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Parasha Tzav 5784 (2024): Are You Double-Minded?

Parasha Tzav Readings

Vayiqra (Leviticus) 6:1-8:36
Malachi 2-4
Brit Chadasha
Mattityahu (Matthew) 25

Parasha Tzav 5784 (2024) reading:

Vayiqra (Leviticus) 6:1-8:36
Malachi 2-4
Mattityahu (Matthew) 25

Fair Use: Pro-Israel Content, Academic Content, Autistic Content:
The following text is a written version and may differ slightly from the video dialogue.

Shalom and welcome to Nazarene Israel. My name is Norman Willis, and this is our Genesis 35:11 midrash for Parasha Tzav.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 35:11
11 Also Elohim said to him: “I am Elohim Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body.”

And before we begin, we have one administrative announcement, and one very important micro teaching. And my goal is to speak the truth in love, like Ephesians 4:15 requires us, because that is one foundation for building the unified family out of both houses. (And please forgive my autistic directness, but we do not have time to waste anyway.)

Ephesim (Ephesians) 4:15
15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Mashiach—

Administrative announcement

The administrative announcement is that a few months ago we started to get into some honest and serious critiques of our brothers Levi and Judah in the parashiot, and their daily death curse over us (called the Birkhat HaMinim).

We had such an undisciplined uproar coming from the house of Ephraim that we had to address it. And I think what we had was a bunch of Ephraimites thinking that this was going to be “free-for-all dog pile” on the house of Judah.

And we can understand that with multiple unaddressed murders, and a continuing daily death curse that has been in effect for almost 2000 years now, and with continuing plans to slaughter all of their brothers in the house of Ephraim, that people could have some strong feelings.

For the apostates [meaning anyone who has left Orthodox Judaism, such as Yeshua (or Jesus), and everyone who follows Him] let there be no hope! And uproot the kingdom of arrogance speedily and in our days! May the Nazarenes and [all] the [other] sectarians [or the other “minim”] perish, as in a moment!  Let them be blotted out of the Book of Life, and not be written together with the righteous! You are praised, O Adonai, who subdues the arrogant!”
[Wikipedia, Jerusalem Talmud-Birkat haMinim]

But just because someone else is doing evil to you, that is no reason you get to be an animal in return. (Elohim will deal with the situation.) But we had to say something, because two wrongs do not make a right. And we want to be open to everyone who wants to invite in the Set-apart Spirit.

We do not care whether you are starting with Judah, Joseph, Ishmael, or Esav. And we do not care what your genetic background is, that is unimportant to us. What we care about here is your faith, and how you walk it out. Because that is what is going to matter to Elohim in the day of judgment.

We had about 40% of the viewers stop following us, because they wanted to dog pile on Judah, and we just do not think that is loving. And just because someone wants to murder you, and prays for your death 18 times a week over the past almost 2000 years, that is not a reason to lower yourself to their level.

(Evildoers and the Torah-replacers will all get their just reward, because Yahweh will make sure that they get their just reward. And Elohim makes sure that ‘time wounds all heels’.)

So, if you call yourself a Messianic (or whatever), sorry, we are just so overloaded here, we do not have time to worry about you.

I know that does not sound nice, but our requirement is not to sound nice. Ephesians 4:15 requires us to speak the truth in love, like Yeshua did, so that we can all grow up to become like Him. Because that is how we are supposed to unify His body worldwide, no matter what race, no matter what background, or anything like that.

(And we will have to deal with overbearing Orthodox Jewish pride in future videos, because the tribal identities are all going to be a reassigned after the end ingathering anyway. We do not have time to unpack this here, but in Ezekiel 47 and 48, we are told that the tribal allotments are going to be reassigned, depending on where we settle. (For example, we read this is Yehezqel 47:22-23.)

Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 47:22-23
22 It shall be that you will divide it [the expanded millennial land] by lot as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the strangers who dwell among you and who bear children among you. They shall be to you as native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.

23 And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger dwells, there you shall give him his inheritance,” says Yahweh Elohim.

This gets complicated, and we will have to unpack it later. But brothers Judah and Levi have built these giant Talmudic sandcastles in their heads about what is going to happen during the Millennium, with so-called Noachides, and all kinds of crazy stuff, for which there is simply no correspondence to the prophecies in the Tanach.

(And I do not know how to say it in a nice way, but they seem to think that their word is going to stand, rather than Elohim’s.) They want to set up on the sides of the north. And there will be rewards for those who stuck with him that we will have to unpack some other place, but it is not like they are teaching the truth.

But how do you say– we did not see anything loving about the earlier dynamic. We did not see anything that is going to bring mankind back into submission to Elohim’s Spirit (if anyone in Ephraim cares about that).

We did not see anything that is going to help fragmented mankind become a single fivefold family submitted to His Spirit, that loves one another, and takes care of one another, and speaks the truth in love to one another, so that together we can fulfill Elohim’s goal of establishing a single-family that takes care of His planet, while submitted to His Spirit as a fivefold family.

And I know that as an autistic person, I can be a little direct, but I always try to make sure I have a productive point to what I am saying, that will help someone, if they will listen to it–or else I do not speak. And to try to keep this short, as we mentioned many times now, verses like Yeshayahu 10:22 tell us that 90% of us are going to die for lack of discipline, and lack of good fruits.

And we just did not see how a bunch of undisciplined Ephraimites is what Elohim wants (if anyone in the house of Ephraim is even thinking about what Elohim wants).

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 10:22
22 For though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, a remnant of them will return; the destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness.

So again, this will not sound nice, but to speak the truth in love, as we look around the movement, I would say more than 99% of us do not have anything approximating the appropriate level of discipline. And the proof of that is that our fruits are stinky.

And most of Ephraim thinks he is knocking it out, even though he is only reading what he is supposed to be doing. And there is only so much stupidity and spiritual drunkenness that Elohim is going to put up with! And we are going to talk about that in more detail this week.

And we also have a word for brothers Levi and Judah. But at least to me, it seemed important, that first Ephraim needs to clean up his own house, before he thinks about going to lecture Judah and Levi. Judah and Levi need to take their lumps also.

But it is not the case that the southern house is the only one doing wrong today. So we are going to critique brothers Judah and Levi for the wrong that they are doing, but we in the house of Ephraim need to take the forest out of our own eyes first. Then we can see clearly to help brothers Judah and Levi take the forest out of their eyes, so we can start seeing the trees clearly for what they are.

It is not like I am perfect. I am learning stuff about myself all the time. But there is a difference between those few people who are loving Elohim enough to view themselves and their own behavior, and put themselves under the microscope, to see if they measure up–versus those of our people who think that they are awesome just because they are called. And because they are called, they believe they are already chosen.

And the pride is out of control in both houses. But Judah has the “shock troops” role (and they are going to get pounded by Yahweh as it is).

In contrast, Ephraim has the “purity” role, as in the name of our forefather Joseph. And if we are not yet willing to live up to the legacy of our forefather Joseph, then Elohim has no use for us. If the salt loses its saver, then we are good for nothing but the trash heap. And Ephraim just needs to wake up and embrace Yahweh’s standards, out of love for Yahweh.

