Chapters of Spirituality and Heart Matters:
Accepting Yahweh’s Forgiveness
“Accepting Yahweh’s Forgiveness” part 1 of the video series Spirituality and Heart Matters. People make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes can seem huge and even unforgivable. In this video we talk about the importance of receiving…
Testifying Yahweh’s Forgiveness v1
In Testifying Yahweh’s Forgiveness, we see that oftentimes people will come to the faith, be immersed, confess their sins at the time of the immersion, and think that it all ends there. Because of this, they…
When Your Spouse Does Not Believe
Many believers today find themselves in what the Bible describes as an unequally yoked marriage. In this segment of the Spirituality and Heart Matters series, we want to talk about what happens when a spouse does…
Safe With Him
Sometimes bad things happen to us in life. How can we feel safe with Him (Elohim) when past experiences are causing us fears and anxietites? How can we hear His voice when these things disrupt our…
The Torah and the Testimony
In this video, we will show the true definition of the Torah and the true definition of the Testimony, and why it is crucially important for Yahweh’s people to understand the big-picture scenario of the Torah…
Hearing Yahweh’s Voice
In The Torah and the Testimony, Spirituality and Heart Matters, we gave a very important teaching in preparation for this, even more important teaching on, Hearing Yahweh’s Voice. The reason that hearing Yahweh’s voice is so…
The Two Types of Prophecy
This video talks about the importance of hearing Yahweh’s voice in relation to the two different types of prophecy. We will see how, while one of the two types of prophecy is rare, the other type…
Awake You Who Sleep!
AWAKE You Who Sleep! is a “wake up call” which shows how Yeshua expects His people to wake up out of their spiritual slumber, and to work together to build Him a single ministry worldwide, based…
Prophecy and Bodily Unity
“Prophey and Bodily Unity” is the ninth segment of the video series Spirituality and Heart Matters. What is the gift of prophecy? How do we prophesy? Why is it the gift of prophecy so important? In…
Spirit & Truth: Hearing Yahweh’s Voice v1
Hearing Yahweh’s Voice is a very important study, because all of Israel is commanded to “obey Yahweh’s voice”. We cannot obey Yahweh’s voice if we cannot even hear it. This study gives Scriptural proofs of why…
Yahweh’s Heart in Marriage (and Covenant Relationships)
For the full study on marriage and divorce, please go to the Nazarene Israel website, Studies tab, scroll down to the Covenant Relationships study, and then see the study, “Yahweh’s Heart in Marriage.”
Chapter of:
Spirituality and Heart Matters
Nazarene Israel