the full truth; it is going to be just a little bit twisted. You are going to get 75, 85, 90, 95 percent truth, but it is not going to be the full truth. It is not going to lead to the true desired goal of Yeshua’s true, unified kingdom, Yeshua’s true living temple based upon the Foundation of Apostles and Prophets. Instead, you are going to have a lot of very highly qualified, very knowledgeable teachers, who are establishing their own separate, independent ministries.

You are going to have ‘here a ministry, there ministry, everywhere a ministry, ministry!

You are going to have all kinds of ministries, all over the place, not operating together upon Yeshua’s true Foundation of Apostles and Prophets. But a bunch of separate, independent ministries. These are the wolves that Shaul (Paul) warn us about that will be operating in the end-times. I will let you fill in the names.

What does Yahweh say will happen to them? This is a warning to anyone. Because I know, they happen to study our teachings and take what they like and leave the rest. Let us read in Deuteronomy chapter 18. We are talking about both foretelling and also about forthtelling. Both foretelling and forthtelling are prophecy.

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 18:20
20 [Yahweh says] “But the [false] prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other false Elohim, that prophet shall die.”

People tend to take this kind of thing, I believe, altogether too lightly. And here are reasons why we should not take it lightly. Whether we seek to be under-shepherds or whether we simply seek to be good sheep, what we need to understand is just how high Elohim’s standards truly are. And how developing the gift of prophecy can help us please Him.

So, let us consider in the Torah Calendar study. We talk about mirror-imaging in the feasts and also with regard to the end-times and the purification of Israel. Consider how, in the feasts of the first month, we have the Pesach (Passover), an afternoon feast (or what might be called a half-day feast or event), followed by the seven days of Unleavened Bread. Then by the time we get to the feast of the seventh month, you now have Sukkot (Tabernacles) where you have seven days of dwelling in tabernacles followed by a half day feast in the morning (the Eighth Great Day). There is effectively a mirror-imaging between the feasts of the first month and the feast of the seventh month. Consider also how you have early feast fulfillments and end-time fulfillments.

In Exodus chapter 12 we saw a sudden exodus from the land of Egypt, and then 40 years of purification, where the bones of those who did not measure up to Elohim standards then dropped in the wilderness. And only those who loved Him enough to do things His way are the ones who entered into the Promised Land. Then we have the end-times.

Now we are in a 40-year time frame (what might be called 40 years of purification). We expect to see a sudden in-gathering coming forth.
If we will do things Elohim’s way, if we will simply establish that connection with Yeshua (if we will dwell in Him and Him in us, and Him in the Father and the Father in Him). And if we will focus on Him, hear His voice, and speak according to it, then we are not going to speak heresy. We are not going to do the wrong things. We are not going to establish separate ministries apart from His ministry. We are going to do things that are going to bring the movement together. We are going to establish a single ministry, His that is founded upon the Foundation of Apostles and Prophets, just like He says. And the key to all of this is to ask for and then develop, through discipline, the gift of prophecy.
And I believe that is why the apostle Shaul places such emphasis on the gift of prophecy, as he tells us in First Corinthians chapter 14.

Qorintim Aleph (1 Corinthians) 14:1
1 Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.

Because in order to prophesy we have to establish that connection that was lost in the Garden of Eden. And then we have to hear Yahweh’s voice and speak and act according to it. We have to obey Yahweh also through our actions, as he commanded us in Exodus chapter 19. And what this really requires is getting rid of our human lusts and getting rid of our pride. We have to get rid of the lust of our eyes, the lust of our flesh, and our egotism (pride). And is not that what every disciple is supposed to do?

So, if we are going to prophesy, all we have to do is establish that connection. And then listen, and then speak according to what we hear without allowing the lust of our eyes, the lust of our flesh, or our pride, to interfere and get in the way. That is what we need to do to please Elohim in the end-times. That is the importance of the Two Types of Prophecy.

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