Mattityahu (Matthew) 5:13
13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

And I am asking my assistant to be a little more aggressive and to delete people who just want an argument. Because war is coming, and a 90% death and rejection rate is coming, and we just do not have time for foolishness, which is forgetting that Yahweh exists and is watching everything we do! And He has Watchers taking notes!

So, that is the administrative announcement. Now let us talk about the micro teaching on the Genesis 35:11 alliance.

Genesis 35 Alliance

Genesis 35:11 speaks of a secret sode level alliance.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 35:11
11 Also Elohim said to him: “I am Elohim Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body.”

In the future it should be much more visible, after the house of Ephraim comes home, but Manasseh is still out in the dispersion. Right now, for example, you have the house of Judah (with the tribes of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin) effectively in the lead of the war Elohim strategy to reclaim mankind for Himself through the great sacrifice of His Son, who was cut off just before the destruction of the second temple, (but not for Himself), as Daniel 9:26 says.

Daniel 9:26
26 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah [Mashiach Nagid] shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined.”

So here we have a news article saying that the southern house of Judah has declared that its allies in the Genesis 35 Alliance, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, will help lead the attack on the agitators of the house of Ishmael in Iran, Iran strike the house of Judah in Israel.

[Israel Stuns By Saying US, UK, France Will Assist In Offensive Strikes On Iran, Zero Hedge]

And neither house is walking clean in the main right now. But that does not stop the fact that we see these patterns of Judah leading the house of Joseph in Yahweh Elohim Tzavaot’s spiritual warfare campaign to reconquer the earth, after we rebuild away from Him in the Garden.

Yahweh is not going to let us chump Him! He wants a single family of man working together to take care of His planet the way He wants, and also to take care of each other – and all of this because we are diligently listening for His voice, hearing Him speak, and then diligently organizing ourselves to do what our King says, the very best that we can!

Right now, both Judah and Joseph are completely double-minded on this! And we are going to talk about how the house of Judah and the House of Joseph are both completely double-minded. Meaning that, as a house, we behave as if we were schizophrenic. We live in split-level heads. We are not integrated. We seek all the blessings from Elohim, but we do not want to hear about His rules!

But take a look at this article, where you have former US President Trump, and the supplied candidate Vice President Harris is ahead of President Trump in the polls with Jewish people. So, here you could say that he is effectively promising to be a third-world banana republic harlot leader in Judah’s pocket.

[Trump Pledges to Restore Israel Lobby’s Power Over Congress: “You’re Gonna Have The President, Okay?”, Information Liberation.]

Or you could say, “Look! It is Judah leading Joseph, and Joseph pledging support and loyalty to Judah!” Because that is what is really going on here.

And if your name is Ishmael, recognize that what is supposed to happen is that Judah and Joseph are supposed to get together to establish the Jewish Millennial reign in the land of Israel in these end times.

And once that is accomplished, then the olive branch will be extended for all those of the house of Ishmael who want to follow the principles, precepts, and commandments given by Elohim in the written Torah of Musa (Moshe). (There will not be any of this Talmudic nonsense!)

Because in these last days, as we are going to see this week, Elohim is going to pound both Judah and Joseph until He gets what He wants! Which is what He has always wanted. Which is a single family of man that submits first to His Spirit, and then to His laws, so that we can establish a single family from the loins of our forefather Avraham, that will use the Millennium to spread the true faith of the Torah of Musa (or Moshe) to all of the tribes of the earth.

And Ishmael is definitely invited, if you play by the same rules as we do. You can absolutely graft in. (And that is Elohim’s plan!) Because right now, the house of Ishmael is the only one who keeps certain principles and precepts in the Torah that both Judah and Joseph do not practice right now. And we will talk a lot more about that when we get to the Avraham Accord series.

And just to reiterate, the Genesis 35 alliance that you see today is not the same as the way the Genesis 35 Alliance is supposed to operate during the Millennium. Right now, because of the disobedience of both the houses of Judah and Joseph, Judah has to do its dirty work through the line of Zera.

And we talked about that in our midrash on “Parasha Miketz for 5784”, where we talk about how Judah impregnated his daughter-in-law Tamar, and gave rise to the line of Zera (or the hidden seed line). And this is where Judah goes undercover to become the Dönmeh, and the Jesuits, and also the Illuminati seed line that got started circa 1666 by the Red Shield family and the 13 Illuminati bloodline families.

And again let me give a quick little plug for the book by Robert Sepher, 1666: Redemption Through Sin. It is a great little book. It is only 76 pages. And it reads just smooth as a pearl! And it explains the last 350 years of sode-level ‘reprobate’ history in 76 pages.

1666 Redemption Through Sin, Robert, Sepehr, obedience, written Torah, parasha tzav, Original Faith, replacement theology, Chabad, Rabbinical Order

(I emphasize ‘reprobate’, because it is not what Elohim says to do!) (And as we are going to see here in the next 30, 40, or 50 years, if you are doing something other than what Elohim says to do, it is going to be lights out! And into the outer darkness you go!)

The Four Horses in end-time prophecy

But this Genesis 35:11 Alliance is extremely powerful, because it is right there in the opening book of the Scriptures. It is right there as a promise given to Israel, that this is how his seed would be! And if we are talking about the political dynamics generated by the Genesis 35 alliance, first let us realize who the players are.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 35:11
11 Also Elohim said to him: “I am Elohim Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body.”

We already talked about this in our study on Revelation and the End Times (Revelation Simplified on YouTube). The YouTube version has a little bit more data on the patriarchs. We do not have time to unpack the whole thing here.

But in Zekaryah (Zechariah) chapter 6, we will see four horses, who represent four different aspects of the kingdom. And they also represent four main powers that presently each vie for the kingship.

And the joke is on everyone, because what is supposed to be happening is the all four of these kingship drive powers are supposed to be working together for Yeshua, to build His millennial reign. But before Mashiach returns on His white horse (to unify mankind), the four horses end up fighting each other.

Red Horse Esav

In Zekaryah 6:2, we see that with the first chariot there were red horses, which is Esav’s color. Esav is mad at Jacob (Israel), and wants to kill him–and hence he wants to kill Jacob’s two sons, Judah and Joseph. And the horse is red because secular humanity is focused on the commonality we have of red blood, especially maternal blood.

Esav is focused on the fact that everyone’s blood is red. And Esav focuses on the fact that we all come from a common mother (or sometimes they will say a common father), but the point is that Esav is focused on ‘the flesh’.

Zekaryah (Zechariah) 6:2a
2 With the first chariot were red horses…

And that is Esav’s spirituality, is a focus on our human equality in the flesh. And that is the attitude that Judah and Levi are trying to target with their extra-biblical Bnai Noach program. Because Judah figures, if Esav is going to try to kill you, you might as well learn how to control him!

