Shalom, my name is Richard Castillo.
I am a servant of Father Yahweh and his son Yeshua our Messiah, for his great mercy and favor towards me and my family. My knowledge of the scriptures began in a Christian church in Pasto Colombia, I had never even known anything about the scriptures before, but in a small Christian church, my walk in faith began, at first reading the scriptures seemed somewhat confusing but also fascinating, but each time I delved into reading and studying the Bible, my interest in the Father grew more and more. My life before, was like most people, full of vain things and excesses, I was also empty and very uncertain of what my life would be like in the following years, without a doubt my entry into the Christian church had changed my life, since there I had known at least what would be the beginning of the path of faith, there I met many good friends and also the one who is now my wife Jenny Fuertes, with her we lived many stumbles, but also many advances in faith, together with her we were advancing more and more in the knowledge of the scriptures and the fear of Yahweh, we were visiting many Christian churches, we went through Trinitarian, charismatic and even Pentecostal churches, but we felt that many things did not fit; really I was a very uncommitted Christian, but I wanted to give a good quality of life to my wife and my children; Joel, Valentina and Anabel, I wanted Yahweh to fulfill all my requests and even all my whims, but to be honest I did not want any serious commitment to Yahweh, just attend Sunday service, but everything changed in the year 2019 when we had to stay locked up at home for a long time, given the circumstances of that particular year, my family and I were very uncertain, afraid and depressed and that was when we could not attend the Christian church, because at that time it was temporarily closed, so we decided to take the Bible studies on our own and in more depth, researching and searching the Bible like never before and many doubts arose; The first of the questions we had was; If the Bible talks so much about the Sabbath day “Shabbat” and if it is a very important commandment given by Yahweh himself, why don’t we obey it? And why do we eat foods prohibited by Yahweh in the scriptures? And why do we keep feasts like Christmas and birthdays and not keep the feasts commanded in the scriptures? And also why are Paul’s letters so misinterpreted? And many other questions; All this led us to think that the Christian church was a good place to begin the path of faith, but it was definitely not the best place to end it in this life, so we decided to abandon Christianity and through my great friend and brother, Oscar Obando, we met Nazarene Israel and its founder, our brother Norman Willis. Here we learned a clean doctrine that teaches us to give up only seeking our own well-being and success in our lives, but to deny ourselves and dedicate our lives to the service of the kingdom of Yeshua and also that in true faith, we not only have rights, but also duties to our heavenly Father and that Yeshua did not come to invalidate the commandments of His Father, but to teach us that obedience with love is the best example of service and humility that we can give to Yahweh, our Father in heaven.