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PM Parasha Miketz 5784 (2024): The Ramban, Tamar, and 1666

Parasha Miketz Readings

B’reisheet (Genesis) 41:1-44:17
Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 3, Zekaryah (Zachariah) 6
Brit Chadasha
Luke (Luqa) 4

PM Parasha Miketz 5784 (2024) reading:

B’reisheet (Genesis) 41:1-44:17
Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 3, Zekaryah (Zachariah) 6
Luke (Luqa) 4

Fair Use: Pro-Israel Content, Academic Content, Pro-Millennial Reign
PG-13, Parental guidance is suggested.

Welcome to the Prime Minister Parasha Midrash, where we give mikra and midrash advice that Joseph believes the prime minister and the Knesset need to know, so they stop leading their people to their deaths! And so, they can stop praying for the deaths of their brothers in Joseph, three times each weekday, with the Birkhat HaMinim!

“The Birkat haMinim (Hebrew: ברכת המינים “Blessing on the heretics”) is a curse on heretics which forms part of the Jewish rabbinical liturgy. It is the twelfth in the series of eighteen benedictions (Shemoneh Esreh) that constitute the core of prayer service in the statutory daily ‘standing prayer’ of religious Jews.”
[Wikipedia, Birkat haMinim]

And brothers, is it right to curse Joseph, according to B’reisheet 12:3? We know you can justify anything from the Talmud, but Joseph does not hear Talmud! So, can you justify cursing Joseph from the Tanach alone?

B’reisheet (Genesis) 12:3
3 “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Since last week’s parasha, some two million practicing Orthodox Jews have cursed all Josephites some 18 times! (That is 3 curses a day, 6 days a week, right?) So, 18 curses per practicing Orthodox Jew, times two million death prayers.

That is maybe some 36 million kosher death prayers that the prime minister’s people have spoken over all of Joseph, and over all other Jews who are not Orthodox! (In just one week’s time!) The Orthodox even curse the majority of the Israeli electorate! (How does that work??)

For the apostates [meaning anyone who has left Orthodox Judaism, such as Yeshua (or Jesus), and everyone who follows Him] let there be no hope! And uproot the kingdom of arrogance speedily and in our days! May the Nazarenes and [all] the [other] sectarians [or the other “minim”] perish, as in a moment! Let them be blotted out of the Book of Life, and not be written together with the righteous! You are praised, O Adonai, who subdues the arrogant!
[Wikipedia, Jerusalem Talmud-Birkat haMinim

So, a big welcome to the Talmudic prime minister of Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu! And to the Talmudic geverim of the Israeli Knesset! My name is Norman Willis, and in 5777 the Orthodox Sanhedrin hijacked my computer, threatened me (that was lovely!), showed me how they had been rummaging through my computer and my personal emails (for who-knows-how-long) and then they asked me to be their gentile Christian messiah, whom they call, “Mashiach ben Yosef”!

Orthodox Judaism fobids Tanach

Under duress, I told them the truth. That yes, I wanted to look for ways we could both bring the lost tribes of Joseph home together! And they liked that so much that they announced that “Mashiach ben Yosef had come”! And then it went all over the social media! (And that was not what I said! But as the proverb says, we are to diligently seek that which is good!)

Proverb 11:27
27 He who earnestly seeks good finds favor, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil.

So, I flew to Israel on my own shekel only to be threatened with death by the secretary of the Orthodox Sanhedrin, and to be bellowed at by the president! (And then they just could not seem to understand why I did not trust them!

And both the nasi and the secretary explained (each in their own lovely way) that because of the Talmud, I could either convert, or become Judah’s Noachide slave, or choose death! (Pick one!) The Tanach of Elohim is not an option! Only the Talmud of men is an option! And the message was clear! If Joseph wants to follow Elohim and his words, he must die! But if Joseph wants to worship the rabbis, he can live!

Does that sound like the Spirit of Elohim?) Or does that sound like narcissistic personality disorder (aka total hypocrisy) on a national (and even global) scale? The rabbis’ point is that we should worship and serve them, rather than Elohim??? Goodbye!

The really sad part is that Judah has deceived himself to such an extent that he really thinks the Talmud is righteous! Prime Minister Netanyahu just bound tefillin! And Orthodox Judah thinks that he can exterminate Joseph and get away with it! Just like Genesis 37:20!

B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:20
20 “Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!”

Judah thinks that he is going to steal Joseph’s coat, and all the prophecies over Joseph! And then he is going to human traffic Joseph, and all of Josephs three-year-old girls, and his eight-year-old boys! And that is because the Talmud is Grooming University!

To speak the truth in love, but to get the point across, you might as well have Tractate Drag Queen story hour! Because Orthodox Judah is salivating over Josephite slaves and Josephite babies!

Religious Jews are asked about the Talmud

In the Abraham accords series, we will show you why everyone who chooses to obey Elohim’s words in the Tanach will win, and everyone who follows the Talmud will lose! Big time! So, if the prime minister does not want to listen, then get ready! Because we are turning up the volume until he does.

Because with all the respect, Mister Prime Minister, and members of the Knesset, your voting citizens may not rape Joseph’s babies! Joseph does not care what your rabbis have written in your Talmud! Talmud Tractate baby rapers!

May Yahweh Elohim Himself judge between Judah and Joseph! You may not take Gad’s colors! You may not steal Joseph’s coat! And you may not rape Joseph’s babies! Joseph rejects the Tamar cycle!

Ramban cycles

Last week in Parasha Vayeshev, we saw that the famous Catalán (Spanish) Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, (also known as Nachmanides, or the Ramban) related an old saying that he learned from his rabbis. “The Acts of the Fathers are a sign (or a portent) for the sons!

“It is indeed a great matter which our rabbis mentioned briefly, saying: “Whatever has happened to the patriarchs is a sign (or a portent) to the children!”
[“The Deeds of the Forefathers are Signs (or Portents) for their Descendants”, Sefaria]

And this means that whatever the patriarchs did in antiquity establishes spiritual patterns for us that will recur again and again throughout history. And Joseph gets a witness!

One reason this works is that we are dealing with personalities. As it says in B’reisheet 1:11, living beings tend to reproduce after their own kinds!

B’reisheet (Genesis) 1:11
11 Then Elohim said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.

It is like the old saying, “The apple does not fall far from the tree!

What it means in practice is that we have four main players in Scripture, which represent the four horse spirits of Zechariah. And those main four players are the patriarchs Esav, Ishmael, Judah, and Joseph. And we will talk about them in the haftara prophetic portion.

Tamar, Ramban cycles, and incest

We skipped Tamar last week, mostly because of time. But we had some good questions come up about Tamar in relation to rabbi Nachman’s cycles theory. And I prayed about it, and what I hear is to talk about it now. Because then both Judah and Joseph will have a better picture of who brother Judah really is, and what he wants, which is why we need to pray for him. (Because Orthodox Judah needs prayer.)

PG-13. Parental guidance is suggested. But at the same time, this is Scripture, and this is the real world. And especially in these end times with all sorts of Talmudic sexual predators in the house of the rabbis, we need to raise our children with awareness of the dangers around them. And that it is not safe to leave our children unattended with Orthodox Judah.

So, in last week’s parasha midrash on Vayeshev, we skipped over Judah cheating his daughter-in-law Tamar out of a husband in B’reisheet 38:11, mostly because we were out of time. There is just so much to cover in Vayeshev. Judah puts so many bad snowballs in motion there.)

B’reisheet (Genesis) 38:11
11 Then Judah said to Tamar his daughter-in-law, “Remain a widow in your father’s house till my son Shelah is grown.” For he said, “Lest he also die like his brothers.” And Tamar went and dwelt in her father’s house.

To paraphrase, the disciple question was “What does the Nachmanides cycles theory have to say about Tamar? And if it is a pattern, then what does the Judah-Tamar incident look like today?

And I prayed, and I got the answer that we should cover this now, because it will tie the whole story together much better. (And Joseph likes to read cover to cover anyway.) So let us zoom in on B’reisheet 38:15, where Judah basically commits incest with his daughter-in-law Tamar.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 38:15
15 When Judah saw her, he thought she was a harlot, because she had covered her face.

Now here is a king for you. In verse 18, Judah trades away his signet ring and cord, and the staff that was in his hand, for sex. And a signet ring and a staff are both symbols of authority. We are not talking about some cheap plastic ring and some stick. We are talking about the status symbols of the future king’s authority.