Black Horse Judah (and Levi)

Then in Zechariah 6:2 we also see the black horse (which is black ops Judah, and especially Judah and Tamar’s incestuous seed Zera, meaning the Mossad, and other secret agencies) following right behind the red horse. Basically controlling the red horse, because Illuminist Judah has money, and with money you can control public opinion. Money buys advertising and influence. And money talks–and grooming works! So, money buys grooming, if you are plugged into the mainstream.

Zekaryah (Zechariah) 6:2b
2b …with the second chariot black horses,

Black horse Judah and Levi are powerful because of Jekyll Island and 1666, but not only that. Black ops Judah also studies! And so they also have doctors, and lawyers, and business leaders. And they have a lot of people in science, the arts, the media, and in all levels of government.

So for many reasons, the kingship tribe has the money and the influence. And while they are not always able to control Esav, with technology they are able to seriously influence Esav, who thinks about his flesh, and his life in the world. So there you go.

White Horse Joseph (Ephraim)

Then in Zekaryah 6:3 we see that with the third chariot there were white horses. And white is symbolic of purity. And our forefather Joseph tried to walk pure, even when those around him attempted to pull him down to their level. And in Sodot (or Hitgalut, or Revelation) 19:11, we see that when Mashiach Nagid returns, He will be riding a white horse.

Zekaryah (Zechariah) 6:3a
3 with the third chariot white horses…

And we do not have time to get into it now, but when we get to the Four Horses series, we will see that the order of the four horses changed after Mashiach Nagid was cut off in Daniel 9:26. Basically, what happens is that the White Horse zooms to the head of the pack. And we do not have time to talk about that now, but we will try to get into it when we get to the Four Horses series.

Dappled Horse Ishmael

Then in Zechariah 6:3 we also see dappled horses, which represent Ishmael.

Zekaryah (Zechariah) 6:3b
3b …and with the fourth chariot dappled horses—strong steeds.

And this is interesting, in the Greek versions, when you get to Revelation, the color of the horse turns gray in most versions, but the word used is “chloros”, as in chlorophyll. So in the Greek versions, the horse turns green. But I have been working through this authentic manuscript version of Revelation from Hebrewgospels.com, and in Sodot (Secrets) 6:8, the horse is still “speckled and strong”.

We hope to talk more about how Ishmael gets brought into the Covenant during the Millennium in the upcoming Avraham Accord series, and also in the Four Horses series.

(I have been striving to get time to write that down for many years now, but our first task still has to be to help Ephraim realize where he is at, so the 10% that wants to survive can decide to organize together as a stick, according to Fivefold principles, so that all the rest of the prophecies can carry out– so that is where our focus must be for now.)

Horse teams

And when we get to the Four Horses series, we will talk about how the Black Horse and the White Horse team up (as in the Genesis 35:11 Alliance), to form kind of a Zebra. And we will also see how red horse Esav is basically foolish and gets exploited by green horse Ishmael. But together, Esav and Ishmael form what we call the Peppermint Horse.

And it is a lot more complicated than this. But basically, in the end times, before we get to the Millennium, you have the Peppermint Horse on the Zebra. And then of course, as we saw this year in Parasha Vayeshev 5784, you also have Black Horse Judah and Levi on White Horse Joseph.

So, Joseph gets hit from all sides! And it is going to get much worse! And the only thing that will save Joseph’s life is if he decides to obey Yahweh and His covenant, and fulfill the Great Commission, because that is Yahweh’s price for stepping in and helping us.

And then you also have the Pink Horse, which are Josephites who have come out of the house of Esav just a little more than 500 years ago in the Protestant Reformation, except he is still tainted red. He still has Esavite thought patterns. At least he is reading the Bible now for himself! Now if we could just get him to commit to living what he reads! And eventually, 10% of us will decide in favor of Elohim. And like we see in Yeshayahu 10:22, the other 90% are not going to make it.

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 10:22
22 For though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, a remnant of them will return; the destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness.

But the Genesis 35 Alliance is the Zebra Alliance. On the one hand you have Judah with the scepter and Levi with the Levitical priesthood. And then on the other hand you have the tribe of Gad with the Portion of the Lawgiver (or the right to set halacha for the nation)–and we will talk about that more in the Avraham Accords series).

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 33:21
21 “He provided the first part for himself, because a lawgiver’s portion was reserved there. He came with the heads of the people; he administered the justice of Yahweh, and His judgments with Israel.”

And your zebra is your military industrial complex. Yirmeyahu 51:20 tells us that Joseph’s son Ephraim is Yahweh Tzavaot’s battle ax, and weapons of war–so that is your military part.

Yirmeyahu 51:20
20 “You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; with you I will destroy kingdoms;”

And then we saw how brother Judah and Levi study. And they are studying all the wrong things, because they are studying their own words, instead of studying Elohim’s words in the Tanach, but at least they are studying, so they get smart, and then they run businesses. That is your industrial part. So, even in that sense, your military industrial complex is your basic Joseph-Judah complex.

That is why Judah likes to import protestant weapons. And that is why the United States sticks close to Israel. It is the ‘Ephraim saving Judah’s lives’ yet again, and defending him against the Peppermint Horse complex. So, what we need to see here is that the Genesis 35 Alliance goes much deeper than most people suspect.

Torah portion: No leaven allowed

Now, we are going to make a few quick pitstops in the Torah portion this week. If we come to Vayiqra 6:16-17, it says that Aharon and his sons shall eat the sacrifices with unleavened bread in a set-apart place. And verse 17 emphasizes that the sacrifices shall not be eaten with leavened bread.

Vayiqra (Leviticus) 6:16-17
16 “And the remainder of it Aharon and his sons shall eat; with unleavened bread it shall be eaten in a set-apart place; in the court of the tabernacle of meeting they shall eat it.
17 It shall not be baked with leaven. I have given it as their portion of My offerings made by fire; it is most set-apart, like the sin offering and the trespass offering.”

Now, there is an exception for Shavuot (and we will talk about that some other time), but as we show in our studies about the Pesach (Passover), leaven symbolizes pride, (because pride puffs up!). And what do we do when we are puffed up? We make up our own doctrine. So what we will see in other places is that the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Chag HaMazot) is really the Feast of Unaltered Doctrine.

And right here in this passage, the symbolism in verse 17 is that you cannot live a life of sacrifice to Him in reality and truth, if you are making up your own doctrine.

Vayiqra (Leviticus) 6:17
17 “It shall not be baked with leaven. I have given it as their portion of My offerings made by fire; it is most set-apart, like the sin offering and the trespass offering.”

And this is something for both houses need to deeply pray about! (And Ishmael too!) Because if you are violating the words of Elohim in the Torah of Moshe, then you are violating the words of Elohim. And the penalty for disrespecting Elohim our King is death!

And that is something really important for the Talmudic community, and also for the Ephraimite community. (And Ishmael also.) It is not enough to say that you love and serve Elohim, and then you do not obey His words. It does not make sense, brothers.

And there is a lot more that we could say about the sacrifices and the symbolism behind each sacrifice, but we do not have time this week. So this week let us jump to our Haftarah prophetic portion.

Haftarah: The Day of Yahweh

Let us begin in Malachi. And just to take note, the numbering of Malachi 3 is different between the English and the Hebrew versions here. In the Hebrew Masoretic text, this is all one chapter, chapter 3.

