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NI Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunities are for those who would like to help Nazarene Israel build Yeshua’s kingdom the way He wants it. Yahweh wants to see who is willing to offer their minas (saved lives) back to Him, and who is placing His kingdom first in their lives (Matthew 6:33). Serving Him means walking a narrow and afflicted path, and making a commitment in a self-sacrificial way. But His rewards for those who truly love Him (with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength) are beyond our imagination.

If you would like to join the mission goal of making committed disciples of the Original Faith of all nations, and helping to build His kingdom that He wants, we would like to invite you to view our volunteer opportunities below. If you are interested in these or another way to help, please contact us at: contact@nazareneisrael.org. You may also click “support” to offer financial support.

Volunteer opportunities

Beit Sefer children’s activities 

The Beit Sefer children’s program is important for raising up the next generation in the way that is right. We currently have a small team making children’s activities each week, to help our young ones learn the Torah, Haftarah (Prophets), and Brit Chadasha (New Testament), and to learn to walk in Elohim’s ways from a young start. And not only do the children learn in a fun way, but the parents usually have fun making the activities, too!

This role has a variety of opportunities and skill levels. It is helpful if the volunteer has a personal computer. However, opportunities may also exist for drawing images, creating puzzle activities, etc. If interested in this fun opportunity, please contact us via email for further information. Requirements include:

  • Professional, doctrinally clean images with Adobe Illustrator (preferred), or another illustration tool.
  • Knowledge of NI doctrine (for images/terms).
  • Proficient grammar and spelling skills.
  • Help needed for either English or Spanish activities.
  • For other languages (Hebrew, German, Chinese, etc.), please contact us.

English transcript editor (doctrinal studies) -currently unavailable

Helping with study transcripts is a great way to help NI reach more people globally, with the Original Faith, and to also continue personal learning in the doctrine. It can be a fun role for those who enjoy writing, but also takes a long-term commitment to helping the global mission. If interested in this role, please contact for more details and training. Requirements for this role include:

  • Proficient grammar and spelling skills (English)
  • Basic computer skills (Microsoft Word)
  • Personal equipment (basic)
  • Due to the amount of training involved, a long-term commitment if required for this role.

English-speaking DaVinci Resolve editors:

Nazarene Israel produces weekly videos in multiple languages (currently, English and Spanish/Portuguese), including parashiot studies, doctrinal studies, documentary studies, and the occasional short video studies. These studies require hours of video editing (and more than one video editor each week). Limited resources often means limiting the amount of video editing to what time and manual labor allows. If you enjoy video editing, and would like to use your skills for Elohim’s kingdom, please contact us via email for further details. Requirements include:

  • Experience with DaVinci Resolve Editor
  • Knowledge of NI doctrine (terms/images)
  • Due to publishing schedules, a genuine commitment is necessary for this role.

Voice-over and/or translation work for any language:

Voice-over work and/or translation work in any language is helpful for furthering the Original Faith doctrine globally. This is a great way to help further the work and to continue personal learning in the doctrine. For more details, please contact us via our email. Requirements in this role include:

  • Doctrinal accuracy (necessary for voice-over work).
  • Accurate translation of NI doctrine from the parent language into the translated language (necessary for translation work).
  • Some personal equipment may also be necessary.

Scripture-based worship songs:

Worship music is a fun volunteer option for musically creative Nazarenes. This leaves a lot of room for creativity. Requirements for this opportunity are as follows:

  • Nazarene Israel free-use of songs offered
  • Lyrics must be doctrinally clean in accordance with NI doctrine.
    (For example, using the Set-Apart names “Yahweh” or “Yeshua” (or “Elohim”), no use of pagan terms (lord, adoni, god, holy, etc.)
  • Any genre of music is acceptable as long as it is clean and of the Spirit.
  • (Hebrew lyrics are a plus!)

Other opportunities

Share with your friends/family

If Nazarene Israel has benefited you and your family, please consider sharing the studies with others so that they may also be blessed with Yahweh’s truths. “Liking” or “sharing” NI videos helps with online algorithms, and sharing the Nazarene Israel website may help to reach someone searching for the truth.

Spiritual gifts

If you have another spiritual gift that you would like to offer in service to Elohim, please reach us at the given email. We list the most needed roles on this volunteer page. However, we are happy to consider other giftings that may benefit Yahweh’s kingdom in accordance to NI doctrine.

Support the work

If Nazarene Israel studies have blessed you and your loved ones, please consider supporting the kingdom work with your tithes, a financial gift offering, or your prayers. For your convenience, you may click one of the links below to offer support toward the kingdom work. We thank Elohim for your prayers and support.


Support the Great Commission on PayPal
Support the Great Commission on Patreon
We thank Yahweh Elohim for your love for His kingdom.

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