Sorry to have to say this way, but basically, Judah traded two (or three) witnesses to his authority for unlawful and adulterous sex, without even realizing what he was doing or what it cost him as a tribe. And it continues to cost Judah today, and he does not even realize it. Because he gives his loyalty to the Talmud, instead of giving his loyalty to his Elohim.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 38:18
18 Then he said, “What pledge shall I give you?” So she said, “Your signet and cord, and your staff that is in your hand.” Then he gave them to her, and went in to her, and she conceived by him.

Judah gave him his signet, his cord, and his staff to Tamar, and went in to her. And then she conceived by him. Tamar gives birth to Peretz and Zera, and Peretz goes on to lead king David’s line.

Peretz means ‘breaking through’. And that is one reason why Judah is the kingship tribe. Judah takes the initiative in a lot of areas, and Joseph would do well to pay attention, and learn some things. Just not everything, sad to say. Because Joseph would love to come and just soak up knowledge. Except that we will see Orthodox Judah (especially the Frankists) are into Satan.

It is not nice to say. (And please pray that we do not get cancelled for saying it, but we are trying to bring about a righteous family reunion).

However, considering the Ramban’s maxim, it is highly significant that Judah is into adulterous (and even incestuous) relationships with members of his own household. And we will see that it is highly significant that there are offspring (or zera, or seed) from these adulterous and incestuous relationships.

And if we had more time, we could talk about the last 350 years of Jewish history, especially starting first with Rabbi Isaac Luria, or “the Ari” (Ha’ari) and his Lurianic Kabbalah, and then progressing on to Shabatai Zevi and Jacob Frank.

Sabbatean Frankism

We are hoping to gear this series toward the prime minister, but we also need to feed disciples. So, if you want to know more about the unlawful and illicit Nachmanides patterns (and lurid Lurianic bodily fluid goings-on) of the house of Judah, and if you want to know how the Tamar patterns of B’reisheet 38 play out today, then the best book I know of on that subject is written by a secular Iraqi Jew named Robert Sepehr.

He wrote a pearl of a little book called, 1666: Redemption Through Sin. And it is the story of how in 1666, half of Orthodox Judaism decided that the way to be redeemed was to sin. (Similar to Tamar.)

Tamar thought that the way to be redeemed was to sin. And now rabbinic Judah is ruled by the offspring from that union. And with all the respect and love due to brother Judah, Joseph sees this as an Amos 2:4 moment.

Amos 2:4
4 Thus says Yahweh: “For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they have despised the law [the Torah] of the Yahweh, and have not kept His commandments. Their lies lead them astray, lies which their fathers followed.”

Their lies lead them astray. Lies from Parasha Vayeshev. And their forefathers followed lies which their forefathers followed. So, this is the Ramban cycle.

And Judah is getting ready to take control of the world because why? Because Judah spends his time and his money building a kingdom for his coming anti-Yeshua messiah. Judah is active. The only problem is, he ignores the words of Elohim in places like Daniel 9:26 [and the rest of Tanach]—but at least he has a state.

Even the Philistines have a state, because they organize, and they work toward it. We cannot say as we agree with their tactics, but the point is that Judah obeyed the Torah commandments to work together as a family team, and so Judah has a country.

Even Ishmael works together as a family team, and Ishmael has a country. But poor Joseph—he cannot be bothered if it costs time, or money, right? (So, I guess you get what you pay for, right?) A word to the wise ought to be enough.

Judah and Joseph errors

We are picking on Judah here, but only because Judah asks for our deaths or enslavement, and because Orthodox Judah wants to rape our babies. Joseph is trying to help Judah here.

Vayiqra chapter 19 verse 17 commands us not to hate our brother in our heart, (even if he wants to kill us, and enslave us, and rape our babies). Rather, it says, “You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and not bear sin because of him.”

Vayiqra (Leviticus) 19:17
17 “You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and not bear sin because of him.”

When you start talking about raping our babies, then Joseph is bearing sin. It is angering and shameful to read such monstruous things!

Ephraim has different problems. And we will talk about Ephraim’s problems in the Abraham Accords series. Mostly Ephraim is just lazy. He says he wants to serve Elohim according to the Tanach, as long as it does not take any of his time, or any of his money.

In the Abraham Accords series, we will see why Yeshayahu 10:22 says that although the children of the northern house of Israel (Ephraim) are as numerous as the sand of the sea, yet only a remnant of them will merit bringing home.

And that is because most of Ephraim can only be bothered with resting and reading on shabbat and the feasts. Just do not ask him to be faithful or consistent with what he reads in the Tanach. He knows the right thing to do. (He just does not want to do it!)

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 10:22
22 For though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, a remnant of them will return; the destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness.

Joseph’s problem is not replacing the Tanach. Joseph’s problem is lazy selfish entitlement, like some young rich prince’s son who has had an easy life and does not think that he really needs to work at the Tanach. He is good with resting and reading, or anything easy. Just do not ask him to make a real commitment to Elohim.

It is shameful, but we expect this to turn around in the next 6 years. Check us again in 7 years and see if Ephraim is still so lazy and self-focused.

Respectfully, regarding the Tamar cycles, Judah has a different set of problems. Judah’s problem is not that he is lazy, entitled, and indifferent (like Ephraim). That is not Judah’s problem at all. Judah works hard, and organizes, and he is smart about his choices.

Judah’s discipline in certain principles is amazing! And there is no shortage of talent (that’s for sure). It is clear why Elohim chose Judah to be the kingship tribe. And today it is the combined kingship and Levitical house. But with all that horsepower under the hood, and with so much going on upstairs, sometimes maybe Judah forgets who gave him his role? Maybe? Just a little bit?

You are sure Elohim gave you the eternal Torah, and that is why you cannot wait to rewrite it? That is why you cannot wait to replace it? And as we saw last week, that is why you cannot wait to steal Joseph’s ketonet pasim, and his identity? “Corporate narcissism” is not a biblical phrase, so how about we just call it hypocrisy?

B’reisheet (Genesis) 37:20
20 “Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!”

Redemption through sin

Replacing Elohim’s book is a real problem, brothers. Why did you think it would be okay? True, you have the kingship tribe, and you have the Levitical priesthood tribe. So, it is the kings and priests. But why does Judah think that he gets to make up his own rules?

For the Tamar cycle connection, the shortest way we can answer that (without starting a whole new series) is to recommend the Robert Sepehr book, and then midrash on it. Because I learned most of the same stuff somewhere else, but that little book ties it all together seamlessly.

On the back cover, it says “In 1666 [there is a year for you] a [Jewish] man by the name of Sabbatai [or “Saturn”, which is both Judah’s planet and the devil’s planet] declared himself to be the Messiah.”

1666 Redemption Through Sin, Robert Sepehr, Sabbatean Franists, Orthodox Judaism, Talmud

We will talk about Daniel 9:26 in the documentary bible study for the prime minister and the Knesset. And we will show that the Messiah had to have arrived before the second temple was destroyed. Because that is what Daniel 9:26 says.

Daniel 9:26 says that Mashiach Nagid, (the Messiah, or the Director), Mashiach the Prince had to be cut off, and not for himself, before the second temple was destroyed. So why are we looking for a Mashiach after that?? (That is what Joseph wants to know!)

Daniel 9:26
26 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined.”

Next, the cover says:

Followers of his heretical cult believed that sin is holy and should be practiced for its own sake.”
[Robert Sepehr, 1666, Redemption Through Sin]

(Ay yay yay!) And Jacob Frank’s followers believe the same thing. And we will see later that the Chabad descends from the religion of Jacob Frank. Franken-Judaism. That is basically what it is.

And for Christians, this does not describe most Jews. But we are talking about the power-elite. We are talking about the less than 1%. And this is in the same way that things go on inside of the Vatican and inside of most Protestant Christian mainstream churches that most of the attendees have no idea.

Orthodox Jews are about 10-13% of Judaism (depending on the survey), and the Chabad is about 10-13% of all Orthodox. So, it is your power 1%.

And not all Jews like or accept the Chabad. Some reject Chabad! And with good reasons! And yet the Chabad have enormous political power in Judah, at least partly because the owners of the Levant are also Frankists.

The Baron’s intention is to grant to the rich Israelites who are scattered about in different parts of the world, portions of that fine country, where he proposes to establish seigniors (or feudal lordships), and to give them, as far as possible, their ancient and sacred laws!
[The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany (Vol. 29), December 1829, page 759]

And what do you expect from the kingship tribe? His job is to establish a kingdom for the Messiah throughout all the world, and Frankist Judah has not been slack! It is a function of Kabbalah.