In the Christian versions the Esavite scribes in the Middle Ages decided to break off the last six verses, starting in Malachi 3:19, and they renamed it as chapter 4. So, in the Christian versions you have a super short chapter of about six verses as chapter 4. (And for my part, I am not sure why they did that, because to me it reads like all one chapter—but that is Esav for you!)

But if we start in Malachi chapter 3 and just go to the end of the book, we are going to see both houses here. Both houses have lessons to learn and apply here. And I would like to recommend the whole book, because the time applies to us right now! And you can read chapter 1 and think that that does not have any parallel or any correspondence to today, but that will be wrong, because the time of Malachi is right now.

The impurities must go (one way or the other)

The tribe of Levi desperately needs to read Malachi chapter 2! But in Malachi chapter 2:7, Yahweh is talking to the priests in those end times. And Yahweh is rebuking the priests in those days, just prior to the return of Mashiach.

And He says that the lips of a priest should guard knowledge from Elohim, and people should seek instruction from his mouth because of it, for a true Levitical priest is a messenger of Yahweh of hosts.

Because he is proclaiming what the voice of Yahweh Elohim said in past years, and we as the children are to turn our hearts to these words that were handed down in the years of our forefathers. And likewise, the words of this prophecy (of former years) has to do with us as the descendants many generations later, today.

Malachi 2:7
7 “For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, and people should seek the law from his mouth; for he is the messenger of Yahweh of hosts.”

‭‭But then in verse eight, Yahweh complains at His set-apart messengers, the priests (meaning the rabbis), complaining that they have departed from his way! And with the Talmud, you have caused many to stumble at the Torah! And Yahweh Elohim Tzavaot says that you have corrupted His covenant that He gave to Levi in the written Torah of Moshe!

Malachi 2:8
8 “But you have departed from the way; you have caused many to stumble at the law [the written Torah of Moshe]. You have corrupted the covenant of Levi,” Says Yahweh of hosts.”

And if you think that is not going to cost you, then keep reading. Because these words are for today! (For example, let us take a look at the quote from an Orthodox Jewish man, below.)

We do not learn Tanach in our schools because it is very deep, and things can be misinterpreted. So, they do not teach us Tanach. We learn Talmud, we learn what we call “Oral Law”. So, if I want to go into Yeshayahu, what you call “Isaiah”, I would go to my Rabbi and I would ask him to teach it to me, like everything I do not understand and ask him to teach to me. But things I was not taught in school because I was told that it is deep to understand, I for sure would not just read texts…”
[Orthodox Jews REACT to Messianic Jews Sharing ISAIAH 53, So Be It, 1:24-1:54]

That is both the saddest and the funniest video clip I have ever seen in my life. He is confessing to committing double-suicide, because not only does he not listen for Elohim’s voice, but he refuses to read the written records of Elohim’s voice that were handed down from former years!

And now you have the rabbis lying to faithful believers like him, who trust on blind faith that the so-called “Oral Torah” of men is better than the written Torah that Yahweh Himself gave to Moshe. (“The Nascent Sanhedrin has no clothes!”)

But let us take a look at some of the complaints that Yahweh Elohim Tzavaot has against the rabbinical order, shall we? (And if the shoe fits, then wear it!)

Malachi 3:1
1 “Behold, I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me. And Yahweh, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He is coming,” says Yahweh of hosts.”

And we could say a lot of things here, but let us just keep going.

Malachi 3:2-3
2 “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderers’ soap.
3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to Yahweh an offering in righteousness.”

And you know how they refined gold and silver, do not you? You hit them with so much heat that they get so hot that they melt! And then when they have melted, now you scrape the impurities off. It does not sound real fun, does it?

Would it not be better and easier, just to ditch the Talmud and the so-called “Oral Torah”, and go back to the written Tanach (which is the record of the words that Elohim spoke)? That is all you have to do! Just stop being loyal to yourselves (as in Korach’s Rebellion!) and go back to being loyal to Yahweh Elohim! That is it!

Malachi 3:4
4 “Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasant to Yahweh again, as in the days of old, as in former years.”

Malachi 3:6-7a
6 “For I am Yahweh, and I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, o sons of Jacob [Judah and Ephraim].
7 Yet from the days of your forefathers [leaving Egypt], you have gone away from My ordinances. And have not kept them…”

We could really take this all the way back to Adam and Chavah–the idea was that after Yahweh Elohim Tsavaot sprung us from Egypt, we were supposed to be His faithful Proverbs 31 war bride. And this applies to both houses!

Proverbs 31 bride, faithful servant, wise virgins, Nazarene Israel, Original Faith, written Torah, obedience

So, what does He want a Proverbs 31 helper bride to do? He wants her to listen for His voice, and do what He says. And that includes reading up on all of the words His voice said before, as recorded by our forefathers in His word. And not listening to your rabbis, instead.

Because when you go stand before the throne in the Judgment, is not going to do any good if Elohim asks you, did you read My words? And you say, “No. Of course not! I thought I was supposed to listen to the rabbis!”

We do not learn Tanach in our schools because it is very deep, and things can be misinterpreted. So, they do not teach us Tanach. We learn Talmud, we learn what we call “Oral Law”. So, if I want to go into Yeshayahu, what you call “Isaiah”, I would go to my Rabbi and I would ask him to teach it to me, like everything I do not understand and ask him to teach to me. But things I was not taught in school because I was told that it is deep to understand, I for sure would not just read texts…”
[Orthodox Jews REACT to Messianic Jews Sharing ISAIAH 53, So Be It, 1:24-1:54]

And Ephraim. Can we please, please, please, please, please, please, get it through our heads that reading the Covenant is not the same as walking it out? Can we please get it through our heads that if you say, “I keep Torah because of Yeshua’s Spirit” and then you do not do the things you read, then it is a lie? And that Yeshua hates hypocrites, no matter of which house?

Does a man rob Elohim?

(And we already know that we are going to preach for 30, or 40, or 50 years, Elohim willing, and still 90% of the house of Ephraim will not wake up to their identities as the Lost Tribes of Joseph. Why? It is because we would have to humble ourselves to put our Maker and our Savior and His Spirit first. Meaning ahead of ourselves! And neither house is willing to do that right now. And only 10% of Ephraim will ever get it!

Yet for all of this, starting in verse 7, Yahweh still stays faithful to His faithless bride.

Malachi 3:7b
7b “…Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says Yahweh of hosts. But you said, ‘In what way shall we return?’”

(And now we find out one reason why we do not return all the way.)

Malachi 3:8
8 “Will a man rob Elohim? Yet you have robbed Me. But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and the offerings.”

(And what happens to those who rob Elohim of His tithes and offerings?)

Malachi 3:9
9 “[And because of this], you are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation.”

And we can understand the concept of building a physical temple, and manning a physical temple. (I am told by several people that the Temple Institute is “very well-funded”!) But I do not think many Ephraimites truly grasp that the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19 is the Proverbs 31 bridal candidates’ prime directive to establish Mashiach Nagid’s global spiritual government in His absence!

