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My name is Herta Vidal. I was born in Valdivia, Chile, into a non-practicing Catholic family. My first encounter with the Word of Yahweh was in catechism classes in a local parish where I was taught about the Bible, the salvation of Jesus and the importance of believing in and worshipping the “saints” (Virgin Mary, Carmen, etc.), however, what I remember most from that period was my need to put into practice everything I learned in each class even when the other children didn’t seem to care. I didn’t understand why the others didn’t care, but for me it was fundamental to practice everything I had learned, such as being generous, never answering evil for evil, helping others, being obedient to parents, not lying, not stealing, etc. In the end, I never finished these studies or made my “first communion” because my parents never took me to classes again, for reasons I don’t know.

As I grew older, I forgot all these teachings and as I became a teenager, influenced by bad “friendships”, I began to drift further and further away from the Father to the point of not only denying His existence but getting involved with music and social movements that directly offended Yahweh in every way possible. Basically, I was totally on Satan’s team. It was then that a high school classmate approached me, and after striking up a relative friendship, spoke to me about “Jesus” (Yeshua) in such a way that all my insides were moved, and I felt completely broken inside. It was then that she gave me a letter with a prayer that I was to pray when I was sure to accept Yeshua into my heart and let Him direct my life. And that’s when my spiritual struggle began, a very strong struggle, it was like two voices shouting in my head constantly: God doesn’t exist! God does exist and He loves you! Until finally, after a few months, I decided to leave behind everything that surrounded me, all the darkness, everything that dirtied the name of Yahweh and I started to get closer to the light, again. I started attending an evangelical Christian church in 2006, where I stayed for 9 years until, together with my husband, we were called to the original faith in 2014. It was then that we realized that the Christian faith was not able to answer all our doubts and that it lacked the main biblical foundation, the Torah.

Since then, we were looking for a community to stay with, and NAZARENE ISRAEL was the only ministry that shared the fundamental biblical truth without additions or doctrines foreign to the commandments of Yahweh.

Since 2015, we joined as a family to NAZARENE ISRAEL, collaborating with the Kingdom of Yeshua in different ways, being my main work as a proofreader and translator into Spanish and collaborator in the creation of biblical material for children.

I thank my Father Yahweh for His mercy and for bringing us into His truth and giving us the opportunity to collaborate in His kingdom.

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