Lurianic Kabbalah basically says that Judah can take the initiative, because the end of a Messianic kingdom will justify the means. And the Kabbalistic reasoning is that if it is good for Judah now, and it may lead to the reign of the Jewish Messiah, then they should do it, no Matter how contrary to the written Torah it is.

Because with the oral torah, they can make up whatever you need. Just stop people from reading the written Torah, so they cannot tell the difference?

For some reason, Judah does not listen to Yahweh. Judah listens to his own words, as recorded in his own books. Because Judah believes he is smarter than Yahweh. And that he does not need to obey Yahweh. Orthodox Judah does not really read Yahweh’s books, unless it is for a trivia contest! Your rabbis prefer to analyze their own writings. Is not that like navel gazing?

The details are in Robert Sepehr’s book, but the Rothschild dynasty funded both Kabbalistic rabbis, Zevi and Frank. So, what does that tell you?

Sometimes you will hear Jews accuse the Chabad (or Frankism in general) as being a satanic Franken-Jewish death cult. (And I heard that first from a Jew.) There are a lot of Jews who really do not like Chabad.

And in some other place we will talk about Shlomo Carlebach, and the #MeToo era of Hollywood and Broadway Chabad harassing women. It is like basically an ‘anything goes’ situation if it will help Judah climb to the top of the dog pile. But it is strictly business. The written Torah has nothing to do with it. And Joseph says, “Yes. Exactly! That is our point!

Judah’s sin

It is embarrassing that Joseph should have to school Judah on the Tanach and the written Torah. That is just completely backwards, brothers. That is sad. Last week we saw that you can even become an elite Orthodox rabbi without even reading the Tanach once!

“The No.1 thing”, he said, “I edited the commentary on the entire Tanach from beginning to end, which was my first time going through all of Tanach!”
[Jerusalem Post interview, Rabbi Tuly Weisz]

And what Amos is talking about in Amos 2:4 is that Orthodox Judah is not listening to Yahweh. They are listening to their boys. They are listening to their rabbis.

Amos 2:4
4 Thus says Yahweh: “For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they have despised the law [the Torah] of the Yahweh, and have not kept His commandments. Their lies lead them astray, lies which their fathers followed.

As we saw with Rabbi Tuly Weisz, you do not even need to read the Tanach once to become an elite rabbi! So how do you know that the Talmud is the same as the Tanach, when you have not even read it?

If you have children, and as their father you tell them what to do, and they say, “I will dad.” How do you then feel if they tell everybody they are obeying their father, but then they make up a whole new set of books to replace what you said?

How do you feel when your son lies, and says that he is following your instructions, when he is not? Would you be pleased??

Do you like it when your son deceives you and everyone else so he can do his own thing, and yet says he is following your instructions? And then he goes off to have illicit sex with Tamar? And you are just supposed to trust whatever the rabbis say, right?

For full disclosure, I am not an expert on the Talmud, I would never open the book if Judah was not plotting against Joseph in that book. And I am not an expert on the Chabad, (although I have known quite a few Chabad members).

But they say that the Chabad teach that the Messiah will return when the world has devolved to its lowest state~ And there are all sorts of support for that, both in the Tanach, and in the Brit Chadasha (the Renewed Covenant). The thing that gets people upset about the Chabad is that rather than try to set the world right, and fix up the world, the Frankists are secretly ‘throwing themselves down to the base of Judah and Tamar’s ladder’, so to speak.

It is like how the adversary tempted Yeshua in Mattityahu 4:6

Mattityahu (Matthew) 4:6
6 And said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: ‘HE SHALL GIVE HIS ANGELS CHARGE OVER YOU,’ and, IN THEIR HANDS THEY SHALL BEAR YOU UP, LEST YOU DASH YOUR FOOT AGAINST A STONE.’ “

Basically, the Kabbalists are throwing themselves down at the base of the ladder, and depending on being able to abuse Elohim’s favor, because they are seed of Judah. (Similar to how Christians abuse Yeshua’s sacrifice by not doing what He said, because they are too special.)

But for Judah, the Tamar situation comes back into view. And the Kabbalists (including the Chabad) reportedly try to ‘hurry the devolution of the rest of the world along’ a bit, so that Mashiach ben Yosef can come. And they are making great profits for themselves, in the hopes of being able to provide their Mashiach with basically Skynet at his disposal, whenever he should finally decide to give up the word of Elohim and worship the words of men. (Elohim forbid.)

We can also find the Tamar cycle in Esther and her covert marriage into a foreign nation’s kingly lines. And it must be hard when you marry off daughters. If you love Esther, you do not want to lose her! Elohim forbid, right? So, what are you going to do? She must go undercover, just like Tamar, right?

Just like Rabbi Shabatai Zevi went undercover generationally to become the Dönme. And just like Rabbi Jacob Frank went undercover generationally to become the Jesuit Order. Right?

And maybe that is why Judah likes Purim so much? Because of the secret undercover marriages, and the making of covert-undercover generations of zera (or covert bloodlines)? And then those bloodline seed manage to break through (peretz)?

On the one hand, you could say it is the beast of Daniel 7:7, that devours, and breaks in pieces, and tramples the residue with its feet. And Judah is riding it! Do you like the book or the movie Dune, where the kid rides the sand worm? That is nothing! Judah is riding Babylon. That is why it is the Babylonian Talmud.

Daniel 7:7
7 “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.”

Talmudic world rule

Basically, the Frankists are doing as much evil in secret as they can. And they are pretending on the surface that they are not, in the hopes of hypnotizing the world, to prepare a global government for their coming Mashiach ben Yosef, when Talmudic law will be the law of the world that is under their hand.

In this video, the rabbi talks about the time when the Jewish people have supremacy over the nations of the world. And that the people of the nations “try to assist the Jewish people in any way”. Does the rabbi mean for everyone to assist the Jewish rabbis in promoting the pedophilia and the murder and identity theft of Joseph that is enshrined in the holy Talmud?

Orthodox Judah is assuming that Mashiach ben Yosef wants to trade in the word of Elohim for the opinions of some dead rabbis who are listening to Chaldean gods.

And they pretends that they are spending time with Yahweh, and His word, but you are listening to your boys, who are in love with your lovers, Adonai, and Hashem! And the black ops horse takes the term ‘spiritual warfare’ to a whole new level!

And there is your Tamar cycle. Judah is the once and future king is he not? And he is above all the rules? Even the ones that come from Elohim?

Ironically, at the same time, that is basically also why Judah got to be the kingship tribe. It is like what they say about septic tanks. All the big chunks rise to the top!

You know, if Judah would listen for Elohim’s voice, and hasten to obey it like his father King David did, he would still get to be the kingship tribe! And he would not have to trade off his signet ring or his staff!

B’reisheet (Genesis) 38:18
18 Then he said, “What pledge shall I give you?” So she said, “Your signet and cord, and your staff that is in your hand.” Then he gave them to her, and went in to her, and she conceived by him.

To win the final phase of any covert operations campaign, first you must convert to above board warfare. You might think it will work for you without going back to Yahweh, but it will not work for you. Below board warfare is not a good primary modality. The kingship tribe can use it as a support modality, but not as the prime driver.

If you value your lives and the lives of your children, a word to the wise should be sufficient. And it is a shakedown cruise to see who is wiser, is it not? Let me give you a free tip. Stick with Elohim. That is wiser!

However, for Joseph (or Ephraim) remember the twelve spies. Sending out spies is also in the Torah. And it is also in Esther. And it is not nice to say, but spying is a function of the kingship tribe. No one does it better than Judah. And here in this parasha, we see why. Because if you are a kingship tribe, and you have enemies, then you want to hold your enemies even closer.

The kingship tribe is the practicality tribe. And to be practical, if you have enemies, then you want the goods on them. You want to marry your daughters to their kings. Because Israel is a tiny little country. How are you going to establish the millennial reign if you do not use agents?

Hitler invaded Russia, and the Russians just retreated. Because Russia is that big, the winters are that cold, and the Russians are that tough! And so, Hitler ran out of manpower and supplies. But you cannot do that if you are a tiny country in the Middle East, surrounded by an ocean of enemies. So, what can Judah do?

How can Judah not only survive, but thrive, and prepare a highway in the desert for their Mashiach, except by covert means, which Judah as a kingship tribe would necessarily have to get into? And if you are going to do something, why not do your best, right?