Mattityahu (Matthew) 28:19 [NI corrected version]
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, immersing them in My name,

And that is why Daniel 7:27 tells us that after Esav and the Little Horn fall, the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the set-apart ones of the Most High. [And that this need to prepare ourselves for this role is not a joke!]

Daniel 7:27
27 “Then the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.”

Kingdom builders or believing atheists?

I remember I had this one family that came to Sukkot one time, and they just thought it was supposed to be all fun and games! Just all about enjoyment! I tried to give them the best instruction I could, tailor made to them, to try to clarify matters for them. But it was like they could not even hear me, because what they said they wanted was to have a Monty Python-style argument.

And Mr. autism did not know what to say, because I was too busy wondering to myself, “How do you talk with people who have no fear of Elohim, and it is not about serving Him, or the Great Commission, but rather about having fun?”

It is all about walking a broad easy road, and receiving all the blessings you can! (It is about joining the “Bless Me Club”! But there is nothing about serving Elohim!)

You know, one more Ephraimite family who are seating ‘themselves’ on the throne. And they were all huffed off that they did not get to ignore the point of Elohim’s words, so they could waste time playing silly games.

The concept of a “solemn assembly” was lost on them. I could not seem to get through. And yeah, if that is all you want is to have fun and games for your family, and you want Disneyland, then yeah, why should ministry cost anything?

Because we are not trying to establish a kingdom for Yeshua in His absence. Because our only goal is to entertain ourselves in His name. And to live our lives in the world in His name! We are believing atheists! And in Ephraim’s case, we are the drunkards of Ephraim of Isaiah 28:1.

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 28:1
1 “Woe to the crown of pride, to the spiritual drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower which is at the head of the verdant valleys, to those who are overcome with spiritual wine.”

“Like a burning oven”

You know, this is not really fun for me. It is not my goal in life to be a wet blanket on a bunch of delinquent school children. My goal is to help people realize what is coming, so that 10% of them can decide to take the necessary commitments so they can perhaps survive what is coming. (Similar to how any sound marriage requires a genuine commitment?)

But of the Ephraimites that I have met, Ephraim be like,

“There no need to sacrifice anything that is not free! Yeshua’s got me! There is no need for me to take personal responsibility for the Great Commission, Yahweh knows my heart! We do not need to do anything, because we are covered by the blood, and Yahweh knows our heart!”

And that kind of attitude is straight out of Rome!

As we have seen many times, Yehezqel 37:16 shows us that before we come home, we need to organize. And not just some democratically-based Zionist political initiative, either.

Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 37:16
16 “As for you, son of man, take a stick for yourself and write on it: ‘For Judah and for the children of Israel, his companions.’ Then take another stick and write on it, ‘For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel, his companions.’

We will just have to keep on saying it every week until people get it. Ephesim 2:20 tells us to unify on a single foundation of apostles and prophets (or apostles and elders).

Ephesim (Ephesians) 2:20
20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Yeshua Mashiach Himself being the chief cornerstone,

And Ephesim 4:11 tells us that Yeshua Himself said that the fivefold ministry gifting are supposed to work together to buy the body into one.

Ephesim (Ephesians) 4:11
11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,

But it is not a game! And it is not a spectator sport! It is a group participant sport called ‘nation-building’! Do you have any idea what it takes to found a nation? Scripture tells us what it takes to found His nation. The only question is whether or not we want to be faithful.

You know, when Elohim gives you the greatest inheritance ever, you do not turn up your nose and say, “Ewww!! It costs too much! I do not want it!! so I will just pretend!”

You seize on it, and thank Elohim profusely through your actions for the opportunity to be of some kind of service to Him! You thank Him not just with your words, but through your faithful actions! But Ephraim seems unconcerned about the need to glorify Yeshua’s name, by doing the things He said to do. Because we in Ephraim think we know better than Yeshua!

Malachi 3:10
10 “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try [test] Me now in this,” says Yahweh of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” says Yahweh of hosts.

Judah, do you know why you have problems in Gaza? It is not because of Ishmael. It is because when you give your loyalty to the rabbis and the Talmud rather than to Yahweh and His written Torah, you are not obeying Elohim! So, you struggle and fight to try to figure out a solution to the Gaza problem, but you do not think to go back to the Tanach!

And in verse 12, Yahweh says that if we will just go back to doing what He says, then all nations will call us blessed, for He will make the land delightful! And there will not be problems like Gaza, or Hezbollah, because Yahweh Himself will turn the problems back!

Malachi 3:12
12 “And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land,” Says Yahweh of hosts.”

Then in verse 14, how many of us does this apply to? How many of us are confused on this point exactly, and we do not even know it?

Malachi 3:14
14 You have said, ‘It is useless to serve Elohim. What profit [benefit] is it that we have kept His ordinance, and that we have walked as mourners before Yahweh of hosts?
15 So now we call the proud blessed, for those who do wickedness are raised up; they even tempt Elohim and go free.’”

(And you have Masonic Lodge monsters like Albert Pike, who was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Lodge’s Scottish Rite. And he lets us know that any time the Illuminists and the Masons need a hero to lead the people in the wrong direction, they will provide that leader!)

But in those end-times there was still a small remnant who feared Yahweh, and spoke to one another,

Malachi 3:16-18
16 Then those who feared Yahweh, and spoke to one another, and Yahweh listened and heard them. So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear Yahweh and who meditate on His name.
17 “They shall be Mine,” says Yahweh of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.”
18 Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves Elohim and one who does not serve Him.

Because He is going to smite all those who do not! We saw in chapter 2 that He has plans to purify and refine the sons of Levi! And this is for the rest of us!

And now the Christian versions will switch to chapter 4 for the final six verses, but in the Hebrew Masoretic Text it just keeps going in chapter 3.

Malachi 4:1
1 “For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble, and the day which is coming shall burn them up,” says Yahweh of hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch.”

Meaning, if you are not doing what He says to do, you are not going to make it! And your children also are not going to make it this time. (And this is something that I think most people do not realize!) Because when we failed Yahweh and let him down in the wilderness, He let our children enter the land, the first time. But what He saying here is, “Not this time!” This time, if we do not do what He says, it is lights out!

Malachi 4:2
2 “But to you who fear My name [meaning we do what He says!], the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.
3 You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” says Yahweh of hosts,”

And that is what we want, right? So, how do we get there?

Malachi 4:4
4 “Remember the [written] Law [Torah] of Moshe, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.”

(Are we seeing the problem?)

We do not learn Tanach in our schools because it is very deep, and things can be misinterpreted. So, they do not teach us Tanach. We learn Talmud, we learn what we call “Oral Law”. So, if I want to go into Yeshayahu, what you call “Isaiah”, I would go to my Rabbi and I would ask him to teach it to me, like everything I do not understand and ask him to teach to me. But things I was not taught in school because I was told that it is deep to understand, I for sure would not just read texts…”
[Orthodox Jews REACT to Messianic Jews Sharing ISAIAH 53, So Be It, 1:24-1:54]


Malachi 4:5-6
5 “Behold, I will send to you Eliyahu HaNavi [or someone in the power and the spirit of Eliyahu HaNavi (the prophet)], before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahweh.
6 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with utter destruction.”

