Shabbat shalom, Nazarene Israelites.
a. Shavuot count 5784 (2024)
4 May 5784 (2024), beginning evening 3 May 5784, is the 5th Sabbath in the count of 7 Shabbatot and the 50-day count from Yom HaNafat HaOmer up to Shavuot (Pentecost).
Shabbat shalom!
b. Ministry annoucements!
We are continuing work on the documentary. So far, everything is going well! (Baruch Yahweh!) Please continue praying for the editing process. And that Elohim will bless the message to where it reaches brother Judah in a positive, fruitful way.
We also want to share a new direction that Elohim revealed to us for the weekly parashiot! Norman feels that we are being led to orient the weekly parashiot to the kingship tribe of Judah. And, because Parasha Vayishelach is the perfect parasha to start this new direction, this week’s Parasha will begin the PM Parasha series! (We are very excited for this new direction, and hope that both houses will be blessed by this new series!)
a. PM Parasha Vayishelach 5784 (2024)
This week begins our PM Parasha series, where we will be discussing biblical insights beneficial to the kingship tribe (Judah) and those in lead role positions.
In PM Parasha Vayishelech 5784 (2024) we will read B’reisheet (Genesis) 32:3-36:43, Hoshea (Hosea) 11-12, Ovadiah (Obadiah), and Yochanan Aleph (1 John) 1-2. We will see when the Two Houses are first discussed in Scripture, Yahweh’s plan to reunite the house of Judah and the house of Joseph (Israel) in the end times, and what must happen in order for this unification to take place.
Please join us as we begin our new series to the kingship tribe, and please pray for the message to reach our brother Judah with a receptive heart!
b. Previous Studies:
Previous parashiot videos
Video Studies
Video Shorts
Book Studies
c. Beit Sefer Children’s Publications (Home Page):
(To receive activities in Spanish, please sign up for the Spanish newsletter.)
Parasha activities
Tanach activities
Brit Chadasha activities
Hebrew Lessons
a. New Moon 3rd Hebrew month: 9 May 2024
The new moon of the third Hebrew month is expected to be seen on 9 May 2024. The date will be confirmed upon the official sighting (or by the 30-day default). Please remain attentive for updates.
Note: 11 March 2024 was the confirmed declaration of Rosh HaShanah (the beginning of the Hebrew year). For more details, please visit Torah Calendar News 2024.
b. Upcoming Discipleship Meetings:
All meetings are at 8 AM Colombian time (always UTC-5, but watch your Daylight Savings Time adjustments). The Discipleship Meeting is a discussion between disciples. It is generally 1-hour long but may run longer depending on how the Spirit leads. For more on NI’s description of discipleship, please see NI’s Discipleship program.
10 May 2024- New moon meeting (expected)
19 May 2024- Shavuot (Pentecost)
Note: If the monthly Discipleship Meeting coincides with the weekly Shabbat Meeting, the Shabbat Meeting will take precedence, and new moon discussion will be combined with the Shabbat meeting. However, in the case of a Feast Day Meeting coinciding with a Shabbat meeting, the Feast Day Meeting will take precedence.
c. Torah Calender News Updates.
Below is the updated feast schedule for 5784-5785 (2024). Rosh HaShanah and the first month feast dates are confirmed. Seventh month feast dates are “expected dates“. These dates may change by a day or two, depending on when the new moon day of the 7th month (September 2024) is confirmed.
d. Why the FirstFruits Torah Calendar?
Every year we receive questions about the Firstfruits Torah calendar and why it differs from Karaite, Jewish, and Messianic, and Equinox calendars. The different calendars that exist can (and do) cause a lot of confusion. But if we follow Scripture without adding or taking away from Yahweh’s word, we see that there are significant errors in the Karaite, Jewish, Messianic, and Equinox calendars.
We explain these errors in the following studies, as well as why it is important to follow the true Firstfruits Torah calendar in order to observe Yahweh’s feasts at His appointed times only.
I encourage you to check the news each week, to follow the trends of the four horses. Also, if you have never gone through the permanent links, we urge you to read them. Click here to read the Nazarene Revelation News on the website. (You must be logged in to view.)
The purpose of the Revelation News is to show that the Revelation Timeline is correct (as explained in the study, Revelation and the End Times.) Links on the news page are for the sole purpose of giving updates pertinent to the Revelation news timeline. Nazarene Israel does not necessarily support doctrine shared in outside news sources.
Everything is still 100% on track according to the Revelation Timeline in Revelation and the End Times!