We are not trying to justify it, but to speak the truth in love, if you are asking about the Tamar cycles, then yes, there was incest between Judah and Tamar. And there were two different lines of seed from that line, which both call themselves Jews.

And this is just like the difference between Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim is pro, and Manasseh is anti. And then Esav is something else. But look at Ephraim as the USA, and Manasseh as the UK, and you will see basically two different types even within Joseph. (And we will talk about that in the Abraham Accords series.)

But for Joseph, Judah is the kingship tribe, and someone must hold the scepter. And the Rothschilds are sometimes called the kings of the Jews.

We already saw that in the kingship, you get into agentry, and spies. All that must happen now for the final victory is for Judah to go back to the Tanach, so that Joseph can come home!

Judah needs to check his gyros and check his moral compass to make sure he is still serving Elohim. (And not just enshrining his yetzer hara, which is what the Talmud really looks like.)

However, Joseph also needs to appreciate the dirty job that Judah has been doing. Because he is fulfilling his role in B’reisheet 49:8.

B’reisheet 49:8
8 “Judah, you are he whom your brothers shall praise; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your father’s children shall bow down before you.”

(Is Joseph praising Judah yet? Why not? Maybe Joseph does not think it applies to him?)

Judah’s hand on Joseph’s neck

Here is a problem. It says, “Judah’s hand shall be on the neck of his enemies.” And guess what? Judah’s hand is on Joseph’s neck. That means Judah considers Joseph to be his enemy. And that is why Judah asks Elohim for Joseph’s deaths three times each weekday in the Birkhat HaMinim.

“For the apostates [meaning anyone who has left Orthodox Judaism, such as Yeshua (or Jesus), and everyone who follows Him] let there be no hope! And uproot the kingdom of arrogance speedily and in our days! May the Nazarenes and [all] the [other] sectarians [or the other “minim”] perish, as in a moment! Let them be blotted out of the Book of Life, and not be written together with the righteous! You are praised, O Adonai, who subdues the arrogant!”
[Wikipedia, Jerusalem Talmud-Birkat haMinim]

And he does this even though he already knows who Joseph is! (Because the Sanhedrin hijacked my computer and asked me to be his Mashiach ben Yosef. Which I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around, but I guess it is like I am expected to be a pop-up doll, or something like that. It rings all the bells in my studies into narcissistic personality disorder.)

Listen. Yahweh gave Judah the kingship role, and all the powers that go along with that. But not only do you have the authority, but you also have all the responsibility. And you can delegate your authority, but you cannot delegate the responsibility.

And you can use your kingship powers for Elohim, or you can use your powers for yourselves, to turn your yetzer hara into a reality. Like Fantasy Island. Like Judah did when he traded off his signet ring and cord, and his staff, symbols of his authority, for some “intercourse”.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 38:18
18 Then he said, “What pledge shall I give you?” So she said, “Your signet and cord, and your staff that is in your hand.” Then he gave them to her, and went in to her, and she conceived by him.”

Do you see how the rest of the world distrusts Judah because he does things that are against the face value of Elohim’s words in the Tanach? Is that good that the nations can point to the sexploits of the Mossad and other Tamar-like agencies, and use it to smear our forefather Israel’s name?

Can Judah see that by not obeying Elohim’s highest and best wishes for His creation, but instead by giving into the yetzer hara, Judah traded off two witnesses to his authority? And that he gave two witnesses to his authority to a Jewess who was pretending to be a harlot?
What does that say?

And is this where all the pedophilia in the Chazal comes from, is that Judah has given himself over to his basest Tamar-like urges? And that he is codifying his yetzer hara? And that he is seeking to turn it into law over the rest of the world? And that is why you do not want Joseph to come home, (do you)? Is because you hate prophets!

And maybe this is an autistic question, but whatever happened to the idea of not sinning? Why did you change the definitions of evil and good?

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 5:20-21
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Let us finish with the 1666 book cover, and let us think about how it applies to today.

1666 Redemption Through Sin, Robert Sepehr, Sabbatean Franists, Orthodox Judaism, Talmud

Robert Sepehr explains that the Sabbateans (the Dönme in the Islamic world, and many Muslim heads of state thought to be secretly Dönme) and their successors, the Frankists (the Jesuits and their subsidiaries today), have indulged in (Judah-and-Tamar-like-activities including but not limited to) religious orgies, ritual sacrifices, incest (there is Tamar), adultery (Tamar) and even homosexuality (which also shows up in the Talmud, along with the rest of the pre-pubescent child love and child marriage) for some 350 years.

Now, all the aforementioned in the book is basically recorded history. (It is just fact.) But let us read the rest of the cover.

Using secret societies such as the masons, this diabolical sect has infultrated [typo, “infiltrated”] into the highest echelons of political power. They covertly rule as the unelected hidden hand shaping history behind a veil of conspiracy.”
[Robert Sepehr, 1666 Redemption Through Sin]

The Talmudic agenda

Joseph should stop and consider; Judah is the kingship tribe. And it is not nice to say, but you do have spies in the Torah. It is a legitimate kingship function if it is done right, and if it is done while obeying the Spirit. And you have generational spies in Esther. And Judah loves the book of Esther and Purim, (because it is Tamar-like sexpionage). (It is not nice, but that is the most effective kind.)

(And they use agents like Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell. And you have Karl Marx and other Masons with their hidden hand symbology.)

Robert Sepehr asks, “What is their secret global agenda?

Whatever could their agenda be?

“For the apostates [meaning anyone who has left Orthodox Judaism, such as Yeshua (or Jesus), and everyone who follows Him] let there be no hope! And uproot the kingdom of arrogance speedily and in our days! May the Nazarenes and [all] the [other] sectarians [or the other “minim”] perish, as in a moment! Let them be blotted out of the Book of Life, and not be written together with the righteous! You are praised, O Adonai, who subdues the arrogant!”
[Wikipedia, Jerusalem Talmud-Birkat haMinim]

It is the same as the Talmud. And the Mossad’s-Tamarist-Frankist modus operandi is ‘Bible, sword, and honey pot’.

That part is not really a mystery. Orthodox Judah’s agenda is the Talmud. It has been this way since the days of Judah and Tamar. And it needs to stop. That is why we have these histories, so it can stop.

Amos 2:4 and Isaiah 30:1 let us know that cycle, that Judah wants to take their own counsel, instead of Elohim’s.

Amos 2:4
4 Thus says Yahweh: “For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they have despised the law [the Torah] of the Yahweh, and have not kept His commandments. Their lies lead them astray, lies which their fathers followed.

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 30:1
1 “Woe to the rebellious children,” says Yahweh, “who take counsel, but not of Me, and who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, that they may add sin to sin;”

And you cannot tell us that Judah was listening to Elohim when he cohabited with Tamar in B’reisheet 38. We just do not believe it. And sadly, that makes King David listening to Yahweh’s voice an aberration, rather than the rule.

We do not know how you plan to make the transition from covert to overt. We just know that Jews are highly intelligent, and they know how to ask Elohim, when they want to. And Joseph would prefer to humbly request. But at this point, Joseph needs to insist that Judah go back to the Tanach, so that together we can build the Genesis 35 alliance!

B’reisheet (Genesis) 35:11
11 Also Elohim said to him: “I am Elohim Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body.

(Instead of Joseph being slaughtered in the progressing Talmudic plan!)

[Bibi Netanyahu Meets the Rebbe | 1990]

And including the government in the United States. For one example, here is President Donald Trump before he was president, partying with Jeffrey Epstein (who is believed to have been a Frankist Mossad agent). Can anyone see a Tamar cycle here?

And agents like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are believed to have been secretly Frankist, because it is Frankism that justifies doing evil to do good. In Frankism, “the end justifies the means”, so to speak. (And that was Hitler’s philosophy.)

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 5:20-21
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Russian President Vladimir Putin also takes direction from the Chabad. And in the Soviet Union, the churches were all closed, while the synagogues were all open.

Putin with Chabad, Orthodox Judaism, Sabbatean Frankists, Talmud

1666 Redemption Through Sin costs $16.66 USD. It is 73 pages. And it basically catalogues the more recent Tamar-like misadventures of Judah, Peretz, and Zera of the past 350 years. I do not do book reviews, but I highly recommend it to everyone. I would fix the typo on the back cover, but other than that, I would not change anything else. It gives examples as to how the Judah and Tamar cycle has manifested for the past 350 years.