Are you double-minded?

This is where we have to call double-mindedness (or schizophrenia) on both Judah and Ephraim. Because here we have two houses who are claiming to believe on Yahweh, but they are not doing what He says! And here He says (effectively), “If you do not do what I told you to do, you are going to get wiped out!”

And so what do we do? Judah and Levi replace Yahweh’s words with their own books, and then they are super busy and super active establishing their own kingdom. And Ephraim reads all the right books, he just does not do what he reads, because it is too much work!

So, do we believe Elohim here? Or do we not believe Elohim here? Because you have to pick one. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot believe what Elohim says about obeying His words, and then keep the Talmud.

And you cannot tell me that you believe what Elohim says here, when you are not scrambling, and trying to work out salvation in fear and in trembling. Ephraim is spiritually drunk, and Judah and Levi are full of themselves!

Brit Chadasha: Yahweh’s judgement

We are talking about the Day of Yahweh here in Malachi. And in a Renewed Covenant context that can tie to many different passages, but most of us would think primarily of Mattityahu (or Matthew) chapter 24. In Mattityahu chapter 24 it is talking about destruction, of the kind you will get in the next 30, or 40, or 50 years, increasingly, until the Day of Yahweh comes!

Mattityahu (Matthew) 24:21-22
21 “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”

So, you start to ask yourself, “Well, it is going to be that bad, so what can I do? How can I preserve the lives of myself and my family?”

And that is an excellent question to be asking. And that is why right after chapter 24 comes Mattityahu chapter 25, which talks about how to avoid getting destroyed. Judah, Levi, and Joseph, are you listening? Prime Minister Netanyahu, are you listening?

Being a wise virgin

In Mattityahu 25:1-13 we have the Parable of the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins. And we do not want to suggest that five of the tribes are wise and five of the tribes are foolish, but it seems difficult for Ephraimites to avoid the obvious parallel symbolism to the 10 Lost Tribes of Joseph (Ephraim).

Mattityahu 25:2
2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

And as we saw in other places, we know from passages such as Matthew 15:24 that Yeshua came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (or Joseph, or Ephraim) on His first trip.

Mattityahu (Matthew) 15:24
24 But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

(And maybe it is like a bunch of Texans, where everyone has got three different first names. Or it is like a bunch of organic farmer warriors, or something. I do not know.) But in telling us how to stay safe from the destruction that is to come, Yeshua tells us that the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten Proverbs 31 war-bride virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the Bridegroom Yeshua.

Now, sadly, only five of them were wise, and the other five were foolish. And the foolish virgins took no oil with them.

Mattityahu (Mathew) 25:3
3 “Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,”

Oil can be symbolic of the Spirit. So, five of the bridal candidates had the Spirit, and five did not. And what is important to know is that if we have Yeshua’s Spirit, then we are going to bear fruit like Yeshua. If we honestly have Yeshua’s Spirit, it will lead us to do the same kinds of things that Yeshua did.

Yeshua’s Spirit will lead us to lay down our lives of pleasure in the world, so that we can be of more help to our Husband. So, we are not just some Proverbs 31 bridal candidate who only reads the words of Elohim, but does not obey them, because we do not truly have Yeshua’s Spirit.

Rather, we will be a bridal candidate who first reads carefully, to make absolutely sure that she knows what it says. And then it will be as if she salutes her Husband and her King, and eagerly does what she can to help her Husband grow His kingdom. It is like we are interns right now, and He wants to see how we do.

Proverbs 31 bride, faithful servant, wise virgins, Nazarene Israel, Original Faith, written Torah, obedience, saluting war-bride

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:5
5 But while the bridegroom was delayed [meaning He is not coming to rapture you out tomorrow! It means we are going through the tribulation!] they all slumbered and slept.

Do we emulate His Spirit?

In the Hebrew wedding model, the feasts of Yahweh are all indicative of phases of the wedding. And we talk about this more in our studies on the calendar, and the feasts, but the prophetic picture is that the bridegroom arrives on Yom Kippur for his bride, symbolic of Mashiach coming for His Proverbs 31 war bridal candidates.

Then on Yom Teruah (The Day of Trumpets) the bridegroom sends his messenger before him, to announce his soon-coming arrival with trumpet sounds from the shofar (the ram’s horn), so that the brides can wake up, and trim their lamps, and be ready for him when he comes!

And there is a very great emphasis on the bride being ready for her husband when he comes. Being ready is part of the test! (And most of Ephraim does not even think about that, because there is this assumption in the house of Joseph that we are going to have a pop quiz on our knowledge, instead of having a review of our lifelong productivity, and our lifelong fruit production for Him. And it is completely backwards and there are a lot of people who are going to be very surprised in that day!)

There are a lot of Ephraimites who are going to get surprised when they have not made a spotless and blemishless wedding garment, and they have not made oil for their lamps, and they get thrown into the outer darkness, where there is weeping, and gnashing of teeth, for not bothering to put Him first all summer, so that they could be ready!

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:6-8
6 “And at midnight [symbolic of Yom Teruah] a cry [from the Bridegroom’s messenger] was heard: ‘Behold, the Bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him.’
7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’”

“We did not spend our time getting prepared like you did! We did not really love Him, so we never bothered to work on ourselves, or to scrutinize our behavior, to make sure we measure up, and to make sure that we did all the things we were supposed to be doing, rather than living our lives in the world, in His name!”

And what that means in a nutshell is, they did not have the fullness of the Spirit. They did not truly love Yeshua like they thought, as evidenced by their lack of fruit. And their wedding dress is not ready. And the Great Commission meant nothing to them, so they are going to die along with the other 90%.

Brothers and sisters, is that us? Do we think we love Him, and do we think we have the fullness of His Spirit, but there is no fruit?

I think the thing that trips so many people up is that they may have had part of His Spirit (because they did have some oil in their lamps, yes?). But they did not have enough oil. They did not have enough of the Spirit. So they said to the wise virgins who had been preparing, “Let us have some of your Spirit.”

And that is kind of like people who think they are going to be approved because they are watching free shows on YouTube, but do not really care enough about Yeshua to get involved, and to help Him get the kingdom that His Father sent Him to get us to build for Him. (In other words, you are not going to ride in on anyone else’s coat tails.) You have to receive the Spirit, and start helping to build Yeshua’s kingdom.

So the wise answered, saying, “No, we cannot give you any of our Spirit, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.”

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:9
9 “But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’”

Meaning, you are going to have to get down out of the bleachers and the grandstands, and you are gonna have to come down onto the field and get sweaty and dirty, and get some skin in the game! And remember to bring Him your “A” game. Remember to bring Him your best, because in a very real sense, we are playing for the championship.

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:10
10 “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.
11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Adon, Adon, open to us.’
12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.”

“Because you did not have My Spirit. You did not really care about Me, and so you did not do the works that My Spirit would have had you do, so it may sound harsh, but you are useless to Me.”

