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Where is the Equinox Commanded?

“Where is the Equinox Commanded” is the fifth segment of the video series Establishing the Head of the Year.  In this series, we discuss the different calendars that exist today, how to correctly declare the head of the Hebrew Year scripturally, and why the Jewish, Karaite, Messianic, and Equinox calendars all have errors (and cannot be the true, original calendar given in the Torah of Moshe). In this segment, we focus on the topic of beginning the Hebrew year with the spring equinox and the serious error of following the equinox calendar.

What is the equinox (equilux)?

As the earth orbits the sun there comes a point in time in the northern hemisphere (where the land of Israel is) when the days are longer, and more light strikes the earth (summer solstice). And then six months later (because the tilt is away from the sun in the northern hemisphere) the days are shorter. This becomes known as the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.

As the days become longer on one side of the hemisphere and shorter on the other, there comes a point in time when the day and the night are about equal in length. And that is what is known as the equinox (or equilux). The term equinox means equal night, meaning the night is the same length as the day, and the term equilux is the same thing but in reverse. That is when the light is the same length as the night, same thing different terminology.

So, the equinox and the equilux are when the day and the night are of equal length, and in the northern hemisphere where the land of Israel is, this takes place each spring around March 20th and 21st. That is when the day and the night are around equal length. And it happens again incidentally in the fall six months later around September 22nd and 23rd.

The equinox not found in Scripture

What we need to understand is that Moshe did not know what the equinoxes were, and neither of the terms solstice nor equinox appear anywhere in Scripture, (nor is there a functional definition of the equinoxes in Scripture). In fact, Scripture bases the calendar only off the ripening of the barley and the new moon in the land of Israel. That is the only factor.

The problem with observing the equinox

Why do so many believers in Yeshua who want to keep the Ancient Torah Barley Calendar seem to unwittingly incorporate the spring equinox into their calendar observance? Have they been tricked? Have they perhaps been taught wrong? And are you perhaps one of them?

In this video, we will explain the problem with believers observing the equinox. And why doing so means that many Karaites and Messianic believers are unwittingly practicing sun worship by “waiting for spring” before keeping the Passover, even when the barley is aviv (medium dough), as “waiting for spring” or “waiting for the Spring Equinox” is not commanded anywhere in Scripture.

And how if we try to add any other factor (for example the equinoxes or the solstices) Yahweh considers it pagan observance. (These are the kinds of things that witches do. It is pagan to do anything that Yahweh does not say to do, he does not respect it.)

Worthship and service

We will also explain the meaning of worthship (worship) and service, why what we do and what we place our focus upon matters to Yahweh, and much more about the equinox calendar.

For more information, please refer to “The Equinox error” in Nazarene Scripture Studies volume Two.

Notes: Version 1.1, removes a Talmud commentary that we thought was a Talmud quotation.)
After the making of this video, it was revealed that the equinox was discovered even earlier, by the Babylonian astronomer Kidinnu circa 379 BCE, thus antedating Hipparchus by about two and one-half centuries. However, the point is that the equinox was discovered by the Babylonians and the Greeks (who are all a part of the Babylonian system). And that the equinox has nothing to do with the Torah of Moshe.

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