And we will be happy to buy the prime minister and any member of the Knesset a copy, who wants one. We are not a rich ministry, but we will be happy to do it, because it shows us how the adultery and incest with Tamar in B’reisheet 38 plays out today.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 38:15
15 When Judah saw her, he thought she was a harlot, because she had covered her face.

And we do not know how else to say it, but it is a showstopper for Joseph. Joseph will not expose his children to Tamar cycles. Just forget it! Bad idea!

For examples of the Tamar cycle in the Talmud (or the book of Tamar), let us go to Sanhedrin 69a.

“Rabbi Yirmeya of Difti says: We learn in another mishna (Nidda 44b) as well that one follows the majority even in cases of capital law: A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal can be betrothed with intercourse, as, despite her age, the legal status of intercourse with her is that of full-fledged intercourse.”
[Sanhedrin 69a, Sefaria]

Now, let us contrast that to Shemote chapter 23 verse 2.

Shemote (Exodus) 23:2
2 You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice.

Talmud pedophilia

What is replacing the written Torah with the words of men? Is that evil?? That is what King Jeroboam did! That is why Joseph went into the dispersion in the first place, was because King Jeroboam replaced Elohim’s written Torah with his own manmade written Talmud!

But let us check and see what the majority of Orthodox rabbis want! (Do you have your barf bag handy? We are going to read from Orthodox Judaism’s holiest book.)

Let us read from Sanhedrin 69a.

“Rabbi Yirmeya of Difti says: We learn in another mishna (Nidda 44b) as well that one follows the majority even in cases of capital law: A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal can be betrothed with intercourse, as, despite her age, the legal status of intercourse with her is that of full-fledged intercourse.”
[Sanhedrin 69a, Sefaria]

And what that means is that the majority of the so-called “sages” agree that the youngest you can take a wife by sexual relations is three years and one day old, because the hymen is supposed to magically form at age 3.

In other words, if you have sex before that, there is no hymen to break. so, according to the rabbis, there was no sex.

And you know what that means. Hey! If they are younger than three, according to the Orthodox Judaism, you do not need a license! And the terrifying part is, Orthodox Judah will defend this! Talmudic Judah doubles down on this! Because, hey! This means hubby can get started when she is only three years and one day old.

Has Mashiach ben Yosef found some 70 or 80 million Protestant American Christians who are ready to convert to the worship of the Talmud yet? Because, hey! Orthodox Jews are holding their breath in anticipation of Joseph’s three-year-old girls. Because Joseph has some good-looking child brides?

In Niddah 45a, the minority opinion of Rabbi Meir says that at 2-years and one month of age, a girl can start feeling the Talmudic Orthodox rabbis’ love.

“The baraita states that according to Rabbi Meir, a girl two years and one day old is considered like a three-year-old, following the opinion that one day in a year is equivalent to a full year.”
[Niddah 45a, Sefaria]

Let us read that again. Sanhedrin 69a.

“Rabbi Yirmeya of Difti says: We learn in another mishna (Niddah 44b) as well that one follows the majority even in cases of capital law: A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal can be betrothed with intercourse, as, despite her age, the legal status of intercourse with her is that of full-fledged intercourse.”
[Sanhedrin 69a, Sefaria]

We will talk about this more in the chapter on the Talmud we are planning for the prime minister and the Knesset, but we need to get this out of the way here.

In the Talmud Niddah 44b, the main thing is to deflower the maidenhead. The main thing is to break the hymen.

“Just as in that case, the eye constricts, sheds tears, and then returns to its original state, so too, in a girl younger than three years and one day old, the hymen returns to its original state.”
[Niddah 44b, Sefaria]

And that is why the rabbis set the minimum age at three. Because in places like Niddah 44b, a little girl forms her hymen on her third birthday, at exactly 3 years and 0 days.

That is why Talmud Niddah 45a says that sex with a baby before age 3 “is as nothing”. Because according to the Talmud Tractate Niddah 44b, it hypothetically does not break the hymen to have sex with a newborn. Meaning that the hymen “magically forms” at around 3 years of age, so sex with a baby girl before that age is accounted “is nothing”.

“Rav Ḥisda said: Come and hear the mishna: If the girl is less than that age of three years and one day, intercourse with her is like placing a finger into the eye. Why do I need the mishna to teach: Like placing a finger into the eye? Let it teach simply: If she is less than that age, intercourse with her is nothing. What, is it not correct that this is what the mishna teaches us, by its comparison to an eye: Just as placing a finger in an eye causes it to tear and tear again, when another finger is placed in it, so too after the intercourse of a girl under three the hymen disappears and comes back again?”
[Talmud Niddah 45a, Sefaria]

(And it gets sicker than this, but this is what is easy to show.)

[Rabbi Manis Friedman says non-Jews “have no idea” what morality is and must learn from them!]

Let us scroll down to Sanhedrin 69b.

“The Sages taught in a baraita: If a woman was acting lewdly with her minor son and he performed the initial stage of intercourse with her, [Meaning what, penetration?] Beit Shammai say that he has thereby disqualified her from marrying into the priesthood.”
[Sanhedrin 69b, Sefaria]

(Joseph would think!)

“And Beit Hillel deem her fit to marry into the priesthood, because they maintain that the intercourse of a minor is not regarded as intercourse.”
[Sanhedrin 69b, Sefaria]

The pedophilia goes on and on. The rabbis have made an idol out of their yetzer hara, or their evil inclination, as found in the incident of Judah and Tamar.
And they are attempting to establish their own Tamar legal code as the legal code for the entire world.

Let us read more examples of older men having unlawful, Tamar-like relations with under-aged girls.

“The Gemara refutes this proof: From where do you prove this? Perhaps both Ahithophel and his son Eliam fathered children when they were each nine years old, and Bathsheba gave birth to Solomon when she was six, because a woman is stronger and can conceive at an earlier age.”
[Sanhedrin 69b, Sefaria]

(Elohim forbid!)

So, that would mean that in Shemuel Bet 11:2, King David got excited enough by a six-year-old girl, so that he murdered her husband, to have her. She was soooo desirable to him….

Shemuel Bet (2 Samuel) 11:2
2 Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king’s house. And from the roof he saw a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful to behold.

But of course, with a righteous king like David, if he got aroused by a six-year-old girl, then surely all righteous men can get aroused by six-year-old girls? But only if they are truly righteous like King David was! Because, oh no. The rabbis would never advocate for child marriage. Perish the thought! It is just that righteous men like King David and Yitzhak, they all got excited for young girls.

And according to Rashi, Avraham was the same way. Because if we go to the Sefaria website, and look up Rashi’s commentary on B’reisheet 23.11, talking about Chayei Sarah (or the life of Sarah), we read the following.

“…So, too, when Sarah was one hundred years old she was sinless — and when she was twenty she was as beautiful as when she was seven.”
[Rashi on Genesis 23:1, Sefaria]

Rabbis are teaching that those seven-year-old girls are looking good!

[Rabbi Manis Friedman says non-Jews “have no idea” what morality is and must learn from them!]

Judah must choose: good or evil?

Is this why Orthodox Judah does not read the Tanach? Is this why Orthodox Judah pretends that the Talmud is the only possible true and correct interpretation of the Tanach?

Because as we already saw back in B’reisheet 37:20, Judah hates prophets, and is more than willing to kill them, or enslave them, or throw them into a pit (like Judah also did with Jeremiah). And then put on a show. And then try to gaslight Joseph into giving up the Tanach and the protections when Israel took us as full tribes.

B’reisheet 37:20
20 “Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!”

And Judah wants Joseph to trade the Tanach for a pedophile-friendly book that pretends to interpret the Tanach? (And let us remember that the rabbis lie and call things Tanach that are actually Talmud!)

I sure hope you do not hold your breath. Joseph does not do pedophilia. And we will do a whole chapter on the Talmud in the upcoming documentary.

One of the things that the Talmud does is that it changes the definitions of things away from the Tanach ideal. And it replaces the Tanach spirit with a different spirit and a different set of documents that are specially friendly to Judah and his yetzer hara (or his evil inclination.) So that it can be Judah on Tamar fornication, incest, and Mossad. Or it can be Judah on Joseph violence and cursing Joseph to death 936 times each year! It is like Pinky and the Brain!

According to the Talmud, Joseph is just supposed to take whatever the rabbis dish out and be thankful.

Divre HaYamim Bet (2 Chronicles) 10:11
11 “And now, whereas my father put a heavy yoke on you, I will add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scourges!”