“Did you ever think about what I wanted to get, in this thing? “I wanted to get a proverbs 31 war bride who loves Me enough that she is trying to do whatever she can to help Me get the kingdom that My Father sent Me to get you all to build for Me in my absence.”

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:13
13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.”

And here we just have to call out Ephraim for being double-minded, because they say they believe on Yeshua, but then they do not believe His words. Or at least, they behave as if they do not believe His words. (And the way Elohim looks at things, that is the same thing.)

Because Elohim does not go only based on what you say. Elohim listens to what you say, and then He watches what you do, to see if it is the same or not. And if it is not, then you are into hypocrisy, and that is an instant disqualification. And we just see it happen again, and again.

Warning to non-servants

The next piece of advice for how to survive the coming day of Yahweh is in the Parable of the Talents. (And this is the synoptic parallel to the parable of the Minas in Luqa 19.)

Starting in Mattityahu 25:14, Yeshua tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man traveling to a far country.

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:14
14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them.”

In the parallel account in Luqa 19:12, Yeshua said, “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.”

Luqa (Luke) 19:12
12 Therefore He said: “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.”

So in context, Mashiach the Prince of Daniel 9:26 is cut off, but not for Himself, and as a result, He goes away to heaven, to get the kingdom that is rightfully His.

Daniel 9:26
26 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined.”

But coming back to Mattityahu 25:14, Yeshua tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants (meaning His disciples), and delivered his goods to them, so they could work for Him while He was gone, and increase His holdings.

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:14
14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them.”

Verse 15.

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:15
15 “And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.” [Because He got cut off, Daniel 9:26].

So if you get prideful, think of this. If you think you are already cool, then you are supposed to be doing more than you already are. Meaning, there should not be a single one of us who is presently satisfied with his current level of performance, and is not striving to do more for His master and future King. (Remember that thought.)

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:16
16 “Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also.”

They are working for their Adon. Like Eliezer, they are constantly trying to make things better for their Adon. They are not just sitting around in their friends’ living room, eating lunch, and doing nothing. They are doing something for their Adon, each one according to his ability. Not his comfort level – his ability!

Verse 18.

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:18
18 “But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his master’s money.”

Meaning he received the same gift of eternal life as the rest of them, and he received the same Spirit as the rest of them, but he did nothing with it! He did nothing to help his master expand his holdings, because his concern was not for his master–his concern was for himself!

And let us leave the rabbis to one side here for the moment. Let us focus on taking the forest out of our own eyes first. How many of us in Ephraim have no real concern for expanding our Master’s holdings? How many of us, who call ourselves “Notzrim” have a real concern for expanding our Master’s holdings, as judged by our fruit? How many of us are thrilled to spend our time and our money helping our future King get the kingdom that belongs to Him?

Can you picture it? Your Master rides off on a white horse, and He tells you,

“When you see Me again, I will be King in My own right. And I want you to serve me as faithfully as Eliezer served Avraham.”

And then you do not do it! You do not tithe, and you do not give time, because you do not really care. But you say,

“I do not have any time or any money for my King, because He knows my heart.”

What is going to happen when your King returns? (You are going to get King Konged–that is what is going to happen!!!)

The Master will settle each account

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:19
19 “After a long time [like 2000 years!] the Adon of those servants came and settled accounts with them.”

We are talking about the day of judgment!

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:20-21
20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Adon, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’
21 His Adon said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Adon.’”

“You worked for Me. You disciplined yourself to do what it takes to expand My holdings. You were faithful over your own saved life, I will make you ruler over many things, because you showed Me that you care more about Me as your King then you do about your own pleasures in the world!! Therefore enter into the joy of your Adon!”

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:22-23
22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Adon, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’
23 His Adon said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Adon.’”

“Maybe you did not have as much ability as the first guy, but you still did all that you could with it. What I gave you to invest for Me, you invested to the best of your ability. You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Not because of the amount, but because you were faithful to Me instead of enjoying the pleasures of unrighteousness!! Enter into the joy of your Adon!!”

Parable of the Freeloader

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:24-25
24 “Then he who had received only one talent [meaning his own salvation in the Spirit] came and said, ‘Adon, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.
25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent [my saved life] in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’”

“You are Jewish. You are aggressive. You are pushing forward to establish a worldwide kingdom for your Father. I read my Bible to prepare for a pop quiz, and I watched a bunch of free videos, and I ate lunch in my friends’ living room, because all those things were free, and did not require me to make a lifetime commitment of stewardship, to do my very best for you.”

“Look, you gave me one saved life, and this is all that I am bringing to you, is my saved life. So now you have what is yours.”

Verse 26, “But his Adon answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy Ephraimite!”

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:26-27
26 “But his Adon answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed.
27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest.’”

“You knew that I am Jewish! You knew that I am aggressive, and that I am doing all I can to establish the kingdom for My Father! You knew that My Father is a war Elohim, and so that I push into the kingdom like nobody’s business! You knew that My preference is to reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed–but you did not even think about My preferences, did you? You did not even think about the way I like to do things, did you?”

“Why did you not at least take your saved life, and deposit it with one of the apostles, or deposit it with one of the prophets (or the elders), so that you could help them in what they are doing for Me?

“Did you think about what I wanted at all? Or did you just think about what you wanted? Why did you not deposit My money with the bankers (a congregational deacon or an elder), so that at My coming I could have received back My own investment in you with some interest? Is it not because you do not even care about Me enough to think about what I want, and try to help Me get what I want, even though I have the power of life and death over you?”

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:28-29
28 “So take the talent from him [from that lazy, self-serving Ephraimite!], and give it to him who has ten talents.
29 For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”

“Take the talent from the lazy self-serving Ephraimite who is only focused on what he wants, and give it to him who has the ten talents. Because if I make an investment with him, he will see to it that I get a good return on my investment, because he cares that I get what I want!

“For to everyone who has genuine love and respect for Me, more will be given, and he will have in great abundance. But from him who does not have genuine love and caring and respect for Me, even what he has will be taken away!”

Mattityahu (Matthew) 25:30
30 “And cast the unprofitable [lazy, freeloading, self-centered] servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

“Because he called himself my disciple, but he seemed completely unwilling to discipline himself for Me, so that I could get what My Father sent me to accomplish! And among the house of Ephraim there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, because they thought they could chump Me. They thought that they could do nothing for Me, and not even help those who are working for Me, and that everything would be okay.”

“But that just shows Me that there is no genuine love there. That just shows Me that I am dealing with a phony, and a fake, who thinks he loves Me, but the fruit says otherwise!”


For how many of us in the house of Ephraim does this shoe fit? How many of us does this describe? Our prayer is that you will become one of the future 10% to whom this will not apply, and for whom this will not describe.

Our prayers are with the future 10%, that you might make the most important decision of your life, which is to do whatever it takes that you might be among the future 10%.

And if your name is Levi or Judah, we pray that you will stop living in a split-level Talmudic head–but that you will return your loyalties back to Elohim, and His words, including the words of Mashiach Nagid. Because these are hard words. But they are words of Spirit, and truth, and eternal life in the set-apart Spirit.

