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Welcome to Sukkot Aleph 5784 (2024): “The Time of Our Joy” Happy feast time!

Sukkot Aleph 5784 (2024): explains how Sukkot represents the Millenium when Yeshua and His set-apart bride live together forever! It explains the significance of “tabernacle”, how some Scripture translations cause the error of thinking the feasts no longer apply, and why it Yeshua’s bride must keep His Father’s feasts.

Chag Sukkot Aleph 5784 prayer

Dear Yahweh, thank You for choosing us to refine ourselves as Your bride, by Your Torah, when we did not even know You. Please help both houses to turn away from the things we want, and our egos, that we might choose that in which You and Your Son delight. Please help us to become good brides for Your Son, for when He comes to take us to where You are.
In Yeshua’s name, amein.

Main topics discussed in this study:

Please join us as we discuss the following topics in Chag Sukkot Aleph 4784.

Translations, mistranslations, and Shaliach Shaul

We will take a look at each of these Scripture passages and we will see why, while many translations of Scripture sound like the appointed days no longer apply, the opposite is actually true.

Colossians 2:16-17 NIV
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

Colossians 2:16-17 KJV
16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat,
or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come;
but the body is of Christ.

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 4:2
2 “You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of Yahweh your Elohim, which I command you.”

A. Let no man therefore judge you in meat,
or in drink, or in respect of an holyday,
or of the new moon, or of the sabbath:
B. (Which are a shadow of things to come);
C. but the body of Christ.

Colossians 2:16-17 CLAUSES RE-ORDERED
A1. Let no man
C. But the body of Messiah
A2. therefore judge you in meat,
or in drink, or in respect of an holyday,
or of the new moon, or of the sabbath:
B. (Which are a shadow of things to come).

Symbolism in the feasts

We will review the important symbolism in the feasts of Yahweh and how each of the seventh month feasts correspond to the ancient Hebrew Wedding ceremony, and to Yeshua’s bride.

Feasts of the First Month
We leave our old “father” HaSatan’s house. We marry into Elohim’s family, and promise to learn and do ALL His ways. Then we work on our wedding garment (by helping to build Yeshua’s unified fivefold kingdom). We also make oil for our lamps (Spirit). We prepare for the wedding by learning to conform ourselves to HIS desires.

Yom Teruah
The Groom sends His messenger to announce with shofar blasts that He is coming for His bride.

Yom Kippur
The Groom comes for His bride (around midnight in tradition). There may be war. She is carried aloft to her new home in the Father’s house.

Consummation and the Wedding Week. The bride learns how to fit in with the Father’s family and court. Symbolic of life in the millennium, married to Elohim.

Shemini Atzeret
Stretching out the honeymoon week.

Decorating our Sukkah

We will talk about how we are to decorate our sukkah on the first day of Sukkot.

Vayiqra (Leviticus) 23:40
40 “And you shall take for yourselves on the first day:
the fruit of beautiful trees,
branches of palm trees,
the boughs of leafy trees,
and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before Yahweh your Elohim for seven days.”

Nehemiah 8:15 lists:
olive branches,
branches of oil trees,
myrtle branches,
palm branches, and
branches of leafy trees.

Tabernacle of David

Finally, we will also see how the Feast of Tabernacles (Chag Sukkot) corresponds with prophecy and the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David, and what this means for ‘the remnant of Edom [Adam]’ and returning Ephraimite Gentiles.

Amos 9:11-12
11  “On that day I will raise up The tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, And repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, And rebuild it as in the days of old;
12  “That they may possess the remnant of Edom [Adam], And all the [Returning Ephraimite] Gentiles who are called by My name,” Says Yahweh who does this thing.

Ma’asei (Acts) 15:16-17 (Quoting Amos 9:11-12)
16  “‘After this I will return and will rebuild the Tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up;
17  “‘So that the rest of mankind [Adam, Edom] may seek Yahweh, even all the [returning Ephraimite] Gentiles who are called by My name,”
says Yahweh who does all these things.’”

Please join us for this and more. And if this and other studies have blessed you in your walk with Elohim, and you would like to contribute toward the work of building Yeshua HaMashiach’s kingdom, please consider supporting through one of the links below. We thank Yahweh Elohim for your love for His kingdom.



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