And, you know, you must keep that kingship tribe happy. And you know how unhappy the king can get if he does not get to sleep with pre-pubescent girls! Even the holy Talmud shows that the righteous King David got excited over young girls! And Orthodox Judah will deny that this is a problem. Judah is proud of the Talmud. He just does not want you reading it.

To speak the truth in love, there was one comment someone who commented that the prime minister will not have the time to watch this, so we should just stop. Please allow me to respond to that here.

The prime minister had time to approve the hijacking of my computer in 5777 (and why else did I go take death threats from the Sanhedrin at my own expense?) And whether it was Mossad or unit 8200 or whoever did the actual hijacking, they had to have gotten approval from the prime minister’s office.

So, the prime minister has time to approve the hijacking of an American foreign national’s computer. And it seems to not matter to the prime minister that he has basically hijacked my life. And he and his people are cursing me and my people to death.

“For the apostates [meaning anyone who has left Orthodox Judaism, such as Yeshua (or Jesus), and everyone who follows Him] let there be no hope! And uproot the kingdom of arrogance speedily and in our days! May the Nazarenes and [all] the [other] sectarians [or the other “minim”] perish, as in a moment! Let them be blotted out of the Book of Life, and not be written together with the righteous! You are praised, O Adonai, who subdues the arrogant!”
[Wikipedia, Jerusalem Talmud-Birkat haMinim]

And Prime Minister Netanyahu and his people are secretly still at war with me and my people. And he knows that we are the house of Joseph, and that we want to follow the Tanach.

With all earthly respect, if the good prime minister has time to hijack my life, but does not care that he and his people have me and my people slated for destruction, then a state of Vayeshev by Judah on Joseph continues to exist, as it has since ancient times!

B’reisheet 37:20
20 “Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!”

Can you perhaps ask the good prime minister if he has time perhaps to consider what it means to break B’reisheet 12:3, and bring down curses from Elohim on his people, for cursing joseph? Or why does it not seem to matter that he and his people Break B’reisheet 12:3 by cursing us when they know we are Joseph?

B’reisheet (Genesis) 12:3
3 “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Why is Judah cursing himself?

Did Elohim write Judah a pass, or an excuse to get out of Genesis 12:3? Or are some animals more equal than others? Or what is the problem here?

Does the good prime minister perhaps have time to consider what it means to break B’reisheet 12:3, when he knows who Joseph is, and still him and his people curse Joseph (and those Jews who sojourn with him), contrary to Elohim’s eternal Torah, and the injunctions in places like Devarim 4:2, never to change it?

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 4:2
2 You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of Yahweh your Elohim which I command you.

Or maybe the rabbis out-number Elohim, so their court is greater in numerical value than his? So, because of that, they can replace Elohim’s written Torah with their own takhanot and maasim, nachon? Or why is the heresy? This is just shameful, brothers!

Can you see what are we doing here, besides turning Judah’s sickest incestuous fantasies into a Babylonian legal code that you plan to shove down Joseph’s throats along with everyone else?

[Bibi Netanyahu Meets the Rebbe | 1990]

Does the good prime minister perhaps have time to consider what it means to break B’reisheet 12:3, when he knows who Joseph is?

Mister Prime Minister, in the context of Nachmanides and cycles theory, what else can you be talking about, but advancing the Talmudic plan for world dominion, which you apparently are working on? And why does this plan include slaughtering Joseph? And specifically, what about Amos 2:4, Mister Prime Minister?

Amos 2:4
4 Thus says Yahweh: “For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they have despised the law of Yahweh, and have not kept His commandments. Their lies lead them astray, lies which their fathers followed.”

If Amos 2:4 indicates that Judah is not following Elohim, but rather, that he is following lies that his ancestors Judah and Tamar followed, what does Elohim say happens here, Mister Prime Minister? And in the context of Rabbi Nachman’s cycles theory, why are you getting ready to do it again?

The good prime minister has time for Bible trivia contests, right? Does he perhaps have time to put the Bible to a test that is more than trivial? Or is Amos not trivial enough for you?

Hijacking my life and then slamming the door in my face when I came to talk about how to bring the lost tribes of Joseph home. And you contacted me! If that is not how it happened, then why else did I come to Israel in 5777, and take death threats from the Sanhedrin?

So, I come to Israel, but I am not willing to give up the Tanach, and I do not want to be a Noachide slave (which is an insult). And you slam the door in my face, and I am like looking over my shoulder for the next six weeks, until my plane leaves!

No explanation.
No apology.
Just “next!”

Why would anyone read pedophilia when they could read the Tanach? (That is just too weird!) Sexual deviancy!

And it is a minority that curses all Christians and all other types of Jews to death? Why is this legal? It is clearly not lawful according to B’reisheet 12:3. And the prime minister knows it!

B’reisheet (Genesis) 12:3
3 “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

The prime minister knows that we know that he knows that we are Joseph. Why is the prime minister bringing down curses on him and his people by cursing their ancient brothers in Joseph? Just like it has always been, ever since Judah went corrupted in Parasha Vayeshev.

B’reisheet (Genesis) Genesis 41:1-44:17

Let us hit the high points of Parasha Miketz. And we pray it will help to illustrate the differences between what the written Torah and the Tanach of Elohim call for on the one hand, versus the Judah-on-Joseph violence and the Vayeshev urges of Judah that Judah tries to codify as law. And then tries to sell it to Joseph as a replacement for Elohim’s words. (Like Jeroboam all over again!)

Joseph is falling back on sola scriptura (only Scripture). Meaning, if it does not match the face value of Elohim’s words, and if you do not get a witness in the set-apart spirit, then out it goes. That is how we broke free from Esav. And we just broke free from Jeroboam’s curse between the first and second intifadas. I came to Israel in the second half of the second intifada, and no one knew anything about Joseph or Ephraim. Right?

Let us hit the high points and set up for Vayigash and Vayechi.

B’reisheet (or Genesis) 41:45
45 And Pharaoh [Paro] called Joseph’s name Zaphnath-Paaneah. And he gave him as a wife Asenath, the daughter of Poti-Pherah priest of On. So Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt.

B’reisheet chapter 41 verse 45 has two bombshells. First, if you want to talk about a future identity crisis, try getting sold into slavery by your own brothers. And then the Egyptians honor you. And they give you a pagan priest’s daughter as a wife. Then you have two children.

And apparently Orthodox Judah hates them also, right? Orthodox Judah hates Joseph so much for saving your lives that you will subvert the Torah to steal Joseph’s identity, right? And steal Joseph’s ketonet pasim, right? (Yahweh have mercy!)

In B’reisheet chapter 41 verse 45 , Paro called Yosef’s name “Zaphnath-Paaneah.”

Brown Driver Briggs suggests that it means “treasury of the glorious rest”.

צפנת פּענח
tsâphnath pa‛nêach
BDB Definition:
Zaphnath-paaneah = “treasury of the glorious rest”
1) a name given by Pharaoh to Joseph
Part of Speech: noun proper masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: of Egyptian derivation.
[Brown Driver Briggs]

Logos simply says that the precise derivation and meaning of the name is unknown. And then Strong’s Concordance states that it is a name of Egyptian derivation.

צָפְנַת פַּעְנֵחַ
tsâphnath pa‛nêach
tsof-nath’ pah-nay’-akh
Of Egyptian derivation; Tsophnath-Paneach, Joseph’s Egyptian name: – Zaphnath-paaneah.
[Strong’s Hebrew Concordance]

However, if we go to Wikipedia, brother Judah has several ideas, probably because they read more Hebrew, so they have better insights into the intended meanings of the authors.

Targum Onkelos (1st century CE) gives the meaning of the name as “the man to whom hidden things are revealed“; Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, “the man who revealeth mysteries“; Josephus (c. CE 94), “a finder of mysteries“. Rashi (11th–12th century CE) in his commentary on the Torah gives the meaning “explainer of hidden things“.[4] Nachmanides (13th century) gives “explainer of secrets“, while Bahya ben Asher (13th–14th century) gives “the one who reveals secrets“. The reason for these translations is that the feminine noun צָפְנַת (Ṣāp̄naṯ) refers to something hidden/secret in Hebrew, deriving from the root צפן (ṣ-p-n), meaning “to hide, conceal“; while פַּעְנֵחַ (Paʿnēaḥ) is a verb deriving from the root פענח (p-ʿ-n-ḥ), meaning “to discover, decipher, decode“. This would give us the literal translation of “Zaphnath-Paaneah” from Hebrew as “He [who] deciphered the Hidden“.
[Zaphnath – Paaneah, Wikipedia]

As we can see, these are all basically the same definitions. And we agree with it.