And if we know what the future holds, then let us be real about it. Let us not live in Disneyland, or in a split-level head. If we claim to love Yeshua, then let us act like it. And not like crazy people who think that it is okay to say one thing, and to do another.

Shabbat shalom.


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Complete List of Parashiot

1B’reisheet06-03-2024Genesis 1:1-6:8Job 38, Daniel 42 Peter, Jude


Genesis 6:9-11:32Psalm 82, Psalm 89
Luke 1
3Lech Lecha30-03-2024Genesis 12:1-17:27Isaiah 19Matthew 1, 13
4Vayeira06-04-2024Genesis 18:1-22:242 Kings 4Luke 2
5Chayei Sarah13-04-2024Genesis 23:1-25:181 Kings 1Matthew 2
6Toldot20-04-2024Genesis 25:19-28:9Malachi 1-2Matthew 6
Hebrews 12
7Vayetze27-04-2024Genesis 28:10-32:2Hosea 12-14Matthew 3-4
8Vayishelach04-05-2024Genesis 32:3-36:43Hosea 11-12
Obadiah 1
John 1-2
9Vayeshev11-05-2024Genesis 37:1-40:23Amos 2-3John 2-4
10Miketz18-05-2024Genesis 41:1-44:17Zechariah 3-4Luke 4
11Vayigash25-05-2024Genesis 44:18-47:27Ezekiel 37John 5
12Vayechi01-06-2024Genesis 47:28-50:261 Kings 2Luke 4:31-5:11
13Shemote08-06-2024Exodus 1:1-6:1Isaiah  27:6-28:13, 29:22-24Luke 9 (all)
14Va’era15-06-2024Exodus 6:2-9:35Isaiah 66Matthew 12 (all)
15Bo22-06-2024Exodus 10:1-13:16Jeremiah 46Mark 3 (all)
16B’shelach29-06-2024Exodus 13:17-17:16Judges 4-5Matthew 5
17Yitro06-07-2024Exodus 18:1-20:23Isaiah 6-9Matthew 6:1-8:1
18Mishpatim13-07-2024Exodus 21:1-24:18Jeremiah 33-34John 10 (all)
19Terumah20-07-2024Exodus 25:1-27:191 Kings 5-6John 15-17 (all)
20Tetzaveh27-07-2024Exodus 27:20-30:101 Samuel 15Mark 4 – 5 (All)
21Ki Tisa03-08-2024Exodus 30:11-34:35Ezekiel 36-37 (all)Matthew 15, 23 (all)
22Vayakhel/Pekudei10-08-2024Exodus 35-40 (all)2 Kings 22-23John 14
1 John 2, 5
23Vayiqra17-08-2024Leviticus 1-5Jeremiah 7
Hosea 8
Romans 6
Hebrews 10
24Tzav24-08-2024Leviticus 6-8Malachi 3-4Matthew 25
25Shemini31-08-2024Leviticus 9-112 Samuel 6-7
Isaiah 65-66
Acts 10-11
Romans 14
26Tazria/Metzora07-09-2024Leviticus 12-152 Kings 5Matthew 17
Luke 17
27Acharei Mot *14-09-2024Leviticus 16-18Ezekiel 22Ephesians 5
28Kedoshim *21-09-2024Leviticus 19-20Amos 91 Corinthians 6
Galatians 5
29Emor28-09-2024Leviticus 21-24Ezekiel 44-45Luke 11-12
30Behar05-10-2024Leviticus 25:1-26:2Jeremiah 32Luke 13
31Bechukotai12-10-2024Leviticus 26:3 – 27:34Jeremiah 16-17Luke 14-15
32Bemidbar19-10-2024Numbers 1:1-4:20Hosea 1 – 2Luke 16-17
33Nasso26-10-2024Numbers 4:21-7:89Judges 13-15John 11
34Beha’alotcha02-11-2024Numbers 8:1-12:15Zechariah 2-4Matthew 18, John 6
35Shelach09-11-2024Numbers 13:1-15:41Joshua 1-2Matthew 10
Acts 13
36Korach16-11-2024Numbers 16-181 Samuel 11-12John 19
37Chukat23-11-2024Numbers 19:1-22:1Judges 11John 3
38Balak30-11-2024Numbers 22:2-25:92 Kings 5
Micah 5-6
39Pinchas07-12-2024Numbers 25:10-30:11 Kings 18-19
Psalms 106
1 Corinthians 10; John 2
40Mattot/Massei14-12-2024Numbers 30:2-36:13Jeremiah 1:1 – 4:2Ephesians 5-6
41Devarim21-12-2024Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22Isaiah 1Mark 13-14
42Va’etchanan28-12-2024Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11Isaiah 40Luke 21-22
43Ekev04-01-2025Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25Isaiah 49-51John 13-15


Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17Isaiah 54, 55, 56Ma’asei (Acts) 15
45Shoftim18-01-2025Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9Isaiah 51-52Acts 6, Ephesians 2, 4; 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1
46Ki Tetze25-01-2025Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19Isaiah 52:13-54:10Luke 15
47Ki Tavo01-02-2025Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8Isaiah 60Luke 22-23
48Nitzavim08-02-2025Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20Isaiah 61-63Acts 6, Ephesians 2, 4; 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1
49Vayelech15-02-2025Deuteronomy 31:1-31:30

Isaiah 55-56, Hosea 14

Micah 7, Joel 2

James 1-2 (all)
50Ha’azinu22-02-2025Deuteronomy 32:1-32:522 Samuel 22Revelations 5
51Vezot Haberakhah01-03-2025Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12  
Torah calendar feast dates, 7th Hebrew month, Firstfruits calendar, Moedim
First Month FeastsRosh Hashanah11-03-2024Ex.12:1-2, Num 28:11-151 Samuel 20 (all)Colossians 2:16-17
Moed Pesach25-03-2024Exodus 12-13Isaiah 45:21-25Luke 24 (all)
Moed 1 ULB


Exodus 12:15-20Ezekiel 37 (all)John 15 (all)
Moed Omer31-03-2024Lev. 23:9-16, Num. 8Matthew 28 (all)
Moed 7 ULB01-04-2024Exodus 13:3-101 Corinthians 5 (all)
Shavuot19-05-2024Deuteronomy 9:17Ruth (all)Acts 1 & 2 (all)
Seventh Month FeastsYom Teruah04 (o 05)-09-2024Leviticus 23, Numbers 10, 29Nehemiah 8Matthew 24 (all)
Yom Kippur13 (o 14)-09-2024Leviticus 16 (all), Leviticus 23, Numbers 29Jonah (all)Acts 27:9-10, Hebrews 9:7
Sukkot 118 (o 19)-09-2024Exodus 12, 33-34, (Plus Devarim in a shemittah year, the next is 2029)Ezekiel 38-39, Nehemiah 8:13-18John 7
Shemini Atzeret25 (o 26)-09-2024   

Feast Date


Torah/LawNavi’im / ProphetsBrit Chadasha

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