Back before I got called to study the bible, I was studying for a doctorate in Chinese medical theory. I was looking for truth in all the wrong places, and then I got called to this. I do not know Egyptian, but to me, Zaphenath seems similar to “tsafoon”, which is “north”. And concerning Paaneah, I am not a philologist but that sounds like “panim”, referring to the “interior faces”, and what is concealed in the interior faces. So, you know things that are hidden on the inside.

And in Chinese thought, China is north of the equator, like Israel, so the sunny side of the hill is the south side of the hill, and the north side of the hill is the shady side of the hill. So, what happens on the south side gets exposed, and what happens on the north side gets concealed, because that is where the shadows are.

In the chronology section of the documentary, we will show that Ephraim left out to the north. And in the Haftarah we will see that Ephraim gets called back from the north.

For Christians, and especially westerners, there are two norths. You have a physical north, and then there is also a spiritual north (and I am sure someone has more technical terms).

And for those who do a Passover seder, the hidden afikoman is called “tzafun”, meaning “hidden”. Tzafon means “north” and derives from the Ugaritic for the “hidden or dark region”, like in the Chinese concept of the shady north side of a hill. (The north face, so to speak.) Hence its additional Hebrew meaning of concealed.

In the related semitic tongue Arabic, “damara” literally means hidden and, metaphorically, conscience. And we know that Joseph always acted according to conscience. (It sounds kind of like autism.)

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 3

And we will also see in the Haftarah that Ephraim (or Joseph) left out to the north. And we will talk all about that in the Abraham Accords video series. And we will also see Ephraim come back from the north.

Let us go to Yirmeyahu chapter 3 verse 12.

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 3:12-13
12 Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say: ‘Return, backsliding Israel,’ says Yahweh; ‘I will not cause My anger to fall on you. For I am merciful,’ says Yahweh; ‘I will not remain angry forever.
13 Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against Yahweh your Elohim, and have scattered your charms to alien deities under every green tree, and you have not obeyed My voice,’ says Yahweh.

In the chronology section of the documentary bible study we will show how much of Judah went into the dispersion along with Joseph. And then in verse 18, the USA falls (basically), and then the house of Israel (or Ephraim, or Joseph) will come back to the land of Israel. And not as Noachide slaves. But as brothers.

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 3:18
18 “In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given as an inheritance to your fathers.”

If Orthodox Judah would read the Tanach, Judah would be schooling Joseph on the Tanach prophecies, and not the other way around. (It is just shameful brothers.) What are the nations going to say?

See! They love Elohim so much; they do not even read His book! They do not even know what it says! Does anybody know what it says in Mishle chapter 26 verse 27?

Mishle (Proverbs) 26:24-27
24 He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself;
25 When he speaks kindly, do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart;
26 Though his hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.
27 Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.

If you dig a pit for someone (no matter whether Joseph or who), for each and every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. So, if you are going to dig a pit for Joseph, Elohim will make sure you will fall into it. And do not try to roll away the stone of stumbling and the rock of offense, or it is going to roll right back on top of you. (Father forbid. But a word to the wise should be sufficient.)

One should not have to make videos for the prime minister and the Sanhedrin to wake them up to what is written in the Tanach. Judah is supposed to be teaching us what the Tanach says! (And you try, but you lie. So, we are not having it!)

Zekaryah (Zachariah) 6

If we go to Zechariah 6, we see the red horses. And in the four horses video set we will see that this is Esav. Esav is red because he is always mad. And your Roman cardinals all dress in red.

In verse 2, we see the second chariot has black horses, which is Judah, the kingship tribe (the black ops tribe). (Tamar, the Mossad, and sexpionage.) Then in verse 3, we see the white horses which are Joseph, and the dappled horses which are Ishmael. (And we will see Ishmael change to green in the Renewed Covenant, after Mohammed. And we do not have time to unpack that here.

Zekaryah (Zechariah) 6:1-3
1 Then I turned and raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four chariots were coming from between two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of bronze.
2 With the first chariot were red horses, with the second chariot black horses,
3 with the third chariot white horses, and with the fourth chariot dappled horses—strong steeds.

In verse 5, the malach (or the angel) says that these are four spirits of heaven, who go out from their station before the adon of all the earth.

Zekaryah (Zechariah) 6:4-5
4 Then I answered and said to the angel who talked with me, “What are these, my adon?”
5 And the angel answered and said to me, “These are four spirits of heaven, who go out from their station before Yahweh of all the earth.”

Let us continue with verse 6

Zekaryah (Zechariah) 6:6
6 “The one with the black horses [Judah] is going to the north country, the white [Joseph] are going after them, and the dappled [later, green] are going toward the south country [the Muslims went south first].”

We do not have time to unpack the migrations of the tribes here, but notice something special in verse 6, and we will come back to it later in the Four Horses series. But we see that black leads white, and that is the correct order. You have the Genesis 35 alliance right there. And where did they go? They went to Christian Europe. They went north, into Yaphethite country. Together. And what is so interesting is that Judah leads.

Some people think Christopher Columbus was Jewish. Some people think Judah found a way to take charge of the Roman Empire and ride the Babylonian system long before the Sabbatean Frankists, the Dönme, and the Jesuits. Some people think that kind of thing started all the way back in the book of Esther.

That is an example of peretz (breaking through). And the Dönme and the Jesuits, that is zera. (They are not in charge, but they are still secretly Jewish. And they are helping to fulfill Genesis 49:8.)

B’reisheet (Genesis) 49:8
8 “Judah, you are he whom your brothers shall praise; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your father’s children shall bow down before you.

The only thing is, you cannot win the final phase of the war unless you go above board and go back to the Tanach and the Levitical order. (And we say that because we want you to succeed. And not to fail. But for that, you need to obey Elohim.)

Luqa (Luke) 4

Finally, in Luke 4:18, Yeshua is saying that He came to bring home Joseph. As we will see in the Abraham Accords series, He came to bring home lost Joseph.
And Judah hates that. (That is why Joseph gets the welcoming committee from Sheol.)

Luqa (Luke) 4:18

For another remez, (hint) let us look at Yochanan chapter 11 verse 54.

Yochanan (John) 11:54
54 Yeshua therefore no longer walked openly among the Jews, but went into the country near the wilderness, to a city called Ephraim, and there remained with his disciples.

(Hmm… what could that mean?)

In Yochanan 7:35 we see that the pre-Talmudic leadership said among themselves, “Where does Yeshua intend to go that we shall not find him? “Does he intend to go to the dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks?

Yochanan (John) 7:35
35 Then the Jews said among themselves, “Where does He intend to go that we shall not find Him? Does He intend to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks?”

In other words, “Does He intend to go teach the Hellenistic Jews (kind of like the reform Jews of today)?


“Is that why they wrote the Renewed Covenant in Greek, was that it was intended primarily for the dispersion, to bring back the lost Josephite and Abrahamic sparks?”


“Do you mean that twelve heroic Jews threw themselves at the base of Esav’s ladder, in the greatest hostage rescue operation of all time?”


“And their Talmudic brothers killed them, because they did not want Joseph to come home and ask for his ketonet?”


Like it or not, Ephraim separated from Esav in 5278, at the end of the 1,260 years in bondage to the papal Talmud described in Daniel 7:25.

Daniel 7:25
25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.

And we do not like to admit it, but Joseph actually owes Esav at least somewhat of a debt of gratitude, for bringing us into the Bible. And they brought Joseph in at the point of the sword, but they did teach us to read the bible. And we agree with Rabbi Breitowitz.

“The Ramban even writes that Christianity (this is a censored passage), Christianity was a useful transition to take people away from paganism. Torah is a monotheist belief in God. Even though Christianity was false and perverted and everything else, but it took people out of the paganism row.”
[Rabbi Breitowitz]

That is exactly what happened. And that was exactly the purpose of our spending time in captivity in the Roman church. And in 5278, Joseph graduated to the next stage of refinement, which was Protestantism, fulfilling Daniel 7:25. But we cannot get stuck in Protestantism, because we must come all the way home to the full Tanach.

And then from around 5760, in between the two intifadas you had the end of the Ezekiel chapter 4 verses 4-5 curses over Ephraim’s captivity, for obeying Jeroboam’s Talmud, rather than the written Torah.

Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 4:4-5
4 “Lie also on your left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it. According to the number of the days that you lie on it, you shall bear their iniquity.
5 For I have laid on you the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days; so you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.

Frankly, Ephraim is still disorganized. Long story short, it is 2-3 more generations, and 2 more big wars, and then Ephraim will be home. (Provided Judah does not carry out the Birkhat HaMinim in the meantime.) But if you carry out the death curse, how are you going to fulfill Genesis 35:11?

(Or is the plan to figure that out after the fratricide, because you have always hated Joseph for saving your lives? And the reason why is because you do not get to do what you want?)

You get to be the kingship tribe, but only if you obey Elohim!

You know, it is tough when Joseph sells all that he has, and tries to come to Jerusalem for 21 months, to try to find some way to help bring the lost tribes home, and then your rabbis threatened to burn me out of the Rova Yehudi. And then everyone lying to my face for 21 months, saying that they do not know anything about Joseph (or Ephraim) coming home, when they have made all sorts of preparations for some 200 years!

You know, lasting relationships are built on trust. Lying to Joseph does not help to bring about a Genesis 35 alliance.

B’reisheet (Genesis) 35:11
11 Also Elohim said to him: “I am Elohim Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body.”

Prayer requests

So, we will pick up again next week in Parasha Vayigash. And we will see that Judah never does really apologize. He was never really sorry. (Not really.) He was just sorry he got caught! Or how do you explain the death curse, brothers?

Please pray for the prime minister of Israel, Mister Benjamin Netanyahu, that he might stop leading his people off the cliff. And also, we ask prayers for the mighty men of the Knesset, that they might lead their people back to Elohim’s words in the Tanach, so that Joseph can come home after mystery Babylon falls.

And as always, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the eternal capital of all twelve (or thirteen) tribes. And please pray for the success of the Genesis 35 alliance.

Shabbat shalom!


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Complete List of Parashiot

1B’reisheet06-03-2024Genesis 1:1-6:8Isaiah 42:5-43:10John 1:1-18


Genesis 6:9-11:32Isaiah 54:1-55:5Luke 1:5-80
3Lech Lecha30-03-2024Genesis 12:1-17:27Isaiah 40-41Matthew 1
4Vayeira06-04-2024Genesis 18:1-22:242 Kings 4Luke 2
5Chayei Sarah13-04-2024Genesis 23:1-25:181 Kings 1Matthew 2
6Toldot20-04-2024Genesis 25:19-28:9Malachi 1-2Matthew 6
Hebrews 12
7Vayetze27-04-2024Genesis 28:10-32:2Hosea 12-14Matthew 3-4
8Vayishelach04-05-2024Genesis 32:3-36:43Hosea 11-12
Obadiah 1
John 1-2
9Vayeshev11-05-2024Genesis 37:1-40:23Amos 2-3John 2-4
10Miketz18-05-2024Genesis 41:1-44:17Zechariah 3-4Luke 4
11Vayigash25-05-2024Genesis 44:18-47:27Ezekiel 37John 5
12Vayechi01-06-2024Genesis 47:28-50:261 Kings 2Luke 4:31-5:11
13Shemote08-06-2024Exodus 1:1-6:1Isaiah  27:6-28:13, 29:22-24Luke 9 (all)
14Va’era15-06-2024Exodus 6:2-9:35Isaiah 66Matthew 12 (all)
15Bo22-06-2024Exodus 10:1-13:16Jeremiah 46Mark 3 (all)
16B’shelach29-06-2024Exodus 13:17-17:16Judges 4-5Matthew 5
17Yitro06-07-2024Exodus 18:1-20:23Isaiah 6-9Matthew 6:1-8:1
18Mishpatim13-07-2024Exodus 21:1-24:18Jeremiah 33-34John 10 (all)
19Terumah20-07-2024Exodus 25:1-27:191 Kings 5-6John 15-17 (all)
20Tetzaveh27-07-2024Exodus 27:20-30:101 Samuel 15Mark 4 – 5 (All)
21Ki Tisa03-08-2024Exodus 30:11-34:35Ezekiel 36-37 (all)Matthew 15, 23 (all)
22Vayakhel/Pekudei10-08-2024Exodus 35-40 (all)2 Kings 22-23John 14
1 John 2, 5
23Vayiqra17-08-2024Leviticus 1-5Jeremiah 7
Hosea 8
Romans 6
Hebrews 10
24Tzav24-08-2024Leviticus 6-8Malachi 3-4Matthew 25
25Shemini31-08-2024Leviticus 9-112 Samuel 6-7
Isaiah 65-66
Acts 10-11
Romans 14
26Tazria/Metzora07-09-2024Leviticus 12-152 Kings 5Matthew 17
Luke 17
27Acharei Mot *14-09-2024Leviticus 16-18Ezekiel 22Ephesians 5
28Kedoshim *21-09-2024Leviticus 19-20Amos 91 Corinthians 6
Galatians 5
29Emor28-09-2024Leviticus 21-24Ezekiel 44-45Luke 11-12
30Behar05-10-2024Leviticus 25:1-26:2Jeremiah 32Luke 13
31Bechukotai12-10-2024Leviticus 26:3 – 27:34Jeremiah 16-17Luke 14-15
32Bemidbar19-10-2024Numbers 1:1-4:20Hosea 1 – 2Luke 16-17
33Nasso26-10-2024Numbers 4:21-7:89Judges 13-15John 11
34Beha’alotcha02-11-2024Numbers 8:1-12:15Zechariah 2-4Matthew 18, John 6
35Shelach09-11-2024Numbers 13:1-15:41Joshua 1-2Matthew 10
Acts 13
36Korach16-11-2024Numbers 16-181 Samuel 11-12John 19
37Chukat23-11-2024Numbers 19:1-22:1Judges 11John 3
38Balak30-11-2024Numbers 22:2-25:92 Kings 5
Micah 5-6
39Pinchas07-12-2024Numbers 25:10-30:11 Kings 18-19
Psalms 106
1 Corinthians 10; John 2
40Mattot/Massei14-12-2024Numbers 30:2-36:13Jeremiah 1:1 – 4:2Ephesians 5-6
41Devarim21-12-2024Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22Isaiah 1Mark 13-14
42Va’etchanan28-12-2024Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11Isaiah 40Luke 21-22
43Ekev04-01-2025Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25Isaiah 49-51John 13-15


Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17Isaiah 54, 55, 56Ma’asei (Acts) 15
45Shoftim18-01-2025Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9Isaiah 51-52Acts 6, Ephesians 2, 4; 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1
46Ki Tetze25-01-2025Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19Isaiah 52:13-54:10Luke 15
47Ki Tavo01-02-2025Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8Isaiah 60Luke 22-23
48Nitzavim08-02-2025Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20Isaiah 61-63Acts 6, Ephesians 2, 4; 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1
49Vayelech15-02-2025Deuteronomy 31:1-31:30

Isaiah 55-56, Hosea 14

Micah 7, Joel 2

James 1-2 (all)
50Ha’azinu22-02-2025Deuteronomy 32:1-32:522 Samuel 22Revelations 5
51Vezot Haberakhah01-03-2025Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12 Matthew 5-7
 52Our Commission08-03-2025  Galatians 1-6
 53Month Thirteen15-03-2025  1 Timothy
Torah calendar feast dates, 7th Hebrew month, Firstfruits calendar, Moedim
First Month FeastsRosh Hashanah11-03-2024Ex.12:1-2, Num 28:11-151 Samuel 20 (all)Colossians 2:16-17
Moed Pesach25-03-2024Exodus 12-13Isaiah 45:21-25Luke 24 (all)
Moed 1 ULB


Exodus 12:15-20Ezekiel 37 (all)John 15 (all)
Moed Omer31-03-2024Lev. 23:9-16, Num. 8Matthew 28 (all)
Moed 7 ULB01-04-2024Exodus 13:3-101 Corinthians 5 (all)
Shavuot19-05-2024Deuteronomy 9:17Ruth (all)Acts 1 & 2 (all)
Seventh Month FeastsYom Teruah04 (o 05)-09-2024Leviticus 23, Numbers 10, 29Nehemiah 8Matthew 24 (all)
Yom Kippur13 (o 14)-09-2024Leviticus 16 (all), Leviticus 23, Numbers 29Jonah (all)Acts 27:9-10, Hebrews 9:7
Sukkot 118 (o 19)-09-2024Exodus 12, 33-34, (Plus Devarim in a shemittah year, the next is 2029)Ezekiel 38-39, Nehemiah 8:13-18John 7
Shemini Atzeret25 (o 26)-09-2024   

Feast Date


Torah/LawNavi’im / ProphetsBrit